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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3557729 No.3557729 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ has ruined my life.

I was a "wagecuck" once. Every day I went in to work a little part of me dried up and died. I wasted all my spare time on twitter and youtube. I even had my own channel with a couple dozen faithful viewers.

One day I was restocking shelves t my job and somebody recognized me. It was the dead of winter, and a man came in from the snowstorm. He wore a charcoal suit under a long black overcoat. As he reached for a bottle of wine I saw the most beautiful looking watch I'd ever seen. He noticed this.

"You like it? I bought it just yesterday. It was once somebody's family heirloom, but it's mine now."

I nodded and tried to keep eye contact. But he just had this aura to him. I mumbled and looked at my feet. It was at that point that he said he knew my channel, and complimented me on my video editing. He said his name was Neil. He gave me a card, and said to email him for a tip.

"Oh, I don't do it for cash, I do it for the love of gaming" I told him, embarasssed. I wasn't looking for charity.

"It's not cash," he said, "it's better. You think US Dollars got me this watch? You think US Dollars got me this suit? You'd be wrong. So long as you're stuck on the dollar, you'll be here. You can save all you want, make every wise decision, get a raise every few years... and you'll still be here, in this fluorescent hell, with soft rock playing quietly as these corporate bloodsuckers drain your life from you. But there is another way." He pointed to his card, winked at me.

"Never stop posting those videos. You've got a real talent, I won't see it go to waste."

Later on I did email him. He sent me some instructions on how to set up a bitcoin wallet. And from that point on, every time I created a video, I received a small tip in cryptocurrency.

I wish I could go back and burn that card. Shred it. Throw it out the window on the drive home. It was the beginning of the end for me.

>> No.3557809

So your personal wrong choices have anything to do with someone who gave you a tip everytime you posted a video? Man up and take responsibility for your actions , that man had nothing to do with your demise

>> No.3557888
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For the next 3 months, I began to make more and more videos. Each time I'd receive a tip in a different crytpocurrency from Neil.

I even started to gain more of a following. Some of my videos were big successes. My subscriber count skyrocketed. And best of all, my small crypto portfolio was growing by the day.

One day I emailed Neil back, asking, why me? I appreciate the crypto but he was almost paying me more than my job at that point.

He responded: "I'm very wealthy. So long as you keep it up, and don't give up, I'll always be on your side."

By May I had amassed a lot of crypto. I even invested my own meager savings. My head was filled with dreams of retirement. I started seriously looking at property prices in Thailand.

Then, one day in June, I went for it. I quit my job. I told my stoner friends to fuck off, and told them the truth about how much they disgusted me. I told my strict asian parents to fuck off, that I was no longer bound by their standards, that I would no longer see myself as a failure.

I bought a property, and a ticket. I packed my stuff and trashed my apartment to spite my greedy landlord. I was on top of the world.

I was going to spend the next month travelling around Asia, until my property was ready at the end of July. Until then, I didn't want to deal with the stress of crypto, so I went all in on some cryptos I saw as a safe investment. This was near the end of June, and I bought into ETH, Golem, and Zcash.

>> No.3557935

this site isn't your personal blog :^)

>> No.3558012
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When I finally stopped travelling and settled into my bungalow, I was devastated. My savings had been bled dry while I wasn't paying attention. I panicked and moved everything to NEO, which was hitting new heights as every other currency tumbled in the build up to the BTC fork.

Around that time I found /biz/. I stopped doing my youtube vids to concentrate on my finances. I didn't want to become the "buy high, sell low" meme, so I held onto my NEO, convinced it was a temporary fall. But all of August I was in the red. All my savings were going down the drain.

So at last I gave up. I decided to daytrade. I took up smoking really strong vietnamese tobacco and drinking energy drink after energy drink. But every coin I touched turned to shit. the past month I barely slept at all, just daytrading or out, alone, getting plastered drunk. I even started buying prostitutes, but I don't remember any of the actual sex. It figures I lose my virginity and don't even get to keep the memory.

Then one day, about a week ago, I come back and find my bungalow trashed. All my gaming gear, destroyed. All the furniture torn and ruined. The sinks left running, so they'd overflow and flood the room. All my valuables were gone, including my passport and ID.

I check my phone, and I have one email from Neil.

"I told you to never stop. That was my one condition. And you let me down."

>> No.3558088
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I've spent the last few days sitting in my fucked up home wondering what to do next. Almost all my money is gone. I can't afford a return flight, and even if I did, I have no ID. I've been getting drunk every night, like I'm doing right now.

