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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3605563 No.3605563 [Reply] [Original]

It's dead. Stop talking about it. Stop asking about it. The SEC fucked it to death and left its corpse to rot.

>> No.3605578

literally no volume. fuck this. where do i go

>> No.3605587

>you were there for the spring/summer of bittrex
>you only made 500x when you could've made 100,000x if you HODL'd through the spikes of march-may

>> No.3605596


>> No.3605608
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>tfw only up 2500%

>> No.3605609

Who cares? There are plenty of legit exchanges.

>> No.3605618

Bittrex isn't a good exchange? What do you guys use?

>> No.3605635

Like what?

>> No.3605641

>Who cares?
Every Pajeet on this miserable board.

>> No.3605645


We use bittrex.

>> No.3605647

The hell are you talking about?

>> No.3605662

Still using Bittrex

ETH volume dropped 2% since July, BTC has risen 1.5%.

The fuck ya'll talking about?

>> No.3605673
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I like binance guise follow me

>> No.3605674

... bittrex is still up. Is this some mtgox-roleplaying thread?

>> No.3605680

yobit of course

>> No.3605683
File: 44 KB, 310x290, ihnm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For new coins I primarily watch bitcointalk and coingarden like a hawk for new project or newish underlooked projects. I've become an expert at discerning a scam and knowing what is and isn't going to be worth something long term. You have to remember a coin will ALWAYS be priced according to how many coins there are. meaning; if a coin has over 100 million in circulation at the start of a move, then I can guarantee it won't be able to sustain it. I use bitcoin's 21 million maximum coins as a rule of thumb for gauging a coin's ultimate price destiny. SOME low-cost hsitcoins with lots of coins are VERY viable, but you have to know what to look for so you're not bagholding some trash like kidscoin compared to something like let's say inflationcoin.

If you want to know more about my way to filter through the trash of this market you better make it worth my while.

examples of coins I shilled here before they got big were (just on bittrex)

Months and months ago. eventually I stopped trying to tell /biz/ about coins because none of you retards ever listened and usually shilled AGAINST the coins causing them to go down short-term so I just said fuck it all

>> No.3605689

So far no one has suggested a good alternative. What has a lot of coins and big volume? We all going back to Polo?

>> No.3605690

We want new coins added

>> No.3605716
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For exchanges I now use

Because combined they manage to get most coins that are new and promising if I happen to overlook them on BCT. It takes an incredible amount of detail-memoriy to remember all these coins and keep their shit stories straight. I'm tuned for it thanks to video games like DF and victoria.

>> No.3605728

Switched back to polo. Bittrex ist dead now.

>> No.3605731
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you're gonna make it

>> No.3605739

Seriously GTFO

>> No.3605740
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or just keep using bittrex because it is in fact still up

>> No.3605747
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>> No.3605797

I guess it's just the lack of adding new coins that bothers me. Hate having to sign up for other exchanges just because Bittrex is having whatever issues. At the very least, an update as to why they haven't added anything since July (I'm not counting BCC) would be nice.

>> No.3605806

Looks like Someone is running an anti-Bittrex campaign, the larp thread the other night about Bittrex getting hacked.

Probably rival exchange owners trying to boost volume on their shitcoin exchanges. Bittrex is still a good exchange. This post is just FUD psyops

>> No.3605870
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>> No.3605883

These are the best suggestions they could come up with, exchanges that are about to disappear. It's kinda sad.

>> No.3605921
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Saved and joined, thank you very much. Kind of just getting into crypto about a month ago.. I look forward to using and learning these platforms.

Victoria like from Paradox?

What game is DF?

>> No.3606411

They haven't added a new coin since fucking July. Why in the fuck? pulled out all my funds, fuck 'm.

>> No.3606445

Etherdelta is the only one I don't hit because I don't want to fatfinger a fucked up trade.

I trade on the rest and I am leaving Bittrex because they don't add shit.

>> No.3606448

liqui.io is the new king

>> No.3606461

yall need to stop giving me a heart attack like this

>> No.3606471

Bumping this for newfriends who can't recognize FUD

>> No.3606490
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>haven't added a new coin since fucking July

>> No.3606514


Derp. Every shitcoin moons once in a while.

>> No.3606537
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and did you shill for them on 4chan /biz/ before they did so people accumulated?

Oh wait, you probably didn't even listen when I shilled bitbean yet pretend like you've made shit on ETH the last few months praying for an ICO to double

Here's a free hint on the next coin you're going to kill yourself over missing once it's 1000 sat.

>> No.3606564

why bother even trying to fud an exchange? if you're dumb enough to keep your coins on the exchange then it's on you.

