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File: 46 KB, 800x533, hi-res-e7c116eb784c22afa2fec8fb92ff72f7_crop_north[1].jpg_h=533&w=800&q=70&crop_x=center&crop_y=top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3126292 No.3126292 [Reply] [Original]

Predictions for the fight? Predictions for Stox?

I'm considering putting money on both.

>> No.3126296


>> No.3126339

Look at that fucking ear.

>> No.3126352

am also interested in fight predictions. I've been a firm believer that Mayweather will win this since McGregor seems to be making a circus out of the whole situation with some terrible sparring video evidence to back it up. would be interested to hear what other people think about it before I put any money down though.

>> No.3126381

you never know, everyone is putting money in the nigger.

i'm putting my money in the irish

>> No.3126398

interesting. What's your reasoning behind that? I'm much less for Mayweather than I was, although I'd still bet on him as of right now, but if you could persuade me otherwise i'd love to hear it. I don't like the idea of supporting that fucker, especially as I'm uk based anyway, just seemed like he was the safest bet

>> No.3126405

"betting man" = bet on the underdog
Mayweather is obviously free money though. They sold the fight very well and casuals thinks that McGregor has a chance. That's how amazing their promoting is.

>> No.3126425


No they're not you fucking mong - everyone is putting money into McGregor, which is why a guy who has less than a 1% chance can be at odds implying about a 20% chance.

McGregor has no chance and everyone should put everything they can afford on May.

This is the most retarded sporting event in history and people discussing the outcome are ten times more retarded. FUCK SAKE.

>> No.3126427

It's called "Cauliflower Ear". It's from wrestling, your ear rubs on the mat a bunch and the abrasion causes that growth to form.

>> No.3126430
File: 74 KB, 1000x800, boxing-gloves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fight starts
>both of them are putting on a show
>all of a sudden, a loud thunderous scream comes from the crowd
>satoshi jumps into the ring
>knocks everyone out
>yells at the top of his lungs "BCASH IS THE TRUE BITCOIN!!!!"

>> No.3126442

Mayweather is 40 years old he also retired and got lazy, then came back for this fight. McGregor is only 29 years old, 11 years younger, he still has puncher's chance.

>> No.3126449

I personally was considering dropping a wad on Mayweather to win, but I'm having second thoughts now are seeing the thread earlier where someone lost 3 BTC on some iDice shit when he had 90% of winning. McGregor gets one lucky punch and it's all over


Does this mean I should long BCC?

>> No.3126462

you have a big mouth for someone who doesn't know what he's talking about. you can't predict shit.

how stupid you will feel when mcgregor wins.

>> No.3126554

It's a boxing match.
It's like asking the best rally driver to race against the best formula one driver in a formula one race.

>> No.3126569

I don't think mayweather is the best anymore. He retired for 2 years and is old. Not a good comparison to racing, where age is much less of a factor.

>> No.3126591

let me help you

>> No.3126604

The fight is a white vs black pysop. Black will win, mcgregor will lose and make whites feel weak and inferior. It's scripted.

>> No.3126614

i've been long bcc since 2009

>> No.3126861

Mayweather = The best technical boxer that has ever lived.

Ewan (sic) = Not the best MMA fighter by a stretch, been beaten twice.

Just think that over.

There are literally hundreds of 40 year old Boxers that would beat him, it's a fucking boxing match for boxers.

Not understanding this is what makes most people think he has a chance, he really has none at all, just as Mayweather wouldn't stand a chance in the Octagon.

Some of the best boxers in the world have failed to hit Mayweather and they have trained for years, often since childhood. An MMA fighter is not a boxer, not even close.

>> No.3126878

And then you have to stick a needle in ot every day to drain the fluid. Gross stuff.

>> No.3126896

Stox is going to crash down to oblivion the second the match starts.
99% of its current value is build on the Mayweather stun.

>> No.3126943

>Mayweather = The best technical boxer that has ever lived.

Yeah, and now he's old and coming back from a 2 year retirement. Just because you were once the greatest, doesn't mean you will always be the greatest.

>Not the best MMA fighter by a stretch, been beaten twice.

He's lost 3 times, all by submission, not striking.

>Not understanding this is what makes most people think he has a chance, he really has none at all

That's just stupid. Mayweather is still a human, a hard punch at the right time and he's lights out. It's unlikely, but saying zero chance is full retard.

>Some of the best boxers in the world have failed to hit Mayweather

No, they usually hit him, he's just very good at making it appear that he wasn't.

>> No.3127083

You are a moron.

Are you already making an excuse up for when Floyd wins?

>> No.3127113

Lol, you seem pretty upset and invested. How much did you put on mayweather? I'm not even betting, probably won't even watch the fight.

Are you gonna cry if you lose your money?

>> No.3127193

anyone use wagerr with waves to bet?

mayniggers obviously gonna win but the odds are so shit youd have to throw thousands down to win a few bucks.

>> No.3127286

>probably won't even watch the fight.
Not surprised at all.

I wont lose my money, dont be ridiculous.

