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3343738 No.3343738 [Reply] [Original]

Am I the only NEET here who hates labor day?

>be me
>be a neet who lives off of parents some and trades crypto
>live in south florida
>spend free time during week spearfishing and diving while all the 9 to 5 cubicle slaves are hunched over their desks
>labor day comes
>the wage cucks finally have an extra day off to add to their 10 days vacation
>they swarm to the beaches in droves
>boat traffic is worse than a Saturday evening
>no stores are open

Seriously, why do wagies enjoy labor day so much. Yeah I can get that it would be a nice day to relax at home but literally all leisure activities are a shit show. Do any other neets know this feel? I hate weekends too.

>> No.3343790
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i don't go outside or look at a calendar so these holidays just fly by without me ever even noticing

>> No.3343811

this. Comfy af.

>> No.3343818

It must suck not being able to play Jacques Cousteau everyday after mommy cooks you tendies and you make 10% gains on gambling shitcoins

>> No.3343836
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this is now comfy thread

>> No.3343959
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NEET life. Retired in my 20's subsisting on cryptos, reading conspiracy theories all day and saving for future when I'm ready to have my three wives and 12 kids. I'm in FL as well, thinking about going to Thailand. Hear it's fookin cheap there. Oh yeah, fuck wagies and labor day. Had to wait 30 minutes to get a table at keke's for brekky.

>> No.3344195
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At least I know the wage cucks will be returning to their cubicles first thing tomorrow. Meanwhile I'll be on the hunt for some spiny lobsters with a couple of other neet friends

>> No.3344211

i'll trade you mahi or tuna fillets for lobster tails senpai

>> No.3344256

hey guys, it's great that you can retire, but if you didn't learn enough about how to exist in life before making enough to retire there's a good chance you will get into trouble. please stay safe :)

>> No.3344271
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Normies will go to work in the morning while I trade crypto and gain healthy returns, without stressing myself and deal with shitty bosses. Wagecucks will never get the feel of comfiness.

>> No.3344316

I agree and I'm a fucking wagecuck when I'm not investing/trading crypto and equities.

Anyone else have this problem?
>wake up
>depressed you have to go wagecuck today
>spend all day looking at charts for crypto, stocks, and properties to buy
>can't wait to get off
>finally get off
>too tired to do anything so just go to bed after vegging out for an hour
>finally the weekend/holiday comes
>be bored as shit and think "I could be at work making money right now"
>realize you're depressed because you have nothing going for your life besides chasing money and promotions at work
>go to sleep
>wake up and do it again

>> No.3344365
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I was there once. You can escape friend.

>> No.3344382

Wagecuck here, how much do you realistically need to save up to go full blown neet?

>> No.3344393
File: 85 KB, 960x642, Palm-Beach-The-Breakers-Seafood-Room-Swoop-Move.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

South Florida neet here, beaches were terrible today.

Being a successful neet crypto trader is cool. Never hit traffic because my days are structure around avoiding it.
Beaches are always nice and empty.

Chill vibes.

Today I just stayed home and day drank by the pool as made a few trades. Ate some shrimp.

Must suck to be a wage cuck. They only do this stuff every couple months.

>> No.3344400

>I was there once.
>posts picture saying kill yourself
This is some /x/files shit.

>> No.3344437

*Beach info was given to me by my parents who were in town visiting. Neet life baby.

>> No.3344493

Florida confirmed best state to enjoy the neet life

>> No.3344656
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South FL is nice but Central FL is better for the money. UCF qt3.14's are everywhere, it's cheaper to live, the city isn't as dangerous and it's cleaner. Plus, you're only a few hrs away if you really want that south FL party life for a weekend. Did I mention the UCF hotties.

Well, I would have killed myself (not literally) if i stayed as a wager. Trump and Cryptos saved my life. Praise kek

>> No.3344789

Complete opposite of a neet but really fucking hate forced, contrived one day holidays. Not long enough to do shit, but feel forced to be around people I don't wanna be for too long.

>> No.3345102

NEET life in Neptune Beach here in Jacksonville is the true bliss. Can't wait until tomorrow when everybody goes back to work.

>> No.3345151

>everyone thats a wagecuck works in a cubicle
Is this what you dorks actually believe?

>> No.3345160

True that, just went to the zoo there two weeks ago. All of North FL, is really nice. Small towns, feels like real America.

>> No.3345176

Anyone else constantly lie down about their gains? I'm probably going to make $50k this month off Rise, Bat, Florin, and omg..My friend getting in ask how much I have and I always say "About $4k". Don't want to hurt their feelings.

>> No.3345235
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No, but generally, if you make your money with a W2 it sucks. Some people enjoy that type of life and they probably would say I'm a dork. I don:t enjoy that life and so I'd say they're a dork but maybe you wouldn't be happy walking in my shoes either. We all do what we want and everyone talks shit cause its fun. I don't mind wagies, all of my family are wagies, some of them make more money than me and some don't. Some of them may be more happy with their life than me and some aren't.

I stopped telling them how much i make because they always want me to manage their money after. I tell them I'll help them do it themselves but I don't want to manage my friends and families money. So now I just lie and tell them I'm doing okay whenever they ask. I don't tell them I'm making more than 20% gains a day on my holdings in crypto saving for retirement.

>> No.3345257

I hate labor day because I just worked 3 days of 12 hour shifts and usually wake up to a nice quiet house on monday but instead the parents and brother are loud as shit and up early as usual like a motherfucking weekend and the grandparents are coming over and holy shit I need to move out