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File: 278 KB, 2995x2244, nakamoto-on-founding-bitcoin-thats-not-what-i-meant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3132445 No.3132445 [Reply] [Original]

whats the deal with satoshi nakamoto? Why did he choose to never show himself? Why did he never use his million bitcoins at all.

It has created this almost mystical creation myth over bitcoin

>> No.3132462

>Why did he never use his million bitcoins at all.

How do you know? Maybe he has some in secret wallet. Or maybe he's just waiting until they're worth 1 million each

>> No.3132470

dead man doesn't spend money

>> No.3132476

To prove a point, it's decentralized, he doesn't matter regardless of being the creator

>> No.3132482

because he's cia

>> No.3132484

hes dead

>> No.3132486

It's always possible this human died.

>> No.3132505
File: 87 KB, 1024x768, Staring_into_your_soul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTC was made from aliens to slow the progress of human kind by using all that computer power to play a chain game.


No. Seriously. Aliens did it.

>> No.3132512

paint it blue and put some antennas on it

>> No.3132529

Satoshi is probably Alan Greenspan

>> No.3132532

CIA created Bitcoin to hide their money flow

>> No.3132592

I think he's dead

>> No.3132601
File: 104 KB, 480x320, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe satoshi wants to do the biggest pump and dump in the world.
He has an IQ of a 1000. He knew what it was created. How it will go. When the time is right, he will sell all the BTC's at the same time to get it to 0 USD.

Then you will all be "WTFFFF???"

>> No.3132611

I'd just buy the dip desu

>> No.3132621

this. if he was still alive, he'd definitely be interjecting on this whole bcash shit.

>> No.3132729

maybe this is exactly what he wanted by disappearing, if he was still around people would look at him as a central authority on bitcoin and his word would be taken as truth for the direction of not only the currency but the whole industry.
So he set it in motion and then set it free, a meme to wander around and take the shape we collectively give it

>> No.3132741

i have 25 dogecoin

what's the chance of them ever hitting $4k like bitcoin?

>> No.3132748

Satoshi Nakamoto is the NSA. Bitcoin was created in order to incentivize the development of systems to crack SHA-256. He is not a person, he is an organization. His coins will never be used, and the total supply of Bitcoin should be considered smaller than it actually is.

>> No.3132790


Nerd eat this shit up - the idea of an ascetic monk-like genius who is above all the petty concerns of the material world.

The truth is far more likely to be >>3132748

>> No.3132811

this agency belongs to a government that most likely sells life threatening drugs to finance black operations, if this was government secret money it would get used in a heartbit

>> No.3132829

Except all transactions are traceable on blockchain

>> No.3132846

>secret wallet on the bitcoin blockchain

>> No.3132850

0%. Doge is probably most popular worst coin ever made. Why would people buy something that stared as a joke. At most, you can tip people with it. If it ever moons again, I will short it hardcore

>> No.3132882

No he is Jihan

>> No.3132887

Because we can see which wallet was the first to ever start mining bitcoin, and we can see that they have 1m unspent btc. He is almost certainly dead, since any person that was alive or had their private key would have spent at least a tiny amount of btc by now.

>> No.3132891

eh what if he had like a hundred wallets with 10 BTC each

>> No.3132905

Why would he set up nodes just to mine 1$ with each.

>> No.3132964
File: 136 KB, 1174x627, sat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3132971


The purpose of the million bitcoins is to be the basis of the Federal Government's strategic bitcoin reserve. When the price hits a million dollars, it'll be used to back the US dollar.

>> No.3132984

that would be fucking mind blowing

>> No.3133011

Satoshi Nakamoto was likely a group effort between Hal Finney and Craig Wright, possibly involving Nick Szabo.

I'm surprised no one has mentioned this itt.

>> No.3133136


>muh mysterious Satoshi
>muh decentralized currency
>definitely not a scheme to introduce a one-world regulated currency and Mark of the Beast


>> No.3133199

the BTCs mined in the early times are easy to link together, due to a certain attribute of the mining software, everyone knows the addresses his mined bitcoins are sitting @

he's pretty much confirmed to have mined 1 million~ BTC, none of which has been touched in the past 6+ years

>> No.3133213

Satoshi is god.

>> No.3133277

he's the master holder, you should all learn from him

>> No.3133315

It's likely Nick Szabo and a few other people. It's not that hard to figure out. Just let it go. Whoever it was, they want to be left alone.

>> No.3133412

Screencapping this because it could well be true especially if combined with this >>3132748

>> No.3133436

Gavin said it was Craig Wright and he's the only with holding the early keys too. It's not strange that he doesn't want to be the official satoshi though, because his business dealings beforehand was half-legal at best and the us govt(atleast at the time) were talking about bitcoin = terrorism and jailed the silk road dude for the rest of his days.

