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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 15 KB, 313x161, buy_NEO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3619479 No.3619479 [Reply] [Original]

For all the cucks who don't have NEO still, how do you not kill yourself every day? Please discuss your strategies here.

>> No.3619743

I don't have NEO because I bought ETH at $5.

NEO is chinese ethereum yet chinese banned it.

Enjoy your bags loser

>> No.3619745
File: 117 KB, 856x704, images.duckduckgo-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These Neo hodlers are deranged men

No other coin causes such vitriol, anger and delusion than NEO, a coin handcrafted for the contrarian habitant.

To hodl neo is to be deranged, and their day will surely come

>> No.3619759
File: 45 KB, 640x480, trump_it_up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

our day will come, of course

our day of glory. of victory. of WINNING

>> No.3619793

I've watched my bags of neo go down from $43 to $17.

>> No.3619855

Remeber than 60% drop a couple months a go?
How did you not kill yourself, how can u not realise you're buying bags off chinks who will no longer be able to pump neo, it's going to be dead in a couple months after traders realise that without being "the Chinese ETH" neo is worthless. I'm not sad I made more profit getting out early than u will ever make staying.
I got off when my lord the money skelly told me to because I understood neo was nothing but a pump and dump crypto.
It will never teach these levels again it will pump then sink a bit lower than last time, pump a bit and sink even lower then it will commence a downward spiral and you will come here and post pink wojaks, don't say we didn't warn you.

>> No.3619880

delusional brainlet cope strategy, a new one

>> No.3619887

lol cope

>> No.3619890

I sold but missed the dip because I was at work.

Made a shitload today though so cam't complain.

>> No.3619904

>50$ bagholders finally thrown a bone
Congrats on better bags

>> No.3619910

selling 13 NEOs is not a shitload

>> No.3619913

reeeeeeeeeeee stop posting the same thread over and over again

>> No.3619923

TIL everyone bought ETH <$10

>> No.3619927

This. They're the worst people on this board. Makes me ashamed to be holding NEO.

>> No.3619933

What you guessed last time and what you guessed this time, together, is what I sold.

I made more of WTC but everything was green today

>> No.3619943

Want to know how I know these eth faggots are scared? Just look at how defensive they get on here. They can only site easily debunked information and whine about neos correction that literally every crypto has. Pathetic.

>> No.3619956

i know right. eth fags soooo triggered every time NEO has a good day, lmao

>> No.3619992

Leave it to /biz/ retards to come brag about a coin that lost more than 50% of its value in a month and is banned in the country it was created for.

>> No.3619998

Prime example

>> No.3620143

why would i want to buy a chink coin?
the west invents shit, china copies it. never the other way around.

>> No.3620162

A racial stereotype, wow, you must really not like money. No, NEO did not copy anything. NEO is also a better platform than ethereum. Kys

>> No.3620436

I didn't start until June. JUST.

>> No.3620442

NEO price prediction?

>> No.3620470

Everything is going up.

>> No.3620499 [DELETED] 

I'm holding 1501 NEO. I've made roughly 20 GAS since transferring to a wallet in mid August. Should I continue to hold this GAS or try and sell it to by more NEO. Legit question.

I know NEO is ultimately more valuable as it is a share compared to what the smart platform runs on, but is it worth selling the GAS now?

>> No.3620870

Who the fuck is this kid? I see her all over this site

>> No.3620907

enjoy your chinese ethereum rip-off scam shitcoin