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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 60 KB, 1024x1024, Tierion_logo_big_200x200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3498464 No.3498464 [Reply] [Original]

Can't stop, won't stop.

>> No.3498489

Any significant events planned in coming months?

>> No.3498561

This needs to get on a bigger exchange soon.
It's floundering right now.

>> No.3498571

Anyone running a node?

>> No.3499041


>> No.3499082


this is like a shitty actor saying they need a better agent. not gonna go anywhere.

>> No.3499096

Just got mine setup, definitely not for the computer illiterate.

>> No.3499116

they don't even have a road map
for real?

>> No.3499482
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They launched the network today.


>> No.3499672

How much income is it generating right now?

>> No.3499751

just reading the readme on github, you need to use ubuntu?

>> No.3499759

Are you just using Digital Ocean vps? And what are the estimated costs vs estimated revenue?

>> No.3500053

fuck, I was setting up nodes but ran out of eth and don't have any coins left on exchanges.
Can someone send me 0.005 eth (about $1.5) please so I could send 500 tnt to an exchange and dump it for eth ?
I'll give you 35 TNT in return (~$5), I have over 40k TNT on my balance and 0 eth.

Pls, lads much thanks

>> No.3500084
File: 712 KB, 2048x1365, 1504486413233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sent ;)


>> No.3500089

Wayne is a cuck but this should be good for one pump

>> No.3500100

thanks, I'll send you after I sell some of my tnt

>> No.3500123
File: 145 KB, 646x700, 1505097130248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no worries brother just happy to help an anon out.

I honestly somehow skipped over reading the part where you said you would sen TNT lol when I originally sent out.


>> No.3500152

This is about to blow. Cant wait!

>> No.3500205

sent 100kk to 0x27f4e527454a94D954D4Bc70E7df588Bce9167Da ;)
thanks again

>> No.3500228

how many do you need for a node?

>> No.3500254

Thanks man!

I'm going to set up my node soon here too.

2500 minimum but to be safe because of operation via credits probably just go with 4-5k

>> No.3500262

2500 TNT on the wallet minimum + 54 TNT or more to burn for credits (I send 100 TNT for credits per node). 1 TNT = 200 credits

>> No.3500294
File: 1.70 MB, 1456x1412, 145_cm_roughly_40_kg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I buy this shitcoin, do I use liqui or etherdelta?

>> No.3500328

that seems really cheap? so do you think if i just bought 2500 TNT i'll be a rich man in 1-2 years

>> No.3500358

you also need $5 for a vps and your credit balance burns with each solved hash if I got it right.
But yeah, that should work. 2600 tnt, 2500 on the wallet + 100 to burn for credits

>> No.3500458

what vps are you guys using?

>> No.3500469

I bought on etherdelta, I don't want to deal with liqui anymore. Their withdrawal fees are a meme

>> No.3500594

i bought stox and tnt on liqui
but i have the feeling that stuff there is so manipulated, first it doesnt move at all and then it jumps like 80% etc
time for a proper listing of these coins

>> No.3500884

setting this with AWS EC2 took literally 10 minutes

>> No.3501046

I'm using $5 vultr. I've set up 5 nodes (4 with 2500 TNT and one with 30k), but have no idea if they're working or not

>> No.3501083
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So you're using 5 different computers? It explicitly says in the github that multiple nodes on one physical machine is not yet supported (guessing it will be eventually)

>> No.3501169

How is the revenue? Weekly? Monthly?

>> No.3501556

I'm using a separate VPS for each node. Seems to be working, but I have no way to be sure if I had set up it all correctly

>> No.3501571

6k (about $900) TNT every 30 minutes to a random node

>> No.3501584

Is this still below ICO price?

>> No.3501598

So it's a lottery... As the number of masternodes grows the incentive declines. Who thought that is a good idea??

>> No.3501604

way below.....

>> No.3501627

>So it's a lottery
not exactly. The chances also depend on how much tnt do you have in your wallet, but 2500 TNT is the minimum

>> No.3501632

Seems profitable. Is it true?

>> No.3501702


>> No.3501708

it's 120% over ICO price idiots

>> No.3501821

any nigga have a link to how to setup a node? using AWS if possible?

i can follow instructions, but i don't know shit about it right now.

>> No.3501837

I had 400 of these, but I sold two days ago as nothing was happening? Should I buy back in?

>> No.3501870


>> No.3501878

well you'll need at least 2600 to run a node but definitely yah

>> No.3502077

How much 2500 TNT worth in USD?
Worth it if I fire up some server now?

>> No.3502135

Is it possible to set up a node that runs without leaving your PC on 24/7?

If I was staking 50,000 TNT how much would that return me a day? I mean that would only cost about 6k to buy and seems like it would be a lot to stake.

>> No.3502146

thanks senpai

>> No.3502242

should I just invest in TNT or should I set up one node. I have the technical knowledge to set up a node easily but can't risk too much """"fiat"""" on this shit.

>> No.3502285

Same boat here. Vulr a fcking scam, says 2.5usd server are 'sold out'.
False advertising fuckheads

>> No.3502304

Unless you are able to run several nodes (10+) at once, you are not going to get any return with 1 node. You have to pay credits to compete too, this is basically multilevel marketing/gambling, on top of owning the crypto, which is already risky in its own.