Just because blockstream has smeared him together with ALL of the early people doesn't not make it true. It was him and Dave Kleiman.

>> No.3133463

this also explains why the money isnt spent btw. because dave was the ones holding the keys. and the name satoshi nakamoto because Craig was/is a big weeabo.

>> No.3133487

wasnt there a theory naming the Mt Gox founder, proof being he registered Bitcoin as a trademark in the 90s or something

>> No.3133516

it also explains why he isnt actively engaging with bitcoin development... because he actually is, but he's been smeared so bad by core he doesnt get a say anymore anyway. so he uses his influence from ntech or whatever theyre called and works towards big blocks. also if you link his personality with how craig is its pretty obvious its the same person. satoshi was always anti-bank, in his first post to the cypherpunk mailing list and in the whitepaper. craig is also like this, unlike others suspected of being satoshi.

>> No.3133548

Satoshi Nakamoto can be addressed as Nakamoto Satoshi in Japan.

Nakamoto SAtoshi.

>> No.3133570

and why would nsa create an official ledger of transactions they couldnt game? nsa has already been taken in stealing money from bank systems. why would they try to destroy their lucrative profits?

>> No.3133606

Satoshi Uzumaki is not dead, he probably is waiting for digibyte to dip more and buy lots of it using his million bitcoin.

>> No.3133626

he died and froze himself to be brought back to life with a million of internet future currency he helped create, genius

>> No.3133645

Since Bitcoin isnt really anonymous I bet someone traced Satoshi and killed him to get his bitcoins, probably Craig

>> No.3133646
File: 27 KB, 277x200, IMG_2982.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if Satoshi dumped his 1 million Bitcoin cash?

>> No.3133653

Why would they need to cheat the game if they're the one that created it?

>> No.3133672

bitcoin was created by citibank hired guns who signed NDAs. citibank is one of the twelve federal reserve partner banks. maybe. bitcoin has the words citib in it BTC backwards is CTB citibank

>> No.3133737

they could be using all the power to create a decentralized way to crack hashes and preform functions that they don't have the power for, other people spending money and resources to solve their problems

>> No.3133768

Satoshi Nakamoto(the guy in the op) lived only a couple blocks away from Hal Finney.

>> No.3133788

>doesnt know how blockchain works

it's not that guy. only a cursory look would confirm it.

that's not how it works

>> No.3133925

japanese arent attention whores, their presence on the internet is usually always masked through a pseudonym or anonymity like 2chan

>> No.3133980

Can someone explain this early key thing? What's the real rundown on that?

>> No.3134004

do you really believe in something as stupid as a mark of the beast or is this supposed to be funny?

>> No.3134050

he doesn't real.

>> No.3134120

NAkamoto SAtoshi

>> No.3134390
File: 15 KB, 477x262, 1493337915680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumbass hes using SALT to take out loans thats why you dont see the BTC moving.

>> No.3134495

Satoshi is going to become the biggest mystery of 21st century.
200 years from now there will be movies like Da Vinci Code made about him.

>> No.3134533
File: 30 KB, 413x272, AHAHAH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who had the last laugh SUCKERFACE??

>> No.3134539

This has been debunked multiple times. The main culprit is thay any conspiracy with more than one member is increasingly unlikely to stay secret.

>> No.3134549

Why not just print more money? The gubment had zero incentive to create bitcoin.

>> No.3134564

I know. I'm saying what are the odds he lives that close to Hal Finney? I think the real Satoshi took that guys name.

>> No.3134596

You think the real Satoshi would be so stupid?

>> No.3134601

Just some white weeaboo

>> No.3134617

I believe the real Satoshi is Craig Wright. I think he used the name of a guy who lived next to Finney as a red herring.

It is known that Satoshi worked with Finney in the earliest stages of bitcoin.

>> No.3134633

Craig Wright is a nutcase and a proven conman. He is not even close and was debunked so hard it was not even funny.

>> No.3134639
File: 32 KB, 555x555, 1476924180604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is I, I am your King Satoshi-sama. Bow to me right now my little earthlings. And check muh digits.

>> No.3134673

I'm not sure. Several of the men who worked with Satoshi and went on to meet Craig say it is likely the same guy.

>> No.3134689

Then why doesnt he have any proof?

>> No.3134712

Yeah exactly. Craig should be able to sign a message with Satoshi's private keys. But he can't.

My personal theory is that Satoshi was killed in some random accident like a car crash. He was probably not too old (say, under 50) so he never made plans to have his coins passed along if he died.

>> No.3134794
File: 295 KB, 567x531, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last I looked in to the real Satoshi was right when he gave proof. I didn't know it had been thoroughly debunked.

