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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3561029 No.3561029 [Reply] [Original]

What was your life like before /biz/? What boards did you frequent? Have you gone back? It all seems so pointless now...

>> No.3561043

it cured me of the fairly common disease know as 'leddit'

>> No.3561052

I think you still have a touch of it

>> No.3561064

Used to be a /v/irgin. I can't even look at that board anymore. Crypto is the best vidya ever made.

>> No.3561069

yeah, doctor said it would take a few weeks

>> No.3561096

Used to frequent pol daily now fuck pol i havent been back ever nor do i want to it seems like a waste of time now

>> No.3561106

/B/, /pol/, /x/

>> No.3561115

Pretty much the same as its always been. Ive been on 4chan for over a decade, I have no friends , I am a virgin in my 20s and a NEET. The only difference is that I dumped my life savings into this meme internet money because some other autist on this shithole said so. ive made some btc gains but its not a life changing amount.

>> No.3561119

Been coming to 4chan for about 12 years now. Probably for the past five or six years I've only gone to one board exclusively, depending on world events and which board was the best.

Most of this website is shit, but there is always one board or general that is leagues ahead of the rest of the world in memes and information.

>> No.3561129

/v/, /a/, /g/, /r9k/ and sometimes /tv/ and /fit/ oh and /sp/ during world cups for top tier banters.
Now I only visit /biz/ and /a/ every other board especially /v/ seems so retarded. I can't believe I've wasted my time there with those retarded kids.

>> No.3561150
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Ditto, I used to get so riled up over day-to-day trivialities on /pol/ that I have no control over. The election was interesting to experience there, but at this point I come here to shitpost and gain the occasional insight. I also enjoy /ck/, /x/ (sparingly), and /c/ when I'm sad and just want to see cute girls doing cute things.

>> No.3561162

Oh! and /vr/ because retro video game collecting is love, it is life.

>> No.3561181

>>3561119 is right. Back then I was a wee /b/tard, but your home board shifts as you and the site ages and changes. Most recently I'm from /k/; gotta fund my bunker somehow.

The amount of people who have actually been massively successful from this board honestly impresses me. The ride never stops.

>> No.3561207
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>believing anything anyone posts here ever

>> No.3561224
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gtfo before i come over to your small beta apartment and rape your uretra until you can see my rod out of your ass

>> No.3561255

It's believable enough that there are people on here with fucktons of cryptomoney. I remember people shilling btc in '09, "hey run this program and it'll make money!" I didn't give a shit, I didn't give a shit at $5, and generally I didn't do fuckall about it until last year because I was doing other things. I am sure plenty of /b/tards just ran it and held enough to have stupid amounts of money. Surely not all here, but it's realistic. The bitcoin meme paid off.

>> No.3561288

I still frequent /pol/ for habbedings and /fit/ for autistic arguments about SS+GOMAD and calling people skeletons.

>> No.3561330

t. oldfag

>> No.3561361

/a/ and /v/ primarily, still visit them when I spread btc into alts to wait for them to go up
/vg/ and /pol/ secondary, maybe visit them once a month, one is a cesspool the other is just full of retarded people with immense hate
Been doing this crypto shit since april

>> No.3561368

Seriously, leave.

>> No.3561370
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>> No.3561386


Never used 4chan before. Found it around 8 months ago. I have come to realise I am what the NEETS call an absolute normie lol.

>> No.3561393

You should leave while you still can. Trust me on this one.

>> No.3561395

/sci/. It's still my homeboard but this one just makes me money

>> No.3561400


Going for bottomless brunch tomorrow with the lads and then a pub crawl while i just let my bots run ON. Biz helped me make great gains from ARK and ANS/NEO

>> No.3561699


>> No.3561719

i was on /tv/ until the lovecraftian posts made me switch to another board. i mean /tv/ was always bad but now its turbo cancer. my cousin recommended crpyto, so here i am.

>> No.3561723

Started on /b/, then /news/ and /x/ /tv/. Now just I do /biz/ /pol/ and /tv/.

>> No.3561775

>until the lovecraftian posts
What the fuck is this? Is it recent? I haven't been on /tv/ in months.

>> No.3561795

/int/ mostly. After New Year's I decided to try out something new, so I visited all the boards and just stuck around /biz/ ever since.

>> No.3562088

>t. Sneed

>> No.3562104

I was into picking up chicks and making usd. Now I jack off to anime and trade crypto.