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File: 210 KB, 939x738, Eth-BTC-Scale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3577785 No.3577785 [Reply] [Original]

BTC is worse than almost any other coin (slow, high tx fees, arguing developers, minimum updates, another incoming chain split, majority of mining power held by the CHINESE ffs)

Why do informed anons still hold it?

>> No.3577795

because it has normie name recognition and that trumps all the technical advantages of others.

>> No.3577810

>i didn't take interest in your brand because of the system, just the name mcdonalds and those golden archs. Many people copied your system but failed because they lacked the appeal.
-warren buffet mcdonalds ceo circa 1970

>> No.3577818

He thinks bitcoin is shit tho

>> No.3577868

mempool is pretty empty, transactions are fairly fast confirmed within 2 blocks even for 1 sat/byte

anyone can mine and anyone can develop mining hardware, the chinese got there first and is benefiting. That would be true for any other coin that's mine-able.

developers arguing will produce the best product in the end, unless you prefer someone who you believe is an all seeing god (vitalik) and hope they don't fuck up (except that time DAO got hacked and another recent hack that lost people $32 million)

>> No.3577899


Now on to why ETH is shit
- All that's being used now is for ICOs. Start your own ICO by opening up a google doc, type some ideas you have, export it as a pdf and call it your white paper. Then get some free hosting and you're good to go.

- ETH itself was an ICO. Vitalik and his investors hold 70 million ETH and ~20 million have been mined. This is why he was able to hard fork when DAO was hacked to give the investors their money back but he didn't give a shit about the recent ETH hack that lost people 20 million+.

- ETH has no upper limit on coins generated.

- Smart contracts is bullshit. There's no payment system that's trustless. These smart contracts, did you write them? Do you trust yourself to not lose your money if your wrote them? Are u going to hire a coder to review smart contracts so you don't lose money? No. The general public is going to give trust to someone always when you pay someone. You don't need smart contracts to do it and it's unnecessary. On top of that, you do so at a cost of letting anyone write code and execute it on your network. That's a huge attack surface and matters a lot when it's your money at risk.

- ETH alliance is also bullshit marketing. At best the companies will deploy their own private blockchain based off ETH and ETH tokens are useless.

Directly from ETH website:

Ether is to be treated as "crypto-fuel", a token whose purpose is to pay for computation, and is not intended to be used as or considered a currency, asset, share or anything else.


BTC is the best you're going to get in terms of crypto. Even an entire country banning it won't kill it. It is the ultimate decentralized project, in terms of developers it's the most diverse group of people and the most knowledgeable crypto people in the world.

>> No.3577908

Because every other coin is headed down the path of Bitcoin anyway. Bitcoin is king.

>> No.3577910

btc has most active github from all crypto

>> No.3577912


You know 4chan faked Vitalik's death and ETH lost $4 billion? That would never happen with BTC because it's so decentralized that losing a person on BTC's dev team doesn't matter. Hell, losing a country doesn't even fucking matter relatively speaking, especially considering that the most hashing power comes from there.

But sure friend, keep buying ETH. It'll work out.

>> No.3577914

Nobody was stupid enough to believe that bullshit. Market moved for another reason, stop trying to make sense of it.

>> No.3577921


Name just 1 developer off of the top of your head that's not Vitalik for ETH. I bet most of people in this thread can't without using Google.

>> No.3577932

>Smart contracts is bullshit. There's no payment system that's trustless.

It's assumed that you know how to parse the smart contract code, which is typically publicly available.

ETH and BTC serve two different roles.

>> No.3577978


Just because you see something you don't necessarily understand it. It's especially important that you do because your money is involved.

You need real understanding of how ETH works
You need coding experience, not that bullshit copy and paste hope it works
You need experience in reviewing other people's code

Everyone will need at least a computer science degree to be able to even attempt to write code that's fail proof.

And this is not just one "smart contract" there are going to be hundreds and thousands. You buy something from amazon? They have their own smart contract. You buy something from walmart, they have theirs. Every purchase of every item can be a smart contract. Do you have time to view all of it? I bet you don't even read the ToS for using amazon or walmart when you sign up to and that stuff you don't need logical coding skills and try to find possible bugs that can cause you to lose all your money.

