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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3228537 No.3228537 [Reply] [Original]

Are whales tracking our threads ?

>> No.3228553

Most of threads are shills anyway, who cares.

And if they want to track people, they'be better off tracking Plebbit, most cryptoinvesters are there.

>> No.3228557

We are watching
We are shilling
We are FUDing
We are mooning 24 hours a day

>> No.3228562


- Merk

>> No.3228581

They probably track both and also bitcointalk , those cunts got rich because of biz and now they trick us

>> No.3228582

I'm of the suspicion that there are more than just crypto "whales" lurking here. Biz is likely attracting more and more attention.

Forums/ boards often are watched over to an extent. Michael Burry is an actual example of this happening, back when he made posts on a site called Silicon Investor.

>> No.3228598


>> No.3228623

-mukbbeghnasi gulughu

>> No.3228628
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Whales are killing crypto. We are playing their game and getting fucked over.

They only make us think we have chance so we can sink our kids college fund into it so they can reap it.

Get out now.

>> No.3228634

Unless they're severely addicted to shitposting I doubt anyone with any idea what they're doing comes here.

>> No.3228647

This is also a strong possibility.

>> No.3228665

>We are playing their game and getting fucked over.
Speak for yourself. I am making more money in crypto than I know what to do with.

>> No.3228680

I'm sure they love coming here for the pink woj's after they make it rain bags on you fags.

The real problem is you will never learn to just hold btc and not fuck around in shit coins so you enable these things to happen.

>> No.3228691

Every step you take
Every move you make
We'll be watching you

>> No.3228715

>implying btc isnt also controlled by whales

>> No.3228731

This meme needs to stop. Those with volume aren't always trying to fuck over the little guy. It does happen, yes. But often, they have bigger concerns, particularly other larger players.

>> No.3228770

Do any whales want to tell me which coin is going 100x next? My 50 investment won't interfere too much. Thanks.

>> No.3228813

Hi mr whale

>> No.3228845

They aren't trying to all the time but if people are being weak handed cucks of course they are going to take the opportunity to make some easy cash of lots of stupid little guys.

>> No.3228882

Not a crypto whale.

If you read through this thread, you'll notice some details into how they do things. Pumps can often involve arbitrage. You'll also notice some explanations as to how whales try to fuck with each other.

In actual markets (not involving internet monopoly money), High Frequency Trading is used to do pretty much the same thing (there are algos which become implicit Market Makers).

>> No.3228910

Im severely adicted to shitposting.

>> No.3228967

Greetings friends I am Sanjit. In my humble opinion the belief that whales are out there to get us is a fantasy. We should just focus on trading and acquire tokens with great growth technicals such as BCH or NEO.

>> No.3228980

But yes. Whales are generally massive funds trying to supress competing coins through sell/ buy wall manipulation. Krill and Sardines wiped out in the xrossfire are collateral damage, not intended targets. We feel bad abour it, so once in a while we pick a Krill meme coin and pump it for you, like I am doing for Ark right now.

>> No.3229208

Don't drop what ypu are doing, though. We pumped Ark, now we are goung to let it stabilize for a while. We will dump more in 9 am Seattle Time on Moonday, because we find it amusing. ( That and tge Banks open)

>> No.3229302

By my fat fingering will you know it is actually me in future posts with the Orca id. None of the others use it. Im in excellent hardbody shape for 55, but I have been airvac'ed 5 times and flatlined once. So some essential tremor i have to dealwith, yes. That, and I had my left eye blown out. I do not use aurocorrect or soell check so that these identifiers are in my posts.

>> No.3229341

Well im gonna either get tricked into buying ark or make profit and if you're legit biz will go crazy

>> No.3229581



>> No.3229605

the major bagholders are not killing crypto. crypto was meant to be held longterm to fight fiat and inflation against said fiat.

the ones killing crypto are mindless day traders ie majority of /biz/

>> No.3229623

Why would biz go crazy? There are many other whales among you. Beluga is a friend of mine that usually jumps in on these playday pumps.

>> No.3229650


>> No.3229652

There is a flood of money coming to crypto the likes of which you couldnt imagine. #markcuban . I am krill compared to these guys.

>> No.3229695

I hope so: >>3229435

>> No.3229701

is binance still going to multibag?

>> No.3229768
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>> No.3229797

An Asian Giant blew us out of the box on Binance. We have abandoned them for now, and are metting them fall. We may go back in at a layer date. It is not a priority atm. Our current main project is Lisk. We are looking at doing something with Sagex soon, but only if they can Jonah, or at least stop him from making cringefull "Book of Jonah" vids on youtube. Ee are also looking.over Dent pretty close for a Project near Christmas. We kinda like Mikko and Mikko, but they have work to do.

>> No.3229849

BNB is going up as we speak. Was at 43k about 30 mins ago, almost at 50k now. Must be the Asian whale.

>> No.3229864

Yes and they also pay mods to delete threads lmao

>> No.3229876

Probably. Not us, thats for sure.

>> No.3229907

We took 3x profits off of it, and are kinda burnt out on it for a while, so have fun with it if you jump in. Hope you 2x, Mate.

>> No.3229920

I'm already more than 2x, just waiting for it to reach my sell at 60k, then I'm out.

>> No.3229929


Also can you recommend some solid midterm holds for the rest of the year?
Thanks ORCA I have seen your posts for a while now and appreciate them.

>> No.3229939

Good show then, Chap.

>> No.3230082

Ripple at .198 is a good buy. (Vested) Fintech news coming soon. Monero at 118 is a good buy. ( Not currently vested, but made 2x on the last run up) Lisk is a good buy at 7.38. It wont dip that low if I can help it. (Vested) near term target $38. Long term $200. Litecoin is finally moving, and new money coming next week. It is a very stable hodl, but can be frustratingly flat for long periods of time. (Not currently vested) Fash has been doing very well, but word on the street is ehale dump incoming. (Not vested)

>> No.3230088

tbqh i think alot of western crypto whales used to browse /g/ back in the day when bitcoin was still wearing its shitty diaper, so i bet there's still some here around

>> No.3230109
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how is ETH looking

it has been pretty stagnant for a month now, it feels very manipulated considering the massive volume tbqh desu

>> No.3230124

Eth has been subject to hostile manipulation, yes. I am keeping my ear to the ground to see if any Mark Cuban money is headed for Eth. If so, they can blow through the Suppresion.

>> No.3230359

Thanks mate.

>> No.3230376

How do you feel about Stratis?

>> No.3231257

this one

>> No.3231270

Whales are like Santa Claus
Always watching
keeping a list
checking it twice

>> No.3231342

but they don't care who was nice or naughty