All the energy drinks seem to have taken a toll on me. Sometimes my heart beats really fast for no reason. I also suspect I have an STD as I have a really itchy rash and little sores all over my crotch.

Worst of all, my bungalow is completely gone to shit. With the windows and doors smashed, tons of ants have invaded. They're all over everything. They're in my computer, in my sheets, in my food, in my toothpaste. I wake up every day with a lot of stings and bites.

I've burned every bridge I have. My parents won't answer my calls, and according to my cousin on facebook they've basically disowned me. All my friends back home have blocked me or won't respond to my messages.

I have nothing left. Well, nothing, except one coin. I read the white paper and I really think it's going places. It's my one last shot, my final chance to get myself out of this purgatory and back to living my life. It's called Digibyte (DGB), and by my calculations it will moon any day now.

Thanks for nothing, /biz/. You ruined my life.

>> No.3558100

Can someone tl;dr; me on who the fuck is Neil?

>> No.3558128

HAHAHAHAHA the most brilliant shill I've ever seen I literally just bought 100k; no li

>> No.3558256
File: 675 KB, 2904x1944, ant_pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a pic of some dead ants I've swept up. Once DGB moons i'm out of this hellhole for good.

Any tips appreciated so I can buy bug poison, but it has to be in digibyte, I've sworn off all other cryptos:


>> No.3558427


please be real

>> No.3558437

do you own a sharpie?

>> No.3558455

timestamped sharpie in pooper and I will give you 10,000 DGB. dead fucking serious, I am a man of my word.

>> No.3558480

shouldnt have stopped making those youtubes

>> No.3558485

Guy who put sharpie into his pooper

>> No.3558489

post pic of rashy crotch and I'll believe you.

>> No.3558516

thanks for the laugh OP

>> No.3558544
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>> No.3558599

That's a great story OP, you got a real talent for writing, assuming you didn't just steal copy this from somewhere.

>> No.3558628

i dont get it. you should be mad at neil right not at biz

>> No.3558671

greatest shill ever on this rotten board seriously just bought 100k.

>> No.3558726
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>> No.3558815

Even If we make it or not these DGB stories are gold. This is becoming a true MEME.

>> No.3558958

It's a shitty pasta.
Pasta that doesn't even make sense.

>> No.3558969


The real question is if we're all digimarines and never fucking selling how the fuck is anybody buying?

>> No.3559002

>so I held onto my NEO, convinced it was a temporary fall. But all of August I was in the red.

confirmed fake and shit story telling. NEO went up 1000% DURING August

>> No.3559072

>I was a "wagecuck" once. Every day I went in to work a little part of me dried up and died. I wasted all my spare time on twitter and youtube. I even had my own channel with a couple dozen faithful viewers
didn't read the rest of the pasta but I wanna make a comment on this part specifically.
you know I don't get why 4chan (/pol/ specifically) is so against "doing what you love". I know sometimes it won't make you as much money as a job in banking or whatever, but doing something you enjoy is 100x better for your mental well-being in the long run. I guess people who go on 4chan are fucked in the head so getting even more fucked in the head because of a job you hate doesn't really matter to them too much, but I still don't get why they dismiss EVERYONE who does jobs that they actually enjoy.

>> No.3559602

it was the middle august, im not good at remmbering rn

sorry i'm drunk and hell after drinking all niht, the sun should be coming up soon, but icant sleep because from the energy drinks

>> No.3559809

Richfag real estate fag here. You dumb cunt; investing hard in internet magic kilobytes is so dumb

Can you imagine ebay accepting Fapcoin or Dogecoin?

This garbage has no use and no intrinsic value. Prices spike only coz of speculation. Only early neckbeards git rich

>> No.3559853
File: 299 KB, 2304x1296, SELL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread contains the most delicious pasta I've read on this shill board. Godspeed op

>> No.3559864

thanks for telling me this AFTER I quit my dream job and ruined the career I wanted before getting into investing....

>> No.3559967
File: 85 KB, 1024x1024, 1494234738148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP you KNOW this is becoming a pasta now.

>Insert whichever coin you want to shill at the end

>> No.3560035

I fuckin love this meme

>> No.3560224

normie newfag detected

>> No.3560275

DGB shill meme is one of the few good memes to come off this board after plebbit normies and /pol/ invaded and ruined /biz/

>> No.3560481
File: 672 KB, 849x816, 1296824564407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have nothing left. Well, nothing, except one coin.
>Digibyte (DGB)

Thank you op.