Ultimately, you are giving trust to someone. It's bullshit to solve a problem of trust when it doesn't need to be solved so you can do "smart" transactions. Furthermore, it opens up the network to an attack because you allow anyone to execute arbitrary code. If you've ever done security, this is a big no no.

> ETH and BTC serve two different roles.
No shit, one stores value and the other is to sell you ICO dreams

>> No.3578022

- Most ICOs are shit and they get money because stupid people in forums buy into them. Eventually when more scams get revealed, people will get more cautious and only support projects they understand. Internet has a lot of spam, viruses and buttload of shitty websites. But just because there are websites that are worth something, the internet as a whole is still valued. Buttload of ICOs doesn't make the underlying ETH protocol worse. Maybe 1% of programs on it will succeed and that is enough.

- Right now, ETH is in POW, where the supply is decreasing as time goes on. It would converge to a limit at some point because of the ETH Ice Age. Once POS is implemented in some years, then the supply is going to be so low that it is negligible. Developers aren't stupid to just let supply grow rampantly. Capping supply is mathematically and programmably a trivial problem to solve.

- If I don't trust a smart contract, that has gotten a bad rep through news or other friends, then I won't use it. ETH was intended to be foremost as fuel, but can additionally be used just as a currency just like BTC can be. Being a "crypto-fuel", its has some value to back it.

- ETH alliance is bullshit. Bunch of companies that are maybe interested in ETH, but are not sure yet on what to think of it, so they sign up and send some schmuck to conferences to take notes.

>> No.3578064


What the fuck are you talking about? This is the dumbest fud I've ever seen

I don't know how to build a car engine or really even how one works beyond the very basics. And yet I own a car with an engine.

Your other point about trustless systems might be even worse. I hate you

>> No.3578089


You trust that the car engine works and does what it's advertised to do. It is an assumption and you trust that the engine is advertised. If there was faulty engine parts, you need an expert to find it. If it caused cars to crash, guess what? Too bad, those people are dead can't get them back.

It's the same concept but on a very broad scale. What's so hard to understand?

> Your other point about trustless systems might be even worse. I hate you

Tell me where I'm wrong.

>> No.3578112


> - Most ICOs are shit and they get money because stupid people in forums buy into them. Eventually when more scams get revealed, people will get more cautious and only support projects they understand. Internet has a lot of spam, viruses and buttload of shitty websites. But just because there are websites that are worth something, the internet as a whole is still valued. Buttload of ICOs doesn't make the underlying ETH protocol worse. Maybe 1% of programs on it will succeed and that is enough.

I disagree. 1% sucess rate is fine if there's no initial cost but this is not true. For you to get 1% success, it costed everyone that invested in the other 99% all their money. This is simply irresponsible.

> - Right now, ETH is in POW, where the supply is decreasing as time goes on. It would converge to a limit at some point because of the ETH Ice Age. Once POS is implemented in some years, then the supply is going to be so low that it is negligible. Developers aren't stupid to just let supply grow rampantly. Capping supply is mathematically and programmably a trivial problem to solve.

This is actually a huge problem. I saw somewhere where vitalik wants to cap the supply at around 100 mil

keep in mind that

1) vitalik and his investors own 70 mil
2) pos rewards people that already own large amounts of eth disproportionately higher

There's no decentralization at all. It's the rich getting richer.

>> No.3578126


He's also against gold since it's a dead asset with no productivity.

>> No.3578128


> - If I don't trust a smart contract, that has gotten a bad rep through news or other friends, then I won't use it. ETH was intended to be foremost as fuel, but can additionally be used just as a currency just like BTC can be. Being a "crypto-fuel", its has some value to back it.

By then it'd be too late, companies always try to hide hacks and their impact. You won't get your money back because it's crypto. It can happen to you because it's not like people want to sign a bad smart contract. It'll happen often because people don't really give a fuck about security. Each hack can drain all the ETH you own.

> - ETH alliance is bullshit. Bunch of companies that are maybe interested in ETH, but are not sure yet on what to think of it, so they sign up and send some schmuck to conferences to take notes.

It's marketing but it works, just look at ICOs. All you need is to open google docs and type out an idea, export a PDF, embed it on a site and wait for your millions.

