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File: 254 KB, 500x500, 599717eee3d40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3387590 No.3387590 [Reply] [Original]

looks solid and technology seems interesting

>> No.3387605

Mainly because people keep shilling it constantly to try and get people to buy in when it hits markets so people who bought the ICO are assured money

>> No.3387615


>> No.3387616

ODNary people are jealous of the Obsidian Master Race, bro.

>> No.3387647

And this proves that all the delusional shilling was actually clever FUD. Now people are getting cold feet.

>> No.3387663

what purpose does that serve?

>> No.3387671
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good, weak hands will give up ODN below ICO price. all according to plan.

>> No.3387712

I have no idea... Some people just want to see the world burn? Hired by competing tech? Missed out on ICO and want to buy in cheap?

>> No.3387749

How this FUD is clever?

>> No.3387754

so youre saying its a good project?

>> No.3387765

Yeah seems pretty tight

>> No.3387781


Let's be honest no matter what happens you'll say it was "all according to plan"

>Coin goes below ICO price
'This was expected now all the weak hands are out so we can accumulate'
>Coin goes up from ICO price
'I told you guys this coin was gonna be big, shoulda gotten in on the ICO huh?'

>> No.3387784
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>The call that saved Obsidian.

>> No.3387803

Obsidian is horrible and obviously a scam. All ICO holders should sell their stock IMMEDIATELY once it hits an exchange. It has no future so don't bother waiting for a rise because you'll just be stuck with bags.

>> No.3387823

I second this. No i'm not FUDing just to accumulate

>> No.3388001

Its competition to the IOC pajeets and look at how autistic they are

>> No.3388059

IOC faggots with heavy bags. The fact that we are saying OBSIDIAN is the future doesnt mean that we are selling. Wait for the exchanges anon . Peace

>> No.3388081
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>> No.3388086

>OBSIDIAN is the future

Tell me why

>> No.3388094
File: 20 KB, 804x438, obsidian-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

O will tell you all you need to know no need to listen IOC hodlers who are tired waiting for useless Dions.

Fluffy pony of monero and dan of syscoin on board
Masternodes with 10% returns anually
Obsidian is a platform not just a messanger
Will hit bittrex then liqui_-devs confirmed on slack
Technology outweighs status messanger

Plus hey. Be wise. Its always your choice to invest or not.

>> No.3388099

i really love ODN i really think it has a nice big future in store for it. im all in

>> No.3388109
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probably ioc shills

>> No.3388110

what is the platform?

>> No.3388115


Why is this shit even compared with IOC? This is some niche privacy asset suite, so what?

IOC does messaging better than ODN, it's supposed main feature.


>> No.3388133

Do your research anon. Read their whitepaper. Join their slack. Market cap is currently at 4m. Will launch on exchange proly ×3. That will be a cheap buy considering most people are going to hodl and stack more for masternodes

>> No.3388163

How much do I need for a master node?

>> No.3388166

Platform technology
The Obsidian messenger app and it’s backend services are built on a C# codebase. This
matches with the existing NBitcoin, NStratis, Breeze and Stratis Bitcoin Full Node projects and
allows for seamless integration of the messaging and the blockchain platform.
It is compatible with the Microsoft .NET Standard / .NET Core platform, therefore making it
developer-friendly and capable of running on various operating systems such as Windows,
different versions of Linux, and Apple macOS.

Is this it? Doesn't seem like much

>> No.3388172

Hey guys, if you want to buy and sell whitelist accounts, join us on Whitelist Trader Slack:


>> No.3388174


>> No.3388178

>This matches with the existing NBitcoin, NStratis, Breeze and Stratis Bitcoin Full Node projects and allows for seamless integration of the messaging and the blockchain platform.

The Stratis team have outright said that Obsidian has nothing to do with them. Obsidian is a code fork of Stratis, that's it

>> No.3388227



It's shit, people will use whatsapp anyway.

>> No.3388239

are you fucking serious. i went all in on this fucking coin

>> No.3388255

ODN is for serious people who need to use an anonymous messenger for business purposes. if you're just some poorfag, it's not intended for you.

