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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 13 KB, 800x266, microsoft-tierion-header.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3364940 No.3364940 [Reply] [Original]

Already have partnerships with Microsoft, and PHILIPS. Releasing their beta on the 15th, new partnership announcement before then, and new exchanges this month.

This will 4X by the 15th. It's a sleeping giant.

>> No.3364949

From the white paper : https://tokensale.tierion.com/TierionTokenSaleWhitePaper.pdf

Use Cases:
Since launching in June 2015, Tierion has been used by many organizations in a wide variety of industries. Several open source projects have adopted the Chainpoint protocol. Here are some examples that demonstrate how the technology is being used.

Attestations & Data Integrity.
Microsoft and Tierion are collaborating to build a service to generate, manage, and validate attestations e.g. credentials associated with your work history.

IoT Data Provenance.
Collect data from MRI machines to create an audit trail of its maintenance, usage, and calibration history. Prove compliance with regulations and safety inspections.

Blockchain Verifiable Credentials.
Blockcerts is an open source project that emerged from the MIT Media Lab that uses the Chainpoint protocol to issue blockchain verifiable education credentials.

Machine Learning Auditability.
Verifai creates a cryptographically verifiable audit trail to prove how a neural network has been trained. Verifai marks the first practical use of blockchain technology in artificial intelligence.



>> No.3364960
File: 1.65 MB, 2048x1536, BOSSSAUS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sauce pl0x

>> No.3364971

delete this pls

>> No.3365006
File: 29 KB, 550x550, Ian_14_fn-550x550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cryptonegro kindly requests you pull this thread ASAP

>> No.3365012

Holding 1K, will I make it?

>> No.3365024

Read their whitepaper. They're an already established company with many partnerships - just Microsoft and Philips are the largest (at the moment).

>> No.3365037

what value does the coin have tho?
the partnerships didnt help and this thing is diving hard

>> No.3365040

Once staking comes in, you will make it. I think the minimum to stake is only a couple of hundred dollars worth.

>> No.3365048

you forgot one thing bro. NOT TRADED ON ANY EXCHANGE and wont ever be traded on bittrex as they wont add any new coin due to incoming us ICO regulations. POLO is a scam. enjoy bags

>> No.3365050

When it releases you can stake your coins for a large return. It's tanking, cause no one knows about it yet, as they're not starting marketing until the beta release (on the 15th).

>> No.3365060

Bitfinex soon, plus all these already:

It's being lapped up in China, cause of the Philips partnership.

>> No.3365083

SHOW ME ANY PROOF OF BITFINEx. it wont enter in china its a token it got banned.

>> No.3365115

can you honestly shut the fuck up about this please. Not enough retards have sold into my orders. no more posts until after the 15th, and I should have enough.

>> No.3365133


Anything that microsoft touches, falls apart.

I wouldn't touch this with a 30 inch dildo/

>> No.3365155

Fuck Microsoft and fuck Tierion, useless shitcoin

>> No.3365166

>muh Microsoft!!!

holy shit shut the fuck up already. You know who else has a Microsoft parnership? Stratis. Nobody cares that they have a fancy corporate logo on their homepage.

>> No.3365184

Microsoft's partnership helped increase Strat to a big dick player in the crypto game. The same thing will happen to TNT when more become aware.

>> No.3365326

Crap name.
Why didn't they call it tiberion?

>> No.3365362
File: 463 KB, 1596x2439, 636109756244783602-34161193_image165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously. Do your own research and you'll see that this will blow up within a couple of weeks. See you all on the moon. Goodnight.

>> No.3365975

why are this cucks not even trying to list it on bigger exchanges ? Are they waiting until the platform gets finished or something ?
Could've doulbed my 55k tnt stack if I dumped at the beggining and rebought now.

I had such high expectations for this coin, and now it's below the ICO price. If by September 15th it doesn't do at least x10 I fucking swear, I'll book a flight to there this fucker Wayne lives, fuck his wife and shit on his doorstep.

Still going to run a node though.

>> No.3366585

Factom does what tierion does better and it's token is actually used by the network.

Enjoy your bags m8

>> No.3366771


Fuders getting desperate, lmao.

>> No.3366790

Compared to Factom, Tierion is quicker, MUCH easier to use, not dependent on in-house servers, allows for more control over your data, ...

>sign up
>enter data
>wait 5 minutes

>download factom wallet, wallet GUI, factom CLI, factomd
>acquire factoids (meaning: open/use account to trade bitcoin for factoids)
>transfer factoids to factom wallet
>convert factoids to entry credits
>download factom blockchain
>etc. etc.
I mean look at this shit:https://www.factom.com/devs/docs/howto/use-your-factoids

>it's token is actually used by the network.
So is Tierion's. The bigger the network, the better the system; and TNT expands that network.