>> No.3606575

Yes because the SEC obfuscated the laws. Bittrex /is/ good because it's not operating in a grey area. It's a shitty period but until ICO laws are figured out this is the best option there is. Anything else is either a scam or legally ambiguous

>> No.3606584

There is not wallet for LINK and KNC

what you on about

>> No.3606597

they're ethereum tokens idiot.

>> No.3606632
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>There is not wallet for LINK and KNC

>> No.3606639
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>> No.3606654

All of those are horrible exchanges

>> No.3606683


>> No.3606684

No they're not tokens, I bought it on EtherDelta, not from the token bar! But on


>> No.3606716

>Guys, I was only pretending to be retarded.

>> No.3606757

What the fuck are you on about? I'm just saying that in chainlinks case I HAVE TO keep my LINKs in exchange, right?

>> No.3606785

It's the fact that you're saying stuff so retarded we can't even decipher how many levels of satire you're on

>> No.3606832

I'm new to this I literally started with 180 USD to trade. After lurking for a while I decided to split them on LINK and Kyber. I know about Bitcoins and crypto. But this Etherium stuff is new to me, I remember when ETH was on 4 USD.

If you could catch me up to speed with everything going on with ETH, Blockchain etc I would really appreciate it. Or at least send me somewhere where I could read up on it myself!

>> No.3606906

lmao...it kind of amazes me that you managed to buy something on etherdelta. anyway, just use myetherwallet to store the tokens.

>> No.3606928

>scrambled cuck

>> No.3606972

This. Erc20 or whatever tokens can be stored at the same ETH address.

I think it might be safer for you to keep them on etherdelta, and I hope your browser doesnt forget the account

>> No.3606986

No I have saved it on my facebook

>> No.3607008
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a few months ago it was the "omg I had 2fa on and somebody hacked my account, it's a bittrex insider who targets accounts that have 1000 to 10000 dollars", now it is "omg SEC will close down bittrex everybody bail now"

It's the most autistic fud on /biz/ (and bitcoin talk), and I don't understand why. Fudding a coin to buy low is understandable, but why fud an exchange ?

>> No.3607018

There's a bigger game being played, Outside of blockchains and coins. pump and dumps and memecoins

>> No.3607029

Well if you have your two keys saved you can enter them into any ethereum wallet like myetherwallet and it finds the balances on the network. You just have to withdraw the LINK from the exchange to the wallet side

>> No.3607313

No one wants to pay the fees and go through all the red tape to get listed on bittrex. Especially now that volume is decreasing and every other exchange is getting new coins people want to buy. Why would anyone want to pay to have their shit listed on a dying site when they can just get it somewhere else? There is nothing to gain from fudding an exchange, I'm just telling you how it is.

>> No.3607333


runs anti bittrex thread. provides no alternatives.

>> No.3607447

post yesterday that they bought 8000 link for 20eth...

>> No.3607739
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>doesn't use brain
>doesnt know how to find out where to buy coins

>> No.3607764

For a dead exchange I sure did make a lot of money on it during the NEOS drop and subsequent bounce today. A lot of money.

>> No.3607772

You can get a lot of meat off of a corpse, but that doesn't mean it isn't dead.

>> No.3607778

Dang. Mic drop.

>> No.3607792

Hi, I'm a newfag from 2018.

What's Bittrex? I only know about Blocknet.

>> No.3607794

All this bittrex FUD, it seems like there's a new OP every day.

This hs to e funded by a competing exchange probably under Jewish influence I'm thinking ((((bitfinex))))

>> No.3607917

So, bittrex is dead because... no new coins right now? I'd rather take that then having the chance of my money taken on liquio which is far more shifty than bittrex or polo who has zero tech competence.

hitbtc were known as scammers in the past but i havent heard anything lately... so bet on them having cleaned up their act?

>> No.3607926

Keep playing Bittrex dice with PnD shitcoins all you want, /pol/. I don't give a shit. I'm just tired of hearing faggots asking when something is going to get added when it's clear that no one wants to go through the trouble to have it listed there anymore.

>> No.3608415

bittrex is fine.. what the fuck is this thread?

>> No.3609194

Dwarf fortress


>> No.3609205

>muh /pol/

Fuck off nigger lover.

>> No.3609686

>I've become an expert at discerning a scam
>examples of coins I shilled

....buying every pump & dump early doesn't make you an expert

>> No.3609723

Thanks. Tell me which coins you shilled here before they went up 10x+

>> No.3609768

i don't care to sniff cesspools for hints of a new pump coming out. I'm glad it worked out for you its just too much effort and risk for me.
I ignored crypto for years until I saw ETH mooning. I got 500% & 300% out of BTC & ETH but it doesn't make me a genius.
I've been trading for so long I can spot idiots who think they're geniuses by getting lucky in a hot new market.