>> No.3388276


You're fucking delusional, tell you what, I'll x3 your pocket change from grandpa if you suck my big long IOC dick, better chances than actually waiting for this "MUH PAY FOR PRIVATE MESSAGING BECAUSE MUH BLOCKCHAIN" coin to moon.

>> No.3388291


Exactly, you said it yourself, it's a niche product, aka it's shit and does not merit the hype you retards give it.

>> No.3388339
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I will now continue to post IOC related info graphics.

>> No.3388342


Like the other guy said, there's no reason for regular people to use this, so why should it be deemed highly valuable?

>> No.3388399
File: 380 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot from 2017-08-25 12-05-09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Seriously, after every ODN thread I haven't been given one value proposition that actually stands to be actually valuable and facilitate real world adoption.

This is a niche product, it is not revolutionary or BIG. Stop hyping it up ODN fags, just admit you got fleeced

>> No.3388432

Of fucking course I'm serious. And the fee is PER MESSAGE.

Imagine you have to send 1000 message, the fee will make people go away. There are better alternatives for this, it doesn't solve anything.

Fair enough, and exactly why this coin won't see any global adoption.

>> No.3388480
File: 510 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot from 2017-08-23 20-52-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When you realize you can just use DIONS wallet to send secure messages for cheaper, while also not being confined to a 100% niche ecosystem.

Do you ODN kids know what interoperability means? Do you ODN kids understand the untapped potential for inter-chain technologies?

Do you understand that IOC is not just a little messaging app but a whole fucken swiss-army knife.

>> No.3388517


featured on FORBES

>I/O Coin

featured on some shitty medium blog post

IOCucks are getting DESPERATE

>> No.3388534

It only has to compete with:
Facebook, Google hangouts, WhatsApp, Line, Telegram, weeChat, whatever other korean or chinese messaging app there is that are all free and widely adopted and have huge teams working on constant improvement.

>> No.3388543

>implying any of those are fucking anonymous
>implying ODN is just a messenger
you are an idiot

>> No.3388556

How is telegram not anonymous?

>> No.3388557

What? Not gonna try justify why your niche coin is doomed to be a low quality ICO? But you'll try use websites which ODN paid to feature on vs free marketing IOC gets just for being good.

Did I mention Oracle Investment, H2 ventures, Stokens VC, KPMG and more are all working with IOC?

>> No.3388574
File: 8 KB, 540x170, IOC_SUNRISE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Directed at you fagboy, don't try change the topic, I want you to tell me why your coin isn't just destined to be a over hyped ICO built on the premsise of being a private messaging suite, despite being many other options which don't invovle being deluded by money (bc admit you you only shill this coin because you are deluded in money, you cannot even tell whats a good investment anymore, clearly if you're buying ODN's ffs lmao.)

>> No.3388575

Shit dude, how is even google or Facebook not anonymous? Do you pit your phone number there because they ask you to? Do you uplead your id photos? Get real.

>> No.3388578

you have to sign up with a fucking phone number

>> No.3388579
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As a fellow IOC holder you should fucking stop. You're making us look desperate.

I hold both IOC and OBD. They are both good projects. No reason to put down another one. Fucking stop it, man.

>> No.3388586
File: 143 KB, 959x959, faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, there is a reason why terrorist use telegram for communication, government cant crack em.

Look you fucking Matthew Princesa you fucking faggot, stop bashing ODN you fucking prick. It will only look bad for IOC, because moron like you bashing other project. Fuck off you fucking asshole.

>> No.3388589

No you don't.

>> No.3388598

I like to let the market do the talkin' and let losers FUD because that's all they're good for ;^)

>> No.3388599

After the new wallet and getting our masternodes on 12th we wont bother you ioc hodlers anymore. See you in 2018 brothers . May your fudding keep our bags warm and light

>> No.3388612

Sorry IOC men, I just fucken hate ODN faggots so much.

>> No.3388618

I'd even argue that odn is least anonymous from all now existing messaging apps because i bet most of you noobs bought the ico with coinbase ether.

>> No.3388641

none of this shit matters since the messages are fully encrypted

>> No.3388700

Yea, messages on whatsapp and telegram are also fully encrypted, but you don't have to upload your id and get it checked by third parties to use the apps.