>> No.3578156


It's "crypto-fuel" as you've mentioned yourself you imbecile. When will BTC fags understand that modern cryptos are more then just stupid money supplements?

That's one of the reason why I and many others joined this market not so long ago.

>> No.3578161


Because every other token is still in early phases. Just wait for IOTA.

>> No.3578178


Too bad I'm also no lawyer. So how do I write a 'normal' contract on paper?

>> No.3578197


Wow, ever heard of online banking/online shopping?

>> No.3578216


A lot of tech startups were created during the 90s. Most of them bankrupted during the dot-com bubble. A lot of people lost money on these investments. A few survived and went on to be very successful. The adoption of internet went through a similar phase where shitty companies where bought into because of stupidity. No-one has the authority, time and knowledge to go over every company and decide if they are allowed to do an ICO or not. Every company is free to do what they want. The investors have the burden to triple-check everything and make a gamble. Just as it was with early internet companies.

You brought up an argument before that: - ETH has no upper limit on coins generated.
Now you are stating: I saw somewhere where vitalik wants to cap the supply at around 100 mil

>2) pos rewards people that already own large amounts of eth disproportionately higher

This is a problem, that I agree to - rich getting richer with POS. It is not decided yet, but the staking minimum is rumored to be 10 ETH only and most probably you will be able to pool your ETH together to stake, if you don't have the 10 ETH. Still, the more you have, the more you will get. POW right now with BTC isn't a good method either, with so much energy being spent. Hopefully solution will emerge et some point.

>> No.3578226
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> It's "crypto-fuel" as you've mentioned yourself you imbecile.

You can call it whatever you want. I don't care for the name

You can call it "modern" by it trying to tell you "hey it's a trustless system everyone should use it" then realize you can't do it without trust. That itself is very misleading. You do so at a cost of risking everyone's ETH because you let anyone run arbitrary code on your network.

You call it decentralized even though vitalik and his investors own 70 mil ETH out of 90 million and want to cap the supply soon by using a new coin generation algorithm that makes the rich get richer.

There's a difference, a huge one in fact. In the current banking / online shopping system, when shit hits the fan you can get your money back. You can call your credit card company or bank. When shit hits the fan in crypto, you will get NOTHING back even if it's no fault of your own. You are your own bank as they say so it's very important for any crypto currency to be as secure as possible. On top of that, people would just say "well you signed the smart contract so it's not our problem"

>> No.3578261


>You brought up an argument before that: - ETH has no upper limit on coins generated.
>Now you are stating: I saw somewhere where vitalik wants to cap the supply at around 100 mil

It's not a change in position in my opinion. Let me clarify if I gave the wrong impression.

When you start your own coin and you plan on capping it, you need to explicitly state this cap. At exactly what amount. Even now people don't know for sure. If you're not sure, then you're forced to assume both options and contemplate the outcomes of both which is why I did.

No caps = unlimited inflation
capped at what vitalik suggested at 100 mil while he and his investors owns 70% of all ETH is absolutely insane.

Just imagine a small group of people that directly controls 70% of all currency and tell me how that's decentralized or even a democracy.

>> No.3578384

The hard fork yesterday revealed to the world the stuttering potheads that run this scam.

Price has already tanked 10%. Once it breaks through the $3400 resistance the panic will begin and small holders and speculators will begin to offload, with the whales already long gone.

Once it shoots through the $2800 mark, unabated FEAR will ripe through all bitcucks. With all those who dumped their current accounts into this scam twitching at their arsehole continuously while refreshing mtgox.

The $2000 mark will be met, the largest panic in history will ensue. The final deluded miners will begin to go offline, and wagecuckers with their engineering salaries loaded up in BTC will be left with it stuck in their wallet, unable to move it to mtgox to salvage some self respect.

The price WILL tank at this point to sub $300, and most probably sub 2008 levels.

From that day forward the deluded bitcuck wagecucking engineering nerds who bought this coin thinking it had fundamentals will go back to their jobs, with no money in their current accounts, to be made redundant by the next wave of pajeets arriving to undercut their wages.

Deluded bitcucks will hold bags FOREVER, with no job, no money, and no crypto.

