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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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317694 No.317694[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Only thing is my idea is wayyyy to ambitious for a NEET like myself to accomplish as I promised I would be able to deliver 3D printers that anyone could use and make plastic clothing designs out of...

They gave me $11,800 (which I know isn't a lot of money too you guys and your imaginary monopoly money but it's more money I've seen in my life) and it's just sitting there in my account waiting to be utilized.

I'm shitting myself, should I just give the money back or pay some programming guy to help me out with this? I have no idea what I'm doing and didn't think this would actually work out..

>> No.317696

Self-glorious shameless bump

>> No.317700

For the glory! Time to go to /g .. and recruit some weebos.. I will join up with you! Just for the lulz... where do we begin? 1? 1?

>> No.317713
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That amount of money would not even be enough to get 20% of the work done.

>> No.317724

You can buy a 3d printer for 1k. I dunno how you plan to make clothing with it.

>> No.317726

Indeed, but where do we even begin at this point? Buy a 3D printer? Turn it into a clothing manufacturer machine?

The people are offering me more funding, up to $30,000 worth.. but then I would have to buy back 30% of my own company for $120,000 - which I'll never be able to do lel~

>> No.317730

Neither do I, I oversold the idea that I was able to use a patented liquid cotton (the main reason that they were sold on the idea) and would in the future print a t-shirt every minute.

>aka I bullshitted some bullshit and sold some bullshit, now I am kill

>> No.317738


So... You committed fraud?

...... Are you completely fucking retarded?

>> No.317746


You have ruined your life retard. Just give the money back completely and you might save yourself.

>> No.317748

Oh the patent is real and the idea is real, but it's a lot more difficult than I imagined. I bought a shitty patent off some dodgy guy for $50 that means that I'm the only guy who can use liquid cotton on a series of 3D printers - although the only problem is the technology is out of it's time.

Yes, I am completely fucking retarded. I'm not even going to deny it, why else would I come to /biz/ for advice?

>> No.317764


Wait, you must be lying, who the fuck would believe in "liquid cotton"? And even if they did they would have asked you to show it and the patent.

But well biz has shown me that there's plenty of retards with money, so might be true.

>> No.317768


Link to patent?

>> No.317795

This is what I'm thinking of at this point.. just finding the best way to do so..

The guy sent me a demo vid to demonstrate, it's a plastic material that literally looks like a thick cotton when you print it out. They thought the same too.. I would have never got funding without the video.

>> No.317805

I'm just sifting through emails now to find the number for it.. I'm what they call a "patent troll" who buys old useless patents off the internet for $50 to $200 a pop.

>> No.317815



Or why don't you just sell them the patent after you come up with a good excuse to say you can't work on it?

>> No.317816

I never thought of that, do you reckon it's plausible? I only bought it for $50, how much do you reckon I could sell it for? $2,000?

>> No.317819

$1, Drew.

>> No.317847


It should possible.

I really don't think the idea is bad at all, if anything I could see it becoming a machine widely used in the clothing industry if anyone manages to make a good one after investing a ton of money. My family works in the clothing business some of the most expensive machines cost between 20k and 50k, I can see this machine being sold for 30k in the industry. Fuck, I could even see a good machine like that substituting sewing machines and people used to operate them.

But really 10k is a joke, even 30k in funds to make one is a joke. You need a big team of people with huge salaries to make at least prototype.

>> No.317862


I would suggest you give the money back to the investors completely but don't sell them the patent.

Contact japanese companies like Brother, Yamato, Kansai and try selling it to them along with the real and legit idea that it can be a revolution in the industry.

>> No.317956

Good idea, this whole thing started as a joke or practice pitch. I wasn't actually expecting anyone to give me money.

Contacting them now for the refund. Thanks /biz/ for making me less retarded by the day.


>> No.318254

Where do you buy patents OP?

>> No.318269

Patentauction and eBay

>> No.318665

I'd buy THAT for a dollar.

>> No.318679

Hilarious thread. /biz/ needs more shit like this.