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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3513316 No.3513316 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on IOTA, /biz/?

Did i fall for the hype? Is there a good future for this crypto? Apparently already in deal with a few german car manufactors / bosch.

But my real question is, how can it actually raise in price ?

There is no mining, no fees, and all coins are already out there.

Who the fuck profits from it other than the creators themselves?

>> No.3513373


>> No.3513396

Too much supply

>> No.3513399

Absolute shitcoin. The developers are a bunch of left wing lunatics who constantly have a tantrum, they can't make up their mind on whether it's decentralised or not and they support the Islamic State of Isis and Iraq.

>> No.3513404

i was one click away from buying IOTA at $1 a few weeks ago, lmao. thank god

>> No.3513413
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>> No.3513417

Amazing concept. So-so implementation.

>> No.3513423

you support this you support sandniggers invading europe. dgb better buy than this shit

>> No.3513425

wouldn't that make the perfect time to buy now xD

>> No.3514078

I'm holding 6 Giota since 20 cents so I'm still good as for now, will hodl them for at least the end of the year I guess

>> No.3514330


>> No.3514479

There are only 2,779,530 GIOTA

People always complain about the supply being too large, but if you think about it, owning just 1 GIOTA puts you in a club even more exclusive than owning one BTC. There are only 2.8 million people in the world that will ever own a single GIOTA. Anyone who says IOTA cant make you rich is a liar, plain and simple.

(1 GIOTA = 1000 MIOTA = 1,000,000 IOTA)

>> No.3514502

Sell this shit if you can. I bought into it myself. First the company is WAY over price (lolz at billions of dollars and instant top 10 cap) and the entire 'iot' idea is trash.

But really, the network sucks (I've had tx's hang for 12 hrs) and with such a high MC its not going anywhere for profit.

>> No.3514530


The developers mixed /pol/ with /biz/ and also admitted to being stuttering potheads.

>> No.3514534
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>> No.3514546


zero transaction fees
tangle = no blockchain to download
back up: your seed is enough
network spam makes the network stronger
dev team seems to be diligent and industrious

still in development: to receive a transaction I must always "attach the tangle" in the software and yes it needs minutes till hours

>> No.3514553

I'm holding my iota because it's going to be used by for smart cities. They're going to test it on the euro-cucks and sand niggers first.

>> No.3514559
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>> No.3514562

according to MIT, it has a security vulnerability

still very experimental

>> No.3514570

fucking KEK

>> No.3514609

That was solved already. The article was mostly FUD.

>> No.3514617

yeah but the point is the devs are straight up retarded to make such a huge mistake

>> No.3514630

The idea is not bad, but they are heavily reliant on other companies implementing extra hardware to become successful. Also the Devs said they will rise supply in the future.

>> No.3514690

Where did they said it? I believe they said the opposite: that it was a FUD lie spread by others.

>> No.3514729

they're going to use a jinn processor, it's kind of a big deal.

>> No.3514749

>refugee cities

>> No.3514758

You fell for the meme, sell now and buy OMG

>> No.3514787
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You guys wanna be rich or not?

>> No.3514798
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With or without you

>> No.3514810

the more shitcoins there is the less exlusive the entire market looks
omise go in thailand/etc, neo in china, there is some korean altcoin coming out
going by that logic, if every country, every fucking company/website/city/person creates his own cryptocurrency then everything is fucking pointless and nobody will ever drive a lambo

>> No.3514883

So, what are you saying?

>> No.3514896

wtf that looks amazing

>> No.3514903

>theres 21000000x10^8 satoshi
>too much supply

>> No.3514911

Heavy bags

>> No.3514950

Sure, anon. Whatever will help you sleep at night.

>> No.3514987
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>MFW I bought 40gi at $0.27
Yes OP, it's a good coin. /pol/ will not make you rich don't listen to them

>> No.3515024

Heaviest bags anon. Got them when the ico started. Finally fucked it sold at the current price.

>> No.3515194

>>from reddit

There are only 2,779,530 GIOTA = 2,779,530,283 MIOTA

People always complain about the supply being too large, but if you think about it, owning just 1 GIOTA puts you in a club even more exclusive than owning one BTC. There are only 2.8 million people in the world that will ever own a single GIOTA. Anyone who says IOTA cant make you rich is a liar, plain and simple.

