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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 40 KB, 500x500, rip nekomata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
325401 No.325401 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>324506

>> No.325402

Remember to only create new threads AFTER the old one has reached its bump limit of 300 posts.

Exchange - Current Price 106 Satoshi:

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Want the DOGE coin to succeed? This is how you can help:

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Join #do/g/ecoin at Rizon now.

>> No.325405

THIS POST IS ABOUT PANDACOIN (PND). WHAT IS PANDACOIN (PND)? IT'S AWESOME AND YOU SHOULD MINE IT NOW. (http://bamboohouse.info/index.php?page=gettingstarted))


Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=568529
Twitter: /PandacoinPND
Facebook: /Pandacoin.PND
Reddit: /r/PandacoinPND
IRC: #PandacoinPND on freenode.net
Weibo: http://weibo.com/pndcoin
Chinese QQ group: 255237866

Want to help Pandacoin (PND)?
Cryptsy voting: https://www.cryptsy.com/coinvotes
Send a mail for its inclusion on bter to: admin@mail.bter.com
Coinedup subreddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/CoinedUp/comments/1ylq9d
Coinwarz contact: http://www.coinwarz.com/contact <- Contact to list PND

Website: http://thepandacoin.net

Binaries: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/binaries
Source: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/pandacoin


Normal pools can be found in the bitcointalk thread.


Charity: http://pnd4pnd.com


Mining Guides:

Mining Resources:


IRC: #PandacoinPND@freenode (webchat.freenode.net)
Forum: http://forum.bamboohouse.info

Tipbot for 4chan:

>> No.325406

wew lad

>> No.325407
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wew lad

>> No.325408

wew lad

>> No.325411
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nice taunt for the mona shill

>> No.325415

About my PND loss from Cryptorush
Don't really remember but it was in feb when the price was at ~10 satoshi and I bought for 1 BTC, think it was like ~23 millions.

>> No.325419

So how do I in to API? Do I do it in Java?

>> No.325421

In that case you might want to wait for cr to come back as suggested in the old thread.

>> No.325422

What API and what are you aiming to do? I can help.

>> No.325423

Trade DOGE in for BTC while BTC is low? Looks like it might be nearing a rise in value.

However DOGE may also be near according to one nerd's post on /r/dogecoin

Just now sinking my dick into trading and I want to be the cool guy

>> No.325425


>> No.325430


whatever works for you I suppose~

>> No.325431

You think there is a chance I can get back my PND?
Also grats on PND rising in value

>> No.325439

It would be much appreciated. I want a userinfo API for the multipool. They have a page with the available commands and nothing else.

>> No.325441


>> No.325445

how do you conver litoshi to satoshi

>> No.325448

Basic maths.

>> No.325450

so we're at like 3 satoshi?

>> No.325455

Yes, more or less.



What language you writing in?

>> No.325457

278 ltc wall at 155.


>> No.325459

Bought up.

>> No.325461


holy fucking shit!

>> No.325462
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>> No.325463
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>> No.325464

Thanks guys.
>What language you writing in?
Dunno lol. Whichever is the most efficient. I downloaded the Java SDK but also read some stuff about C# APIs. What did you guys write it in?

>> No.325465


I'm in shick. seriously. wow.

>> No.325467


>> No.325469


>> No.325470
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Jesus tittyfucking Christ.
We're gonna hit 200 today.

>> No.325472

Why do people think PoS will magically increase PND's value?

I remember the same bullshit said about Doge's halvening. When Doge went through the halvening, nothing happened. In fact, it's value continued to decreased.

So all the Doge hype for nothing. Why would the same not apply to PND PoS?

>> No.325474


>> No.325475
File: 531 KB, 492x638, areyouawizard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet Jesus.

>> No.325477

Because Blackcoin hype.

>> No.325478

So after PoS, it will indeed keep rising, is that what you're trying to say?

>> No.325479


doge value did boost on the halving insanely, this was when it was popular though, the next halving wasn't as successful as people were losing interest

>> No.325480

Because people will buy before it trying to get enough to have more coins before the price rises because of PoS.