>> No.3560555
File: 656 KB, 1024x768, buy_dgb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, I have analyzed your post and have mapped it graphically. Print this image out and show it to your therapist.

>> No.3560636

your own fault for listening to people's advice on 4chan. buy digibyte (dgb) by the way (btw)

>> No.3560665

HAHAHAHAH I'm fucking crying I almost feel like buying DGB right now

10/10 shill

>> No.3560679

I love you

>> No.3560710

oh this anon is kosher salty

>> No.3560713
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>> No.3560763

I know it's pasta but

>Man I'm doing really well for myself and making good money now, I should increase my living expenses and buy lots of new shiny things


>> No.3560945

Literally what else would you spend it on? Or are you saying you should just save your money indefinitely

>> No.3560974

Energy bungalow, kek

>> No.3561004

DGB novella shillposts are the most original meme I've seen on 4chan in a long time

Hats off, OP, even if it is a pasta (where the hell do they all come from?)

>> No.3561068

LMAO SHREDKD AND DICKED ::::::::::::::ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd

>> No.3561254

The elaborately long background stories about NEO's sole developer are pretty good too

>> No.3561998
File: 945 KB, 700x2000, 1497970461124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys i wrote a little sailors shanty i sing while spraying poison

working ants
soldier ants
ants big and small
i dont care if they have families
i say kill them all

swarming ants
army ants
ants in all my food
if only i didn't choose to live
in humid latititudes

crawling ants
flying ants
ants that live in trees
i dont need to worry cause
I have that dee gee bee

killer ants
stinging ants
ants that i have to fight
one day i'll buy a nicer house
cause i bought digibyte

>> No.3562181

Sub for sub bro

>> No.3562735

been thinking about this story all day and cracking up

>> No.3562805

It's greed

>> No.3562841

You should save until you've put enough away in safe passive income investments to live a middle class life on that alone. Occasionally rewarding yourself with a trip or a nice meal out is fine but increasing your cost of living is foolish until then unless you live in some nigger ghetto with high crime.

Then you can take the rest of what you have and shoot for lamboland because at that point even if you fail you can live a comfy life.

>> No.3562925
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<-you can always be this guy.

>> No.3562965

Sonofabitch norad just shot down my sides they thought they were icbms.

>> No.3562973
File: 501 KB, 1280x720, 7689687375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this baka really is a digicuck, i hope his story is real

>> No.3563210

my roommate was looking at me like something was wrong with me cuz i was giggling like a tard. fuck you

>> No.3563278
File: 140 KB, 1400x976, GetFuckedFudders.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed that dumb shit for ya

>> No.3563707


this is way better than the cuck DGB pasta with the friend zone girl whose assets he helps her manage while he bankrupts himself

>> No.3564317


>> No.3564419

We are the digimarines

>> No.3564456

now that youre sober, can you post your ant infested room?

>> No.3564753
File: 43 KB, 648x526, 1494699008334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey, there was an OP a couple days back that wrote a story about how some chad destroyed his life with crypto and at the end he shilled DGB too

I like this new meme

>> No.3565192


>> No.3565369
File: 1.78 MB, 333x194, 1505532363352.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have nothing left. Well, nothing, except one coin. I read the white paper and I really think it's going places. It's my one last shot, my final chance to get myself out of this purgatory and back to living my life. It's called Digibyte (DGB)

>> No.3565445

>wasting your youth trying to be set for life while not spending on anything actually good when you could die at any moment and are probably gonna start liking your life less and less as you get older
Rather get rich later and enjoy myself now than get rich now and have too much money as an old man

>> No.3565542

This is why you won't make it
That kind of flawed thinking will lead you to take insurance, play the lottery, or do another hundred dumb things that will make others rich off you
The only people with less enjoyment of life as they get older are those who wasted their youth in empty nihilism. Have you ever been on an international trip? Old people travel and love their life

>> No.3565594

Idk most old people I know hate their lives and my parents know some old people who are pretty rich. There's a difference between being stupid and spending on things you don't need and buying the occasional holiday or going to a bar every now and then.
The fact that you don't have friends or anything to spend money on doesn't mean everyone else is stupid for spending money on things.
Enjoy building your stamp collection when you're 50 though. I hope you have tonnes of money to buy those expensive stamps off eBay with.

>> No.3565611

>Knowing this much about ants and not buying ANTshares

>> No.3566745
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> But every coin I touched turned to shit.
/biz/ in a nutshell