(1 GIOTA = 1000 MIOTA = 1,000,000 IOTA)

>> No.3515209

1 MIOTA = 0,5 Dollar
1 GIOTA = 500 Dollars

>> No.3515404

Developers wrote their own hashing function, they screw up and then they proceed to blame white men.

It's literally huffpost tier

dump this shit ASAP

>> No.3515501

if you don't like rap or the hip hop, you're racist.

>> No.3515546

It's shit. Coded in back door, Devs own almost all the coins, basic security flaws with accounts being hacked. They will get overtaken as soon as anyone else gives tangle a go

>> No.3515566

common misconception, rebecca. the Tangle already has 14 patents pending. also their industry relationships are forever ever. no foolies.

>> No.3515587

This coin was blessed by Allah and the profit (pbuh). And don't forget, Allah was originally the moon God. Moon pretty much guaranteed.

>> No.3515673

You can't patent math formulas or algorithms, so I'm not sure what bullshit your talking about. Iota are fucking amateurs and will be replaced

>> No.3515709

I was reading up on tangle last night and it's pretty sick desu. Also, çan't argue too much with fast transfers with no fees. Also lot's of people doing cool shit with the SDK.

>> No.3516137

>You can't patent math formulas or algorithm
ohh this is adorable. you're running your cunt mouth and you're never even heard of Google.

>> No.3517022
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It is shit. It had the SINGLE BIGGEST SECURITY FLAW EVER found by researchers in the crypto sphere. We are talking about an UNFORGIVABLE error.

The FUDs don't read about this. Investing in IOTA is literally just waiting for it to all hit zero. Get out when you can.

>> No.3517107


Fucking bullshit

>> No.3517113


>> No.3517127


1 Giota = 50 USD

>> No.3517162

Lead developer (come-from-beyond) is a Russian alcoholic with poor coding skills.

Also made NXT which when launched had ton of bugs and had to go closed source for a while to fix them, with new developers.

>> No.3517170


>he never heard of XMR problems
>he never heard of BTC flaws
>he never heard of ETH mistakes

>> No.3517287

None were nearly as big. Listen to the researchers. They are still fucking flabergasted about the problem they found. EASILY THE BIGGEST FLAW OF THOSE. Totally condemns the team. YOU CAN'T TRUST PEOPLE WHO MAKE THESE KINDS OF MISTAKES.

Why would I be telling you this? I care about my friends. I make no money if IOTA crumbles sooner than it will anyways.

>> No.3517307

sorry mate, but:

1 GIOTA = 1000 MIOTA
1MIOTA= 0.5 Dollar
0.5*1000=500 Dollars

>> No.3517342

you shit on a street though.

>> No.3517345
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>Listen to the researchers

>> No.3517352


this truly is a shitcoin. The dev is a refugee fan, screams at investors to stay away, and generally values feels over stakeholders.

this isnt even fud its truth.

>> No.3517370

you're actually retarded

>> No.3517388

I have 300g of IOTA. I will be a millionaire by the end of the year

>> No.3517391

If there were refugees coming into my country, I'd like to keep track of them and be able to flag the real terrorists for removal.

You can make it to lamboland too if you stop involving your personal beliefs in your financial decisions.

>> No.3517446

$300,000 worth or 300 Gi?

>> No.3517471

>bough iota at 0.85 a few weeks ago
>decided fuck it and sold at 0.82 to board the ark
>fast forward
>after the first crash almost bough 1k of miotas at 0.66 but the biz fud stopped me
>it's 0.49 now

feels fucking good, stay away from this shitcoin

everyone can have a solid idea, but you buy the dev's image and this coin has a the absolute worse devs in the industry

>> No.3517472

BTC (max circulating supply 21,000,000 BTC)
IOTA (max circulating supply 2,779,530 GIOTA)

now you!

>> No.3517490

Why do panjeets think this works? The average IQ of your country is 85. I am sure your 120 there does wonders, and nonsequiturs like this work most of the time. In the west it means jack shit. Fuck off.

>> No.3517543
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street shitter: confirmed.

>> No.3517623


You're right - my bad!
It's 0.1 GI = 50 USD