>> No.325481
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>24 Hr High

>> No.325485

>PND never stops
>eventually reaches one LTC
>one BTC
>one hundred BTC
>one thousand BTC
>/biz/ is made millionaires
What would happen?

>> No.325487

This won't happen because of the amount of coins.
It'll still be worth a lot.

>> No.325488

We pool together to buy the moon.

>> No.325489

But what if it did!

>> No.325491

I wrote 1# in nodejs, it has a really low entry point.

But it depends on what you want to do with it.

>> No.325493


>> No.325496

>tfw only 30 million PND

>> No.325497
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Thanks to /biz/ i have 130k

>> No.325498

I feel like a small fish in the sea surrounded by whales.

>> No.325500

That's worth like $500 now. 60M already puts you amongst the top 100 wallets. It's not that little.

>> No.325502

amDoge do you have more or less than 500 million PND?

>> No.325503

Welcome in the cub. I feel with you :(

>> No.325504
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>> No.325505

sent :^)

>> No.325507


what happened to nekomata?

>> No.325508

What do you think?

sent :^)

>> No.325509


He has more.

>> No.325510

We should get on litebit.eu

>> No.325511

Of course he has more than 500M. I mined 115M with a 2.5GHash rig and I only mined for like half of the PoW period, maybe even less. He mined with 8-12GHash probably for the full period, plus collected pool fees. He's probably over a billion.

>> No.325512

thanks kind anon(s)!

>> No.325513


4 now

>> No.325515
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>> No.325516
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Are you the fucking government?

>> No.325518


GHash. Lol.

>> No.325520

MHash. For some reason I'm used to SHA256.

>> No.325522

Nekomata said "if you just want me to leave say stop", the inevitable happened.

>> No.325523
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PND empires enslaves the world.
only to set everyone free immediately thereafter

>> No.325524

Some one bought up a ton of LTC last night

>> No.325525



>> No.325526

>last night
More like a few minutes ago.
The 248 LTC sell wall didn't see it coming.

>> No.325527


>> No.325529

I have 60 and I'm pretty meh on the whole PND thing. There was no reason not to buy millions when it was at 4 litoshi.

>> No.325531

no, on the ltc/btc market.

they put like 10 btc in ltc. its probably this massive buy right now

>> No.325532

Oh, you need to be more clear about that.

>> No.325533

>There was no reason not to buy millions when it was at 4 litoshi.

did you buy your whole lotta 60 M @ 4 litoshis?

>> No.325534

Also, why are people buying up PANDA? Maybe the Chinese are confused?

>> No.325536

Most of it at 3 to 7.

>> No.325538


not just chinese all noobs are confused i think

its ironic that we made the coin so people confuse them with us

and we are now in the revese situation

>> No.325540


How much LTC did that cost you?

>> No.325542

Those were also the times when my hubmle 400khs miner got abount a million a day.

>> No.325543
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omnomnom walls

>> No.325547

Good times, i wish i didnt stop mining, could have had a lot more

>only 8.5 mil
>sold at 120 to double money put in at 30

>> No.325548

>i wish i could look into the future

>> No.325550

I stopped too, I made 451k and then sold it to buy some games... Really regret it now

>> No.325552

Is PandaPonzi gud? It looks like it takes a couple of days to get your return. Would I be in danger of not getting anything back if I put 200k in?

>> No.325553

I know, amDOGE. Greed makes me feel dumb.

>> No.325556

About four or so. I figured there was enough of a future in it to at least make a half a BTC off of it.

>> No.325557


There is always a risk with Ponzi

i wouldnt put an amount i wouldnt be ok with losing

>> No.325561


>> No.325563
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>> No.325564
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I wonder how upset Wolong is.

>> No.325565

and who still have buy orders below 100 lite?

move that gear up!

>> No.325567

No. Support is good.

>> No.325568
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It's nice to share this ride with all of you, while all of this is happening

>> No.325570


He's nearing 2 billion

>> No.325571

How does it work? It doesn't really explain on the page. How does it know where to send the redemption?