When did Satoshi stop responding? It's terribly interesting.

>> No.3134804

I think if any of his known coins started moving the market would panic and if hes a alive he knows it

>> No.3134825

If Satoshi was a real person nobody would take Bitcoin seriously. That's part of the appeal of Bitcoin: nobody owns it. If Bill Gates came out and said that it's his coin, you would have to take into account Bill Gates and your opinion of him as well as what you think of the coin. If it was one person getting people to use his Bitcoin, it would have a cult like feel to it and it wouldn't be considered for serious adoption imo

>> No.3134938
File: 137 KB, 850x480, Shran-andorians-9079267-850-480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was the Andorians all along!

>> No.3135022

That doesn't make sense. We know there are millions of BTC under SOMEONE'S possession.

>> No.3135027 [DELETED] 

I do not think it is the NSA. The NSA works for US economic interests. It is not in the US economic interest to have a popular world-wide decentralized digital currency. America favors Ripple and Paypal, not Bitcoin and Monero.

I do think it is a team of cryptography experts working for an intelligence agency. Now which countries would benefit from an America that is less in control of money and transactions?

Russia? China? If China the coins will be used to prop up Bitcoin Cash.

NSA already recommends SHA-384. It makes no sense for them to incentivize cracking SHA. Once quantum-resistant algo's hit the market, SHA will be deprecated and all will switch. If quantum decryption hits before the NSA can patch top secret encrypted information, it got a huge problem.

>> No.3135063

You make it sound as though Satoshi wasn't actively in conversation for years helping advance Bitcoin. Satoshi is obviously a real person or a group of real people who hold at least a million coins.

>> No.3135090
File: 250 KB, 971x1500, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exactly this

>> No.3135131

Maybe he just forgot his password.

>> No.3135150


This is also likely why it's divisible into 10^8. 1 cent will be pegged to 1 sat.

>> No.3135156

Satoshi cut contact with Gavin because he knew he was cucky and didn't like how he agreed to meet with cia or whatever 3 letter agency he met with.

He disappeared because he knew he created something big and all it had to do was catch on; there's thousands of programmers in the world who can continue and improve upon his work.

Think about the Terminator arm they found at the end of t1, it was future tech but all they had to do was study it and in the future they could recreate something so awesome, however silly it was portraying a nigger as the "lead smart guy" in t2

Despite being a good director James Cameron is a total cuck, he knows where his bread is buttered, giving that role to a nigger scored him major points with the yids controlling Hollywood.

Who gives a shit who Satoshi was you faggot? Just some based dude who freed us from the banking jew.

>> No.3135248

If he came out now what would happen?

>Media find out every single detail about his life, everyone he's ever wronged
>Gov agencies find out everything about his life since birth, every porno hes ever watched, everything he's ever bought, everything he's ever done, been, seen
>Price of Bitcoin plummets due to panic
>The myth (mystery and all of that is good, imo) is destroyed simultaneously and it shifts into resembling some form of business (in other words, all negative is pressed onto him and vice versa, he becomes a "bill gates" PR type or Bitcoin suffers)
>He gets arrested/whatever

He likely bought more coins at a low price and is still rich as fuck now. The only thing it would be worthwhile for him to come out for is if he decided to start a space exploration company and literally change the world, although if I were him I'd wait until the price is higher and more stable

If he/they wanted, they could become something of a hero in the classical sense like stories of old, but it would require serious sacrifice

>> No.3135261

I should mention: He already did change the world, of course, but he/they could go down as a "great" man/men

>> No.3135281

what's wrong with having a universal currency that's decentralized?

>> No.3136020

universal basic income would be great if satoshi breal the system in the future, very noble

>> No.3136103


Satoshi is a mathematician at heart and did this for fun. He's also a banker and got an MBA and sort of wanted to do this to help people out. He has no interest in this project but will show himself possibly in a few years. He is very old.

>> No.3136146

So, Hal Finney


>> No.3136172

>Very old
I don't believe it

Most of the old bankers are clueless when it comes to anything electronic. Maybe some rare exception yeah, maybe. It's definitely someone who is/was already "established" before though. I doubt they even need the billions, they were probably already well off.

Posthumous recognition is of course patrician, though he's likely pissed off the very people who pad the legacies of "genius" men, etc. We'll have to see in 50 years what happens...

The genius of it to me is that no matter what the US, or any country does, the price of Bitcoin will only rise. If there is a war, the price rises and therefore weakens fiat even further. Satoshi will go down in history undoubtedly, truly a pivotal figure.

>> No.3136186

Nakamoto SAtoshi
NSA designed the SHA-2 hash function family, including SHA-256 used in Bitcoin.

>> No.3136206


Take your meds

>> No.3136223

Drink your Kool-Aid