>> No.3388702


I still don't understand how people are expecting huge gains from a system where you need to burn the coin to send an encrypted message, which is a niche purpose in and of itself

>> No.3388716
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>No reason for regular people to use ODB
>No reason for regular people to use BTC
>No reason for regular people to use Monero

You realize that logic doesnt apply here? You're missing the bigger picture. Jesus christ how can you people be participating in the market when you think like this?

Crypto is just a baby. ODN is technically a first mover by building the first 100% anonymous messaging platform. Its a first mover. First. Mover. That's a big deal.

As for "Who" is going to use this - its the same market that is going to use Monero, Verge, Cloakcoin, PIVX etc. The anonymous-encrypted darknet platforms are big, and will become even bigger.

Add to the fact that its their own platform and ODN has legs. Everything I've seen about it, I like about it. I DO wish that that people would keep quiet about this and stfu at least until it hits exchanges and the chain starts running. I also think this is gonna do a x2 right out of the gate because these guys already have a prototype up and running.

But for people to say that the market is "too niche" is ridiculous. Its outrageous FUD.

>> No.3388750

>ODN is technically a first mover by building the first 100% anonymous messaging platform
Maidsafe has been working on this for like 10 years if I'm not wrong, and you won't even have to use some shit tokens to use it, just allocate some hdd space for the network and keep your pc on.

>> No.3388790

>There are people that think Obsidian is a messenger


>> No.3388798

MAID? You're bringing up MAID? Lol wtf? MAID is an entirely different beast. They are aiming to build a giant private network, essentially. 100% anonymity is not one of their goals (which is why their marketing is called SAFE).

Besides, you are comparing a platform that does anonymous messaging right NOW, that already works, compared to something that is perpetual varporware.

This shit is a no brainer. And the tokens issue is also a non-issue, its a fee to use the network just like any other fee you use to transfer money. I mean come on.

>> No.3388804


I mean when your biggest supporters try to use it as the main reason people should buy in it shouldn't be surprising that's the result

>> No.3388808

Who is shilling the messenger? The platform is going to be a great thing to have for private, anonymous dApps.

>> No.3388866

It is different beast, yes. It's much better, in the works for like 10 years and will do everything that odn claims to do, but much better. I brought it up because some fag here mentioned first movers advantage.

>> No.3388884
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Lol, except its vaporware. The crypto market is moving at a blazing speed. By the time it gets released the market would have left it in the dust, and a better alternative will probably be available.

Enjoy your bags.

>> No.3388906

>shilling MAID in an Obsidian thread

..... HAHAHAHA you're an idiot stop embarrassing yourself

>> No.3388935

M-muh decentralised WhatsApp where i pay for every message. 1995 called, they want you to pay for texts.

>> No.3388940
File: 567 KB, 600x595, heh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MAID? what is this, 2016

>> No.3388970

It's like you're looking for ways to hate on the coin. Why not just take another look at it, take a look at the demo instead of fudding like a moron. If I were you I would buy some on opening day and enjoy the gains. It's a good, solid ICO. It's not just messaging either, alot more stuff is going to be coming down the road for private dApps.

>> No.3388984

You're the guy signing up to fb and telegram with phone number, you can't talk :^)

>> No.3388987

nobody is gonna use a new messaging app regardless of features. that market is locked down 100%

>> No.3389023

That's exactly my point. What's next? Instagram on blockchain for some reason? Sprinkle some smart contracts and dapps in the whitepaper and launch an ico

>> No.3389071

> Nobody on the planet has the need to send text/images/files in a manner that is 100% untraceable, hiding both origin and destination.

It's like this is your first day on the internet. Cute.

>> No.3389100

Hold up hold up, did they just invented encryption? Holy fuck BUY BUY BUY!

>> No.3389114

decentralized encryption, you fool

>> No.3389120


i'm reading this from my telegraph right now, thanks anon for this insight.

>> No.3389131

You realize that encryption wasn't even mentioned in that post, right?

>> No.3389157


The other guy is getting way too hard into trying to shit on the coin, but it's really going to be a niche use overall

>> No.3389179

it'll be as niche as monero. which sounds good to me.