>> No.325574

amDOGE how does it feel to have almost 70BTC worth of a coin you made?

>> No.325575


>> No.325576
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the urge to dump some millions to buy back is fucking strong but I'll continue to resist.

this is obviously a pump and it will fall back to 110 but still... I can't fucking dump. I fucked it up to many times, I gotta stay strong and hodl

>> No.325582


I get that but the support needs to move closer~

>> No.325583

Though 1 PND = 1 PND :^)

>> No.325584


fall back to 110, hahaha

>> No.325605


Talking of ComedyGold LEL ... any update from the dev ? There's still time to be a lel milllionaire... you never know what could habben

>> No.325610

20k more and we beat aurora, let's prove we're the best

>> No.325617
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>so many green % on the marketcap

now let's hope the chinese do not fuck it up again/investors turn into panicking chicken again

>> No.325618

Yeah, probably more like fall back to 60.

>> No.325645

its still undervalued at 10 sat and we arent even at 5 yet.

neko, pls

>> No.325669
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oh fug

>> No.325671

Fucking hell.
Dump when?

>> No.325672

maybe it is, but this is a pump and there's very little support anywhere. it's going to fall hard before it goes up again.

>> No.325674
File: 86 KB, 1728x1216, amdoge froge 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


train doesn't stop!

amdoge, progress on your new froge, I feel a puppy fits best (floppyphallus in IRC for suggestions)

>> No.325681

It's hardly true that there's no support. It's 300LTC just to get back to 100, 130LTC to 150. The pumper leaves enough time between pumps for decent buywalls to build up.

>> No.325689
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Take-Off just started.
I hope the dump won't be too hard.

>> No.325690
File: 102 KB, 500x500, 3d6[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pump is dead.
Now watch it go pic related.

>> No.325691
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><MintPal-Jay> Haha, I am certainly tracking PND's progress, it is doing very well at the moment

>> No.325697


>> No.325699

Does PND have temporary wallets? I was thinking it would be cool if a regular wallet could be used to create a temporary wallet that has a certain lifetime after which all PND still in the temp wallet (or added to it) is considered to be back in the seed wallet that created it.
This way you could print wallets to give to people not have to worry about if they don't use it. It would also be safe if you want to create many wallets for some reason and then forget their passwords if you encrypted them.
A temp wallet address could be the seed wallet address with a few characters added on.

>> No.325704

You mean paper wallets?

>> No.325706

Are they temporary?

>> No.325708

Seems like I picked a good time to come back.

>tfw 32m PND

>> No.325710


he is such a tease

>> No.325714
File: 56 KB, 572x572, 1399000640693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't get a non-potato miner until 2 days ago
>initial calculation of 2mil pnd by PoS
>dat fuggin diff
>only mined 130k so far
>tfw i'll be lucky to have 1mil
>tfw too late to buy
Is this despair?

>> No.325716

Oh read this wrong. Paper wallets won't automatically send back the funds. For this an external service would have to be used.

>> No.325717


making temperory wallets could lead to many may many scams

>> No.325718
File: 36 KB, 600x461, 1386961527863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fucking hell.
it's like every panda is a whale, just not me

>> No.325720


its the difficulty i think, it has risen

you have 12 days till you can mine, maybe you can cross the 1 million

>> No.325721

I think the way most people do this is by printing an "expiry" date on the wallet. After which they'll send the funds to a wallet they control if they haven't been withdrawn already. I'm sure you could write a script to automate this.

>> No.325725

It certanly is.
on my first day mining I made 10.000 an hour, now I get 10.000 in 4 hours.
I should have started a week earlier, and the worst thing is I could have, but for whatever reason I didn't.

>> No.325726

How so? The age and lifetime of the wallet would be verifiable by the PND network.
I was thinking paper wallet could be an area where temporariness could be useful, like if you wanted to promote PND at a local university or something so started giving out many paper wallet but didn't want to worry about people not using the PND.

>> No.325729

>The age and lifetime of the wallet would be verifiable by the PND network.

hmm, good idea

>> No.325730

Moolah has actually done this http://www.reddit.com/r/dogecoin/comments/1uyzmy/moolah_now_supports_the_export_and_creation_of.. It's indeed a good idea.