I warned you bitcucks. There's still time to get out. Sell NOW.

Don't be deluded, don't be a bitcuck

>> No.3578388
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good thread


>> No.3578402


If you can predict the future, buy some lottery tickets. It'll be a better use of your time than trolling /biz/

>> No.3578444

ethereum and his little ico buddies is a house of cards

>> No.3578464

because ARK hasn't overtaken it YET

>> No.3578486


If some of those cancerous cunts on the core team died the price of bitcoin would rise.

I don't give a fuck either way I'm on the Bitcoin Cash gravy train.

>> No.3578491

go back to sleep roger

>> No.3578496

>arguing is bad

>> No.3578500
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>any other coin
will collapse on BTC volumes

>> No.3578506
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also this

>> No.3578511


typical butthurt no logic shitpost

>> No.3578518

Kys roger.

>> No.3578546

He's saying that you have to put trust amazon when you send money to them because you don't know how the contract works, which defies the whole point of ethereum because why even use a smart contract when it's not trustless anyways.

>> No.3578561

Fucking morans, buy some BCH already

>> No.3578564

Ethereum is shit, but the best you're going to get in terms of crypto is Monero not Bitcoin.

>> No.3578719

something that doent get discussed enough is btc fungability due to exchanges banning bitcoin WHICH IS STILL GOING ON

Dailystormer guys were booted from coinbase, anyone who sends them coin gets blacklisted.

>> No.3578729

Doesn't satoshi hold 1 million BTC? What guarantees that he won't dump it at some point?

>> No.3578807

Definitely better than ETH, aka. scam meth skeleton coin.

What's beautiful about bitcoin is that it is DECENTRALIZED and it is trusted. ETH can literally crash any second or get taken over by governments. Do not, ever, invest in centralized coins. You losing money is just a matter of time.

All centralized coins and tokens will crash to 0 eventually.

>> No.3578825

Sometimes i wonder if he made it so contracts use one of the most complicated languages just as a "hahaha fuck you" type of thing

>> No.3578826

He died a while ago so unless his children start selling off we fine.

>> No.3578834
File: 84 KB, 600x587, e8e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He died a while ago

>> No.3578851

Why would he?

>> No.3578854


He's the US Government and he's going to hold those bitcoins to back the US dollar when the time is right. Donald Trump has the private keys to those wallets in his suit pocket at all times.

>> No.3578862

stick to your centralized non store of value faggot

>> No.3578871

Join the collaborated pump group on Telegram..

We're currently up to 180,000 to pump with. Join and let us know how much you have. I'll see you there

, XMP space a 243 w p space DS9 L1

>> No.3578874

that shit is all secure and well documented

>> No.3578879
File: 15 KB, 236x314, 023601ab912d66b7f095e9ddb4dbc95b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a dumb bumer, and saying it's just brand is also dumb. The smartest people in the field are working on Bitcoin. Bitcoin has the longest surviving blockchain, this is an asset within itself.


This is a reason why Bitcoin is going $100,000 per coin soon, as it deprecates VISA, Paypal and everything else together.

>> No.3578890
File: 1.94 MB, 1652x3400, NocoinersOnTheCasket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3578940

>The hard fork yesterday revealed to the world the stuttering potheads that run this scam.
lol what are you on bro?

>> No.3579046


>everyone who isn't an idiot is roger ver

Thanks for the money bud. I earned 8k of retards like you.

>> No.3579077


in 50 years there will be retards like you claiming he's alive.

The most likely case is he died of illness or was (((suicided)))