>> No.3127291

Floyd wins in the ring, McGregor wins in the octagon.

>> No.3127305

Lol, you are betting, not surprised at all. Good luck, should be easy money. Unless it isn't of course.

>> No.3127324

something unpredictable might happen

>> No.3127329

>Lol, you are betting,

It's quite simply the easiest money I will make this year.

>> No.3127342

all the same bullshit hopeful sentiment I heard before the manny fight too

>oh but something could happen
>all it takes it one punch
>floyds old and pretty much retired


the illiterate nog is going to run more circles around whitey than he did with manny.

>> No.3127391

This. I'm not betting though because boxing is one of the most rigged sports that exists, although not as bad as the NBA or FIFA, but still very corrupt. This is the biggest money fight in sport combat history. You really think the jews are just going to pass up on this opportunity? Conor lands a """lucky flash KO punch""" and jews walk away with billions no questions asked. I wouldn't touch this one with a ten foot pole.

>> No.3127400

yup thats what they say about every big fight

Its like all you autists werent alive for the last "fight"

>> No.3127439

Calm down you autist. All people are saying is there is a greater than 0% chance that McGregor can win. Everyone knows mayweather is the massive favorite.

>> No.3127450

This fight really is unlike any other fight in boxing history though. I wouldn't compare it to other fights.

>> No.3127469

yes and because macgregor isnt even a boxer so anyone indulging for even a second that he could win is a braindead retard

>> No.3127494

buy stx in hopes Floyd mentions it in his post fight

>> No.3127499

This lad gets it.

>> No.3127508

What are the odds of Stox mooning hard? Are we in the "rumour" phase? To be followed up by the "news" of the fight?

>> No.3127538


mcgregor even said it himself - he's half black

I agree if its a fair fight Mayweather is going to win. But I'm uncertain it's going to be a fair fight

>> No.3127561

of course its not gonna be fair you fucking retard

its one of the best boxers alive vs someone WHO ISNT EVEN A FUCKING BOXER

bunch of baby fetuses that were suckling their mothers titty while manny was pathetically chasing floyd around the ring

>> No.3127603

good luck with your bet! I'm sure you're betting the farm given your confidence

>> No.3127635

>itt casual fight fans. Lel

>> No.3128099

Floyd ducked Manny until Manny started losing it.

>> No.3128754
File: 1.32 MB, 446x251, ANTIFA punch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Conor has that magic, Floyd is 40....Conor has a legit shot at winning this bitch.

Conor rocked Paulie.

Conor has probably 6 bullets to get on Floyd, if it goes the distance he doesn't have a shot.

He needs to take him out in the first 4 rounds tops.

>> No.3128815
File: 92 KB, 780x487, IMG_0237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

McGregor grew up boxing from a very young age, he's not just an MMA fighter. A lot of people seem to be completely ignorant of this fact.

>> No.3128999

Everyone is on Mayweather. What's interesting is this past week they announced they will be using 8 ounce gloves and not the normal 10 ounce boxing gloves. This helps CM bigly.

>> No.3129059

Not really. Most of Mayweather's fights have been with 8oz gloves.

>> No.3129074

if 99% of its current value is built on Mayweather stunt, how come it's gonna crash when the match starts? opposite should be true based on what u're assuming. are u retarded, anon?

>> No.3129127

CM usually fights in 4 oz gloves. I think the less weight, the better for CM. Extra 2 oz isn't near as bad as an extra 6.

>> No.3129430

He's not a professional boxer though, he could probably hang in the amateur circuit but if you start pitting an amateur against top-level professional boxers then what do you think the outcome will be?

>> No.3129490

Augur's market cap is $200 million.
Stox is supposed to be better and bigger than Augur. So I say Stox's market cap will be equal or greater than 200 million, i.e. price target = $7.

>> No.3129516

None gives a fuck about nigger animal fights or your shill coin, kys

also saged retard

>> No.3129539
File: 109 KB, 749x1115, MT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been watching boxing all of my life. you guys want the honest truth? Floyd is going to win, want another tip? it will be by decision.How the fuck is that not obvious to you guys? world class boxers he has breezed through when younger and even in old age is a fucking dodging and moving animal, down to his footwork and aim is impeccable as well,do you guys truly not understand the 41-0 phenomenon? holy fuck you nerds hurt my brain. remember pacquiao? THIS IS THE SAME SHIT AS ALI VS INOKI a big fucking scam to get a fuck ton of FREE MONEY. Now if you like the possibility of winning money and dont mind losing 20-50 bucks go ahead and bet on Mcgregor. But dont fucking cry or say i didnt warn all you idiots screencap this.

>> No.3129661

The only thing to bet on here is Stox. Put your money in Stox. If you have money, put 500$ on McGregor just to make the fight interesting to watch, while watching Stox price simultaneously

>> No.3129801

For all the people betting here. It's a really bad fucking idea. The outcome is NOT as predictable as you think since there are multiple 1,000,000$. This fight is super fucking shady.

It's about who pays the fighters most imho.

>> No.3129843

Wagerr will burn tokes after the fight. Will Stox do the same?