>> No.325735
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>tfw I didn't believe in the panda and refused to buy
>tfw I'm now stuck with the few coins I can mine with this potato

I'm sorry, I was so so wrong.

>> No.325743

Cool. But aren't they a third party service? I was wondering if it would be possible to integrate that into the PND network natively.
Also making it so the seed address can't remove PND from the wallet would help reduce scams.

>> No.325744

you could always buy some

its gonna rise even more by 12 days

in 12 days you could again regret not buying into it

>> No.325747

Just to name an example. I can look into it / put it on the to-do list if you want.

>> No.325749
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>> No.325751

Honestly sounds like it should be an external service rather than built in to the main client.

>> No.325753

I'm just curious if other people want this. Maybe I'll suggest it on the BTC talk forums after POS begins.

>> No.325756

Maybe you are right. I just find external services scary when it comes to financial services. Look at how that moolah guy scared the crap out of people last week.
Also I figured temporary wallets would be easy to implement, but I'm not sure what affect it would have on the block chain.

>> No.325757

i kinda agree , making such a function buit into the client could lead to a lot of vulnerabilities

>> No.325760

Testing this tipbot thingy
>inb4 I did something wrong and everything explodes for no reason

>> No.325761


>> No.325763
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>> No.325766


it werks


>> No.325767

Again a 290M/hash Panda on the multipool.

>> No.325769

Looks like it, thanks.
Even though part of me really wanted to see the explosion.

>> No.325770


>> No.325772


the more you post here with your wallet address , the more likely you are going to get more

>> No.325774
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>> No.325775
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Congratulation to everyone that believed in this since the beginning of time.

>> No.325777


can I have some PND?

>> No.325779

Do I need to post something specific?

>> No.325784

not really

though people do tip more for panda related OC and stuff

>> No.325785
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For what purpose?

>> No.325787

>people buying the wrong pandacoin

It's like when Digitalcoin (DGC) started going up when DOGE did.

>> No.325790


stuff like >>325504 can get you lotta tips ;)

>> No.325791


>> No.325792

Sent ;)

>> No.325793


thanks anon :3

>> No.325794


>> No.325797

Where can I get a high res PND logo for OC?

>> No.325800


(original content)™

>> No.325802

Looks like 1337 bro is back. He tried to hold up PND when it was still in the satoshi market. Godspeed my friend, hope you held.

>> No.325803

Sounds fun. And better than begging.

>> No.325804
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For what purpose ?

>> No.325806
File: 15 KB, 343x247, LOL_I_PUSH_BUTAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like some people are still getting confused and buy PANDA instead of PND

>> No.325809


i feel like its a whale playing with the PANDA market

>> No.325811

He missed the train and is now trying to drop the price so he can buy.

>> No.325812
File: 1.81 MB, 235x306, 48579579.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>believing 1 post fud accounts

do people really do this?


>> No.325814

Sounds like he missed the boat

>> No.325815

>it is complicated because of the 3 Pandacoin
>95% premine
It's premine if you can't mine it as well. It was fully open for anyone to mine.

>> No.325817

>every time a change is made to a coin it's a new coin

That's some infinite universe type shit.

>> No.325818

I onlt have 8.5

have 25 mil at one point though

>> No.325819


>> No.325823


>> No.325825

Thanks, exactly what I need.

>> No.325827


its ironic

>> No.325830

Also I think the PND wallet has a virus. Delete it off your system and send your %APPDATA%/Roaming folder to me so i can disinfect it pls kk thx

>> No.325832

LELing all the way to BCT thread

>> No.325837

sent ;)

>> No.325838


>> No.325839

>posts: 1

Wolong isn't even trying ...

>> No.325842

lol the filename

>> No.325845

It's telling me that it's not a valid email address, what do?
Pls I'm scared.

>> No.325846

was it 200 liteoshi that they'd add pnd/btc again?