>> No.3502310

I was going to do digial ocean. But idk. Might be a better investment teaching people how tonset up nodes and watch them burn their supply trying to win the lottery while I hoard TNT shitcoins

>> No.3502320

Yeah I was just reading this. Sounds like a huge fucking scam, I'm staying far away.

>> No.3502326

Yea kinda thinkin that too. Might make a eli5 tutorial and post it on plebbit. If enough idiots set up nodes to try to get a payout maybe the price of this shitcoin will pump.

>> No.3502369

What would be better, having 4 nodes with 2500 tnt each or one single node with 10k tnt?

Also, can you set the nodes in araspberry pi? Have some laying around not being used.

Cheers tnt m8s

>> No.3502407
File: 1.07 MB, 300x300, 1491212892173.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HOLY FUCK. Just got 6k TNT from one of my nodes.

4 nodes with 2500 each (don't forget extra 100 tnt for credits)

Just change area to Miami or New York, there are still some $2.5 left

>> No.3502440

U got 6K TNT two times already...

>> No.3502474

Btw you don't want to borrow me 2600 just to get started please?

>> No.3502518

someone told me that MUE would moon along with this yet it's been pretty stagnant. It's currently extremely profitable to mine though

>> No.3502519

Nice. I really believe that you are the owner of that address ;)

How's your bitcoin package money tree growing anon?

>> No.3502556

tell me it's true anon. seems to good to be true...

>> No.3502590

yeah fuck this something is fishy here.

>> No.3502665

check this post, there some kind anon sent me 0.005 eth. >>3500053

you can find a tx of 2610 TNT, coming from that address (0x..0071) to the one that got the reward >>3502407
(which is 0x2e44218327EFa5A240Cb9E2872099139872E3eF5)

I'm currently running 6 nodes on vultr, but that's the only one that got rewarded so far. Guess I just got lucky, but nevertheless, feels good man

>> No.3502766

can someone make a tutorial

>> No.3502835

Does anyone know if credits should appear as tokens on etherscan?

>> No.3502854

no, you just send them to 0xddfff2b78463ab1ca781e853bb888fdfd06083d3 contract from your node's wallet. 100 TNT per node for credits + 2500 TNT left on the wallet should be enough

>> No.3502908

can someone send me some ETH to transfer TNT to the core please ? :'(

>> No.3502953

sent 1 billion usd ;)


>> No.3502968

make sure to send ONLY AFTER the node is confirmed and registered (check "make ps" and "make logs" commands).

>> No.3502974
File: 428 KB, 600x900, tumblr_no7kdavRha1uvp70bo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks mate. Here are some cheeky cheeks for you.

>> No.3502989

is there a mindlet ELI5 tutorial on how to set a node?

>> No.3503000
File: 175 KB, 1332x286, Screen Shot 2017-09-16 at 18.21.59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it good ?

>> No.3503006

I'm bagholding these so I don't really have much of a choice but to set up nodes.

With that said I feel like the average person would prefer normal staking with a guaranteed, stable ROI to this lottery which greatly favors the first few buyers.

>> No.3503008

perfect woman desu

>> No.3503043

if you have the following in logs, you should be fine
>Node registration confirmed and updated
>Core audit challenge solution calculated - ....
you can see if it's working by going to your ip from the browser http://your_node_ip and also http://your_node_ip/config

you can also restart the node after buying credits just to make sure ("make down", then "make up"). I doubt that's necessary, but I do it anyway

>> No.3503108

Thanks my frend, hope I'll get the rewards one day...
Another question: I only have to send the 100TNT once right ? Or must I repeat the process once my credits burned ?

>> No.3503138

I think there's no way to check the credit balance now, but I think 100tnt would be enough for a while

>> No.3503621

I didn't think the coin would moon to the far reaches of our solar system, but last night was pretty disappointing. We're back to where we were yesterday now

>> No.3503679

Yeah and the telegram chat is getting quite salty.

DESU, people are asking fairly legit questions about the incentives behind running a node,. The fact that you have to burn TNT to do so, without any guarantee of returns, is pretty shit.

>> No.3503724

Holy shit, anon who sent you the ETH last night here. Gratz man!!!!!!

>> No.3503924

How do I even know if I have credits to run my node? Is there a balance somewhere? Will if appear in my ether wallet?

>> No.3503953

fk off with your 55k tokens

>> No.3503990
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We are the Cybtierion

>> No.3504029
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This coin has literally never mooned or gone up in price wtf are you talking about?

>> No.3504267

Went all in on this shitcoin at 14c. Holy fuck I'm bad at this game

>> No.3504658

I'm gonna set up a tierion node on a vps but I'm confused about one thing.

Do I periodically have to keep refilling my credits by sending TNT to the credit buying address? If my node doesn't get any rewards, I essentially have to keep buying TNT to exchange for credits in order to be eligible to receive rewards. How long would 100TNT (20k credits) last?

>> No.3504740

You only spend 1 credit each time you calculate a hash. My guess 100tnt could last for a long time.
They just released the software today, I'm sure they will come up with a way to tell how much credits you've got left on your account later