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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3124422 No.3124422 [Reply] [Original]

Which is the superior school of economics? Chicago? Austrian?

>> No.3124542



Fuck kensyians.

>> No.3124551

economics is useless in crypto world

>> No.3124568

Read Marx, Lenin, and Mao and you'll know everything about economics.

>> No.3124653
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If by "superior" you mean "true" then it's the Austrian school, which is the only real school of economics. Keynesianism and the Chicago school are methodologically identical and hocus pocus.

People criticize the Austrian school because they don't consider it "useful" although that's bullshit too as I believe it's impossible to be a good investor if you don't understand Austrian business cycle theory. Most Keynesians, which is what 90% of investors/brokers/normies basically are, don't really understand how business cycles work which is why you see people buying into bubbles and then getting completely fucking Holocausted and end up jumping off a bridge when they bought shit that was horrifically overpriced.

Peter Schiff gets a lot of flak for shilling his own businesses on his videos but his market assessments are spot on and he uses Austrian business cycle theory to show it.

Watch this.

>> No.3124660

Please don't come here friend I want to move out of this minority infested hell hole focus on Europe instead

>> No.3124668

Didnt read your post clearly forget that last post

>> No.3124771

Austrians. end the fed.

>> No.3124847
File: 342 KB, 674x672, Henry Ford on Jewish Influence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(((Keynesian Economics)))

>> No.3124984


Also a reminder that Keynes was a Sodomite and an asshole. He made a economic philosophy that feels fine in the short term but destroys economies over time, and why wouldn't he? After all he was a fag and had no concern what would happen to him after he died.

>> No.3125497
File: 75 KB, 600x393, econguys1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read 50 economics classics to obtain a god level perspective of economics