>> No.325847
File: 126 KB, 745x778, 1398181934855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even though that alt-alarm faggot is funny as hell, isn't it a bad idea to quote his fud over and over again in the BCT thread?

>> No.325849
File: 184 KB, 385x478, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-I don't even want your PND

>> No.325852

Lowered to 42 litoshi and we're way past that. I have no idea what they are waiting for.

>> No.325855
File: 50 KB, 435x571, 1391590609798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's casting PND

>> No.325860


umadbrah.zip.exe on the way, plz desinfect

>> No.325867
File: 148 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>POS have not added, but it have been Annouced. Forum member who read the POS can only mine 5%, other 95% are premine

>> No.325870

I agree

>> No.325871

Kabosu speaks better english

>> No.325873

I'm glad that there is someone posting FUD, it's only getting us more visibility.

>> No.325874

Can anyone post the pic of the dog with the caption of something like:

"You am not think that way, but is"

>> No.325875


i am worried it will get the wrong kind of visibility

>> No.325876
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>> No.325883


And I say that my English is bad.

>> No.325884

>of the dog

>> No.325887
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>> No.325889
File: 59 KB, 500x500, 6788034855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one?

>> No.325890

Yes, that one.
The look on the dog's face make it funnier. IMO

>> No.325895
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>> No.325900
File: 849 KB, 1098x608, THE PND EXPRESS HAS NO BREAKS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you feel it

>> No.325903

I think thats shopped. (at least gimped)

>> No.325905

holy crap

PANDA is at 27

>> No.325906

maybe we should all tweet/email mintpal to let them know that we really want our btc market back

>> No.325911

Just join #mintpal on freenode.
Maybe when enough people bug them about it.

>> No.325912

lol just doubled my money on PANDA

time to buy up more PND!

>> No.325913
File: 347 KB, 1024x1024, coinkite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should get on Coinkite.

>> No.325914

Yeah, I just made like 2 LTC riding the wave up. I knew I should have bought PANDA at 6 this morning.

>> No.325944


This panda thing is backfiring

>> No.325946

What the hell is going on with PANDA .
+580% is not normal.

>> No.325948

Meant 980%.

>> No.325951

jesus titty fucking...

>> No.325952
File: 2 KB, 242x38, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.325954


they are trying to reach our levels?

they are co-ordinating nicely

whatever big sell walls they had they are just cancelling most of it away

>> No.325955

wololo is butthurt so he's buying up his worthless shekels

>> No.325958

lel made 3 ltc I on PANDA, putting them back into PND :3

>> No.325959

i never owned any panda :l

>> No.325960

makes no sense to pump without volume, surely? what else might be happening? some poor bastard buying the wrong coin accidentally?
...or is this a multishill, here to exploit pnd?

like fuck am i putting money into panda, pal.

>> No.325962

So I'm the guy who lost all my PND, doge, and btc. Found someone to recover data. $638
Waiting on drive now.
>worth it

>> No.325965

Pump is over now anyway.

>> No.325970


just hope he won't find the wallets first ...

>> No.325972

someone sure is having fun with panda market :l

>> No.325973


this insane amount of manipulation
i'm tryna ride these waves, hope i dont get burnt

>> No.325974

>hope i dont get burnt
pls don't get burned

>> No.325975
File: 2 KB, 430x38, Screenshot_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whale has decided that we need to stabilize around 150

>> No.325976

>hope i dont get burnt

you could very likely get burnt cause the prices can go from 66 litoshi to 13 satoshi under 5 seconds

dont invove the amounts you wouldnt want to lose

>> No.325977

the PANDA market is like a light show. Its a bot.

dont fall for it

>> No.325978

>66 litoshi to 13 litoshi*

>> No.325979
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I tried to add a scene but wasn't really fitting style compared to the doge so I figured it was time to stop on this drawing

>> No.325981

BTC Volume 3285.270 BTC
LTC Volume 3213.786 LTC
Number of Trades 26705

captcha: scpiams prevail

>> No.325982

2144.056 LTC

>> No.325983
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I think we're approaching a last chance to get on the train-point

>> No.325984

>Its a bot.

i think it just entered PND market

>> No.325985

the 150 sell wall is gone D:

>> No.325986


Yes, yes, empty your weak hands!