>> No.3579118

O shit

>> No.3579162
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b̸̻̱͎̜̫̯̽͗͝ĕ̛͉̟̮̎̇̏ͧͦ͠c̰͙̗͉̉̍̔ͩ̋͑ͮͯ̀̚a͎͇͓̮̾̆̒ͩ̑͜u̴͚̘ͮ͗́̊̃̽s̵̸̯̱̪̖͙̜͚͉̔ͦ͞e̟̣̬͇̤̹̰̦͂̿ͮ̂ͦ̽͢ ̳͓̻̩̻͖̩̖̿ͩ̓ͯ̌͊ͣ̂̕i̩ͭ ̴̨̜͉̗̠̻͕̋ͫ̃͌͂̉l̷̛̜̀̾̆̎͟ĭ͈̮͓̑̎͛̆͢k̪̯̱̰̫̄̄ͯͦ̂̾̚͠ȩ̸̘̼̳̬͎ͨ̈̓̽ͮ ̝̹̜͎̍ͫͤ̚t̼̥̞ͬ́͑͐͢͞͠o̵̤̿̀̊͂ ̵̛̙̳̤̱͒̾̊̐͢d̢̘̙͚͚͌̑̈́̌̏ͩ̈́̾͞ȃ̘̻̜̤̞͖̆̐ͅͅŷ̨̟̼̉̉̄͡ ̵͚͙̗̦̐̎ͣt̙͔͙̘͎͊̉̓̓̉ͮͯͣ͂͡r̫̩̽̎̑̑̀ͯ̚͟͡ạ̰̮̻͎͐͒̃ͣͦ͑̂̏̚͟ḍ̵̶̪̍ͣ̈́̔̍ͤ̂ĕ̻̝̪͔̮̯͂̒̓̇ͭ̀̕

>> No.3579173

t̵̫ͪ̐̃́͟h̶̯̀̿ͧ͐ͯͤ̉͡a̵͖̬̹͆͒ͨ̈͋̔ͪ́̚n̢̖͐ͩ̓̓͆́ͭͬ̀k̬͗̀ͪ̐̑͒ͩ̕͟s̸̨̱̭̱̫͍͎͖̽̈́ͦͯͪ͒ͮ̂ ̨̢̦̙ͣs̛͈̱͙͓̞̥͙̐ͧͤ͛̾̍͢͞o̻̤̜͉̟̙ͫ̕ͅ ̪̭̼̺̼ͩ̌ͮͦm̭̮͇̓̒̃͋͐ͩ̇͝u͈͔͚͉͍̖̿ͦ͐ͨ͐ͧͅc̱͉̼̝̦̤̻͗͛͡h̘̝̀͐̒̄͊̇͌͠!̶̢̦̥͙̣̙ͣ̒͒̿̐̔͢ ̹̣̦̬̜͛<͍̟ͦ̈ͣ́̌3̨̢̰̝̯̟̠̺ͬ̾ͭͤ̕ ̫̬̦̎̃͆̒̔<̬̻ͯ̿̇͠3̮̦̖͗ͮ̔̈̏͂ ̴̫͙̼̭̗̾ͬ̈̐̓<̵͈͓̏̂̇ͣ̒̉́̈͜3̛̘̤̣͔͖̯̎͞

>> No.3579200


>> No.3579310

Damn, fucking newfags, I sincerely hope you are all trolling for the sole purpose of attempting to rustle my jimmies.

>> No.3579351
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>This level of delusion

>> No.3579491

oh, and you should probably look into the the ColossusCoin coinswap happening today




volume's been growing

it's probably going to explode

but don't quote me

>> No.3579770

But it's slow. I wish XRP was more adopted because the transfers are fast and cheap tx fees

>> No.3579793

XRP is a bigger scam than Ether though...

>> No.3579841

I can't name one dev in any crypto.. fucking nerd.

>> No.3579931

>Has actual real world use in remittance
>Is used by banks in Asia to reduce transfer costs
>Federal reserve approved


With Jews, you win!

>> No.3580043
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Also Satoshi is bodyless God and never used hes coins

>> No.3580068
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>ETH is not meant to be a currency

>> No.3580100

>unironically fell for the chink bitcoin meme
>calls others retards

>> No.3580125

I agree, I think that bitcoin is the Yahoo! of crypto, and the next Google is either undiscovered right now or very niche.

>> No.3580137

Fuck off retard.

>> No.3580197


You forgot to mention how vulnerable ETH is. Every month you hear about ethereum wallets being hacked or some other weird shit.

Let's be honest... Ethereum, the name sucks. It will never become a household name.

Bitcoin sounds good.
Litecoin sounds good.
They both tell you they're a currency with their name.

>> No.3580315

Eric Voores? Or however it's spelled.

>> No.3580363

>Fuck off retard
I'll extend the same words to you. Have fun carrying my bags.

>> No.3580775

Holding 17 mill

Feels good