>> No.3609775

Good retort you brain dead faggot.

>> No.3609784

you did the most basic quant 101 work and think you're special. Good on you scrub

>> No.3609809

Absolute subhuman filth lmfao

>> No.3609815
File: 71 KB, 320x320, darkmattercoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound pretty mad about bagholding ETH during the biggest bullrun of altcoin history the last six months because you think you know better than people like me who do this 24/7 to much gain. there's a reason I don't give retarded cucks like you advice because you're too stupid to get past your own ego.

Here's the next 100x coin you won't miss out on. I feel generous. It's already up 5x today, but it's an easy 1000 sat coin.

But, knowing how you're a butthurt little bitch, you'll probably discard my advice as not worth an investment because you trade with emotion instead of studying what makes a cryptocurrency a cryproCURRENCY

>> No.3609908

>studying what makes a cryptocurrency a cryproCURRENCY
you mean what makes a pnd a pnd?

here's what makes a pnd:
>flashy page
>technical details that are irrelevant or not unique to the coin
>solves a problem no one has
>doesn't do any better than any of the top 10 coins in any technical aspect
>only bought by speculators

you found a way to measure hype, not currency properties. The only people buying into dark matter coin are those trying not to be the last bag holder

>> No.3609923

>everything that goes up is a pump
>everything that goes down is a dump

Grow up and stop using wannabe day trader words to describe market movements.

>> No.3609953

yeah... not what I said at all. Congrats on not even having basic English comprehension

>> No.3609963

>every coin that goes up is a pump and dump

You need mental help.

>> No.3610395

>if a coin has over 100 million in circulation at the start of a move, then I can guarantee it won't be able to sustain it.

You won the most retarded message of the day.
How many coins are in circulation has NO FUCKING importance, it's the typical noob mistake, what matters is the market and the percentage of coins held by the team.
Seeing the dogshit coins you listed though I think it's just bait.

>> No.3610428

Alright you stupid faggot I'm gonna give you a really simple question. these two coins have the same tech, the same team, the same future, the same currency, the same everything. but
>one has a total coin cap of 21 million
>the other has a cap of 21 billion

Which will be worth more long-term?

>> No.3610683
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Indeed you are retarded, I will try to cure your stupidity at least partially.

Now use your finger to read what will follow:
- the only parameters which matter financially are:
>total market capitalization (the value of all coins in circulation added together)
>the ratio of circulation supply/max supply
>the block halving/inflation rate over a period

The number of coins doesn't matter because the unit you define as a coin is a totally arbitrary coma you put on a series of numbers.
Take the bitcoin, right now the minimal amount you can display is a satoshi which is 0.00000001 ฿ but with an update you can choose to display even more little numbers.

Satoshi explained it:
>Eventually at most only 21 million coins for 6.8 billion people in the world if it really gets huge.
>But don't worry, there are another 6 decimal places that aren't shown, for a total of 8 decimal places internally. It shows 1.00 but internally it's 1.00000000. If there's massive deflation in the future, the software could show more decimal places.
>If it gets tiresome working with small numbers, we could change where the display shows the decimal point. Same amount of money, just different convention for where the ","'s and "."'s go. e.g. moving the decimal place 3 places would mean if you had 1.00000 before, now it shows it as 1,000.00.


>> No.3611345

wtf is this? ingress?

>> No.3611798

lmfao, Bittrex is the only legitimate, trustworthy exchange other than binance. go neck yourself autist

>> No.3611851


Did I miss something important at work? What happened to Bittrex? It's still working for me.

>> No.3611881

How? They plan to release in early 2145 when the sole dev's anon grandson finishes it

>> No.3612194

>lmfao, Bittrex is the only legitimate, trustworthy exchange other than binance. go neck yourself autist

OK I'm on trex too but why don't they add any decent alt? EXPLAIN.

Also their recent 2FA + email confirm login is ultra annoying.

>> No.3612670
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Mfw I have no face.
Great book anon. I'll listen to your advice based only on taste.

>> No.3612716

Seems like there is an effort to get anons to move their coins out of Trex. I wonder why...

>> No.3612808

Imagine the moon if they actually add a coin after all this time. I know some people are thinking they'll add ODN since it's a standalone chain and not a token.

>> No.3613018

still not providing alternative exchanges with any evidence of higher volume. Bittrex is the standard exchange used by pretty much everyone i have ever spoken too after poloniex went to shit.