>> No.325989

Half of it was moved to 127.

>> No.325990


someone decided to dump a load it seems~ probably can't handle the pressure

>> No.325991
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>> No.325992

I think the whale is buying up cheap coins before pumping it further. If you really want to sell you don't just drop huge sell orders, you either sell in increments to get the most or fill all buy orders with a 1 liteoshi sell.

>> No.325995
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dumpers have to dump

>> No.325996
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No shit most of these sudden jump orders are probably his.

>> No.326002

They're encrypted. Fingers crossed bc I have quite a bit of doge and PND. Only 1.8btc on that drive, but all my PND and doge ;~;

>> No.326003

I'm 99.999% sure this is wolong trying to flex on us

>> No.326004

Or just someone taking advantage of the low risk when pumping it.

>> No.326008


its just a whale with a bot

>> No.326012

What's up with the dump?

>> No.326014


Why pump panda at the same time then? It's a message, but his powers are weak. He wouls have crashed us down to 1 litoshi if he was able to.

>> No.326016

PANDA pump is over, and PND has stablized. good day

>> No.326018


> mfw *only* 1.8 btc

best of luck m8, losing money sucks, I can tell ya ;_;

>> No.326019

We need more activity in https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=568529..

>> No.326022

Should I create some shill accounts and try to act like a FUD spreader?

>> No.326025


>> No.326026

I doubt this would be good.

>> No.326028

LTC is getting expensive on Mintpal.

>> No.326029


that's because whoever pumped panda bought it right before hand

>> No.326032
File: 65 KB, 1587x559, ltc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> made some profit selling a few pnd for ltc
> accidentally look at ltc market and find this

keep ur eyes open, good deals are to be made today

>> No.326036

pump maybe imminent?~

>> No.326037

Some of the walls are gone, but there's 0 buy order support, it'd get very volatile.

>> No.326039


some support @ 127

>> No.326040


I imagine the plan would be to fill the buy orders up with small amounts building up whilst they take out the sell orders

>> No.326044

please start your own thread if you need to advertise litec... jk

>> No.326046


sell wall is being moved slightly upwards



>> No.326049

When will you sell?
500 satoshi here.

>> No.326051

I don't have a set goal and I can't really sell all I have at once anyway. If it keeps moving up as strongly as it has been I won't sell until the trend ends.

>> No.326052

when PND = 1 LTC

>> No.326053


I'll hold onto it assuming we're going in an upward trend, if it catches a large following and can have items traded for it, I'll most likely keep it.

>> No.326055
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satoshi or litoshi? ;)

>> No.326056


not adertising, just wanted to share an opportunity, this is biznezz :^)

>> No.326057

My set goal is when i can sell it for 4 or more years worth of 4chan passes.

>> No.326058

it just crashed and blame you

>> No.326060


>> No.326061


yeah, someone told me to stop advertising so I cashed out for now

>> No.326062
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What should I do?

>> No.326063

Wait / build support.

>> No.326065

Move most of that to a wallet, keeping that much at an exchange isn't a good idea.

>> No.326066

Also that.

>> No.326067


Only a child would set parameters like that.

You buy and sell the peaks and dips.

It's people like you who crash shit with this one time mentality. I trade pnd till I die.

>> No.326069

holy shit, set up support.

and also tip me 10 mil ;^)

>> No.326073

That's what happened to miles

>> No.326074

Can we all agree that the times of PoW are finally over?

>> No.326075

Well you can still mine and assuming the value goes up further it's still very profitable to do so.

>> No.326076

PoS is only the next logical step in the evolution of cryptos.
Everyone who'll hold PND and Blackcoin will be rich.

>> No.326080

what if i doble my pnd
sell half and then just wait for a year?

>> No.326082
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I sold for 172 and bought back for 127.

>> No.326086
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PND is illiquid as fuck

Sell 200$ worth of PND price goes to 124 litoshi. Buy 200$ of PND price becomes 170ish.

