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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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3504138 No.3504138 [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit
thoughts on sia? Just look at the fucking chart, it's bound to make a moon at some point, right? right?

>> No.3504146

the development team is literally a bunch of potheads living in one of their mom's houses in cambridge, MA.

>> No.3504168

So they're basically the next Apple?

>> No.3504175

still kicking myself for not getting out at 800. greed got the better of me. I should have been able to see this shitcoin would never go anywhere. It's a dumb idea to begin with.

>> No.3504180

looks like dgb, pile of shit.

>> No.3504194

Strange, was about to make a thread about SIA

have been holding for a few months now, lost a couple BTC all up
Deciding on what to do, still have a couple of k in it.

>> No.3504205

No, the devs have gone on record with the Boston Globe that they intend to suppress the price in order to "stabilize" the price point to make their service cheap to use

>> No.3504207

I don't think it's coming back.

>> No.3504213

i.e. SIA is not good for speculative gains.

>> No.3504263


Sounds like it was their intention all along:

>“I think this is going to end in tears,” said David Vorick, chief executive of Nebulous, the company that runs Sia.

>“The [Sia] tokens are for using the service, not for speculating, and it’s our job to keep them stable, not to bump them,” Vorick said. “That does create a lot of friction in the community. The people who are upset about losing money are outweighing the people who are excited about the technology we built.”

My fault for not paying attention
Guess I have to cut my losses

>> No.3504296

I've invested a few thousand. I like the technology and think this will be really successful long term. Plus sia already mooned to almost 2 cents. Not sure when that will happen again.

>> No.3504326

it suffers from NEO disease

>> No.3504342

The biggest sleeping giant

>> No.3504344

Try storing something with Sia, I'll give you an hour.

>> No.3504373

Good. So why did these assholes not say these when they released the token?

I own a little bit of Sia and I'm now sure I will never use there horseshit software because of this BS.

Go FCK yourself and your project SIA.

>> No.3504376


>> No.3504498

>price too high to be reasonable price
>not just lowering the price accordingly


>> No.3504532

Right now, SIA price has to increase like 10x to be profitable to mine via Obelisk.
What a fucking failure.

>> No.3504558

Should I just resign it to a loss and hold indefinitely, or just pull out and reenter if it starts to move again? Anyone else bagholding?

>> No.3504597

Me. I own 300k of this shit bought at 140, 300 and 500 sats...
I'll just forget about it for now and focus on other shitcoins. Selling it for almost 10x less from it's ATH feels really wrong.

>> No.3504638

Honestly doubt this shitcoin is ever coming back. Whenever I go back to look at the price I laugh because it keeps tanking and cry because I lost 50% of my investment on this little piece of shit.

I might buy some when it's worth 1 sat and get my deserved 100% when some retard accidentally buys it at 2 sats.

>> No.3504661

Pretty much in the same boat, I think I am just going to forget about it

>> No.3504678

I've been telling you guys this the whole time. You don't need the CEO to tell you this, just use your fucking brains before making a financial decision

>> No.3504697

I bought in like 4-5 months ago when diversifying delicious profits

>> No.3505450

Siacoin is supposed to be basically worthless. Buy Siafunds instead.

>> No.3505534

>tfw you got into crypto when DGB, RDD, Sia, and Verge were all being memed nonstop on here and were going to be the next Bitcoin

We've come a long way. Hard to believe it's only been three months, a day is like a year in crypto time.

>> No.3505557
File: 231 KB, 800x508, 1430628864910.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad I dumped these fucking bags. I rode it from 240 SAT thu 700 SAT (failed to sell) down to 300 SAT.

>> No.3506586
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this is the bottom. Updates are coming in november, minebox, new UI

>> No.3506744

Also Obelisks will decrease supply since most of the coins will be held by obelisks owners who believe in project long term.

>> No.3506758

I got in at 300 and sold at 800 thank fuck. Those are some heavy as fuck bags.

>> No.3506883


>> No.3507311


Breathes in.............................................................................

>> No.3507320

Don't worry I'll buy your bags when it gets to 1 sat

>> No.3507337

Not true. Sia is a long term investment. So far, it hasn't been holding very well. It's way over valued where it's at. I made roughly 4k off the pump.

>> No.3507344

what are some shitcoins i should stack on for a very long term prospect?


what buy?

>> No.3507848


>> No.3507856

I imagine that guy with 2-3 million $ sia probably killed himself

>> No.3507874

it's ded. other cryptocurrencies are better so there's no logical reason to have sia

>> No.3507875

anon, sia is the only one there with any hope at all. the others are just straight shitcoins.
please take a look at a photo of jared and tell me that you think he's going to fucking succeed with a straight face. You can't.
xvg is just an angtsy teen that was a biz pump from may. I remember the threads back then. It was literally 5 sats when we all bought with PURELY the intention of pumping and dumping it

>> No.3507937

filecoin > sia

>> No.3508354

Let me store a pic of ur mom on filecoin.
Oh wait... its just a whitepaper

>> No.3508421

Honestly, I think about that anon at least once every two weeks, can someone tell us if he is still alive?

>> No.3508472

Some big vc's behind it

>> No.3508509

Sia funds are like 3-4 btc a piece

>> No.3508599


You realize that Filecoin priced itself at $2,000,000,000 based on ICO pricing and how many coins they sold @ ICO, right?

You're a stupid motherfucker if you think it's going to go anywhere by into the ground.

>> No.3508686

I've been looking to double my holdings for so long, but everytime I look its fallen more. It does seem to have hit a floor, but I have very little faith anymore for short term gains.

>> No.3508731

250M actually

>> No.3508870
File: 102 KB, 750x1334, IMG-20170620-WA0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have seen the dude in forever. Probably feels like shit. July was hard on us all but it never got better for him. I still remember the morning that the devs officially announced the asic miners. I sold immediately and came out a little bit ahead. It wasn't so long ago but it feels like ages

>> No.3508893

Moon/ Commiecoin. Pick one, and only one.

>> No.3508948

Who here actually plans to use sia? The bottom line is that we've picked up a lifetime of storage for only a couple of hundred dollars, that is unless sia stops getting maintained and dies