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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 5 KB, 200x200, omisego.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3405235 No.3405235 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3405294

It's not dipping because every fundamental for this coin screams that it should be worth more.

Their goal, the people on the team, the already established company behind it, taking advantage of a developing region, and their marketing skills are all honestly coming together in the best way possible, that we've never seen before.

I seriously cannot see this coin crashing back below $10, because everyone that does research into it just wants to keep holding it.

Anon, do yourself a favor and just buy some now. If it dips, dollar cost average and buy more at the dip. I sincerely believe that this is going to be the next coin that will make people want to kill themselves for not buying early on.

>Sitting comfortably at 1,421 OMG

>> No.3405332

This is the dip you tard

>> No.3405353

last sunday it dipped hard, it will most likely do the same thing tommorow.
80% sure

>> No.3405408

Just buy now mayne, even when it hits $20 it's still a buy

>> No.3405428

>tfw bought in at $8 dip because my body wakes up at 6am no matter what

>> No.3405433

OTHER THAN STAKING what is the value of holding the token?

>> No.3405437
File: 183 KB, 1024x576, comfyyyyyy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it only dipped because bitcoin tanked coupled with china fud spreading like wildfire before it was disproved. that was a one time sale baby

>> No.3405439


Its already in the dip

>> No.3405481

dw OP, will be $7,60 again soon. just wait for btc to go sub $4k again

>> No.3405560

>300 btc sell wall

>> No.3405591

>1.2 mil in omg can't even drive the price down a lot


>> No.3405664
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>> No.3405676

krakens are accumulating

>> No.3405680

So sick of fucking retards not realising sale walls are good things. Fucking nucoiners ruined crypto.

>> No.3405697

yea look at all these people in this thread freaking out. o wait

>> No.3405706

holy shit someone on bittrex is selling 100k OMG for 278,5k SAT

>> No.3405712

*blocks your path*

>> No.3405716

The whale wars have started

>> No.3405730

It's getting dumped!!!!

>> No.3405731


>dev Team shilling with random pics in Twitter

Some stickers and pics from Google offices don't do it for me.

>> No.3405735

price is barely going down with a sell wall that big. Quit being an autismo

>> No.3405747

Bro the whales are clearly dumping, look at the fuck order book

>> No.3405774

>already an existing payment gateway company
>omise, facepay, omisego will merge
>every transaction that goes through omise will benefit the price of omisego
>just started and already have ~240 mcd locations for facepay, ministry of finance in thailand using facepay
>strong ties to central bank of thailand with a lot of new suggesting they will be handling their transactions
>money skeleton
>Parent company already has ties with google and visa
>This is just the start
>Palm beach research who predicted eth's price 18 months in advance predicts $700 for omisego in the near future

keep being stupid and poor though because hurr durr rumors.

>> No.3405786

You spelled manipulating wrong.

All this means is that there are deep pockets in omisego and they are trying to squeeze weakhands out. Is this babbys first crypto for you?

>> No.3405789

Is it good idea to sell for 278499 sat to rebuy later?

>> No.3405808

this would be just about the riskiest period to daytrade omg. Walls are mainly artificial and get pulled when they start getting eaten up. Soon enough ~$12 would have seemed cheap

>> No.3405817

I sold half at 282000, another 100 at 278500.

Go for it. Watch it like a hawk though, the minute that 100k wall drops its headin gup. Also volume is hilariously low at sub 6k btc

>> No.3405899


nah mate I just scrolled out and I see nice flag forming also volume going down. Its going up in 2-5 hours

>> No.3405933

>holding under 2k OMG
>thinking he is going to make it

Pick one and only one

>> No.3405960

When it goes to $700 I'll be a millionaire. That's pretty much making it.

>> No.3405975

Because chinese are literally shit humans so they have to run bots until they knock their shit off.

>> No.3405984

Better keep those coins in a cold frozen ice age vault then, cause you are not going to be seeing that number for the next 2 years. Will probably hit $700 when bitcoin is hitting $50k.

>> No.3406009


Yeah that's what I said lol. The volume is low and the 100k wall. I said watch it like a hawk. We share the same sentiment anyway

>> No.3406038

>>every transaction that goes through omise will benefit the price of omisego

>> No.3406058

It won't, this copy pasta makes zero sense and is cope. Chainlink will bridge the blockchain gap, OMG is pure hype and might just be able to achieve 10% of its goals, before being banned since free exchange of fiat will quite clearly be illegal

>> No.3406066
File: 191 KB, 685x420, kissofdeath_WEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is gonna dip, infact it's over Binance is gonna add it. good night sweet prince.

>> No.3406100

Is there anything more to the binance kiss of death than memes? Just curious

>> No.3406139
File: 267 KB, 420x420, 1495075429572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are so many nucoiners itt that it's pathetic, it's sick, it's sad as fuck. you guys are straight up histrionic little faggots dealing with mommy's allowance and have no idea how walls work or anything. you only know how to beg and post pink wojacks

>> No.3406162

2200 reporting in. I don't know how I will celebrate the triple digit mark, but I know its going to be lavish. I want my wagekeks friends to hang themselves when they see it

>> No.3406182

Because owning OMG would be like owning a btc mining farm.

>> No.3406349

Underrated post.

>> No.3406427

because proof of stake/plasma allowing billions of transactions a second. holy fuck this is basic shit people, do you do 0 research outside of biz?

>> No.3406451
File: 253 KB, 637x640, IMG_1596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can get blowjobs from your mom and pay her with my omisegoTM.

That's a lot of value in and of itself

>> No.3406725

All you faggots sell. Sell you sons of bitches. Sell to christmas you faggot fucks. When I go all in Ill make sure to set aside some OMG for your daughters college fund.

>> No.3406760

Why does the volume of the transactions impact the PRICE OF OMG

>> No.3406804

the buy wall tho

>> No.3406825

Do you think if other countries didn't accept USD, the price of USD wouldn't be affected? Fucking idiot

>> No.3406835
File: 71 KB, 600x800, 1473070175409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's going to slowly fall down to normal levels
Joke's on you bagholding faggots

>> No.3406876

The price has been extremely stable for hours. That 100k sell wall is keeping it from mooning, whale friends are silently accumulating.

>> No.3406959

I'm a whale and I'm not accumulating. I already own 100k. Holding for 300k sats

>> No.3407404

OMG isn't really a currency though, it's just an intermediary utility.

So I'll reiterate my question

>> No.3408159

jesus that huge whale is barely affecting the price. he is get bites taken out of him constantly.

>> No.3408202

My TA pegs OMG at around $32 by november

>> No.3408805

kek what a shit frend u are