>> No.326089
File: 961 KB, 948x681, Miles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh miles....

>> No.326093

Sell half now and buy back later?

>> No.326094

This dicking around is why we're not moving up.

>> No.326095

Good luck buying back in with that spread.

>> No.326096


Why would you sell right after a dump?

>> No.326098

OK, I'll be good now and hold on to it.
At least until the next pump.

>> No.326104

how it went?

>> No.326106

>All those 13690.62316817 walls.

>> No.326108

>greentexting on bitcointalk

>> No.326112

>not greentexting everywhere

>> No.326115


maybe someone should drop a litecoin on those~

>> No.326116
File: 802 KB, 600x600, fuck the police.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not calling it le meme arrows

>> No.326118

>Greentexting AND posting Chloe
It's like he is screaming I'm from 4chan

>> No.326119

Fuck you whoever bought them, I just wanted to.

>> No.326121

Holding or selling?

>> No.326125
File: 21 KB, 482x372, batemen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw every neophyte in here is a daytrader all the sudden

You BUY after a dump. Because the price is low.

If you SELL after a dump you will have to buy back in higher.

Do you get it?

>> No.326126

lel he deleted it

>> No.326129

Well, even if you are not a daytrader anyone should know that, buy low and sell high are moneymaking 101, this is /biz/ness after all.

>> No.326134

Can someone explain the Luck stat on the multipool?

>> No.326135
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ain't me mang, I just draw the froge

>> No.326137

guys, this is like the good old doge days all over again, right???

>> No.326138

turn on the tip bot

>> No.326139
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>> No.326140


pretty much, i wonder if a pnd santa will appear

>> No.326141

Nah, for that we'd need the IRC shouting CRASH every time the price lowered.

>> No.326142

We've had someone with that name at some point but not sure what happened to him/her.

>> No.326143


am floppyphallus in IRC~

>> No.326147

>people selling their PND to fuck around on other LTC trading shitcoins
>falling for obvious pump and dumps

People never learn. No sympathy when you can't buy back where you sold.

>> No.326148


>this is /biz/ after all

>multiple people asking if they should sell right after a dump

>implying being in a /biz/ thread means you are business savvy

>> No.326151
File: 84 KB, 600x857, 6edfa494e92170e49b161d03798ee44f-free-shrugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to believe this board wasn't made ONLY to contain crypto from /g/, i wanted to believe we had some /biz/nessmen here.

>> No.326155

i got burned, now im out .5 ltc oh well

>> No.326156
File: 64 KB, 604x558, 1398109149592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL Wolong's fake Pandacoin did go up to 60 Litoshi today.

PND is where it is at...

>> No.326158

le slowpoke

>> No.326162


>> No.326163

100 = good
-100 = not good

>> No.326164

do any of you guys gamble with your DOGE? what would you gamble your DOGE on?

>> No.326165
File: 28 KB, 283x474, Screen shot 2014-05-09 at 4.31.10 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck almost the whole litecoin market on mintpal is being pumped.

>> No.326166

Anon, the house always wins, stop while ahead and you win.

>> No.326168

Well thanks for that.
Does it have any effect?

>> No.326169


I learned that with doge~


I think I have it working now

>> No.326170
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>> No.326171

High probability of early early adopters and ex-PND bagholders cashing out from PND and using their ltcs elsewhere.

The PND butterfly effect.

>> No.326172

but that's why i'm asking. i run /r/dogebetting and am wondering what kind of games to offer. right now we're mostly just sports but it's getting a bit boring just copy and pasting what's on bet365.

>> No.326178

>buying RBBT
>buying PENG

who are these noobs?

>> No.326182

>not posting in btc talk thread


>> No.326186


>> No.326188

I'm stuck with an iphone, is there a good and free opinion for irc?

>> No.326190

Someone says Colloquy, not sure.

>> No.326197


>> No.326201

I pumped my 7m rabbits into doge when they were down to 5liteoshi... no regrets.

even if rabbits get pumped, the dev is a lethargic dreamer and will do nothing to keep it going.