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3122165 No.3122165[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the easiest way to kill yourself?

>> No.3122169

what happened anon? who did this to u?

>> No.3122223

don't. You're smart enough to understand that all this shit is meaningless. Go now and build a life and feel great all the time until you die naturally.

>> No.3122233


I'm tired of wageslaving and tired of losing money on crypto

Theres nothing I enjoy in life.

also a KHV

I want off this ride.

>> No.3122236


>> No.3122264

Bro, is perspective, your chemicals in your brain are mess up. Get treated. Sleep 8 hours each day and exercise.

>> No.3122299

Find what you want to do. I'll help you out if you want me to.

>> No.3122335
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Nostox detected

>> No.3122428

1. Go to Lysergi.co m and buy yourself some legal 1P-LSD
2. See if you still want to kill yourself

>> No.3122469

I (we) want to be rich

>> No.3122477


At least you got nice digits

>> No.3122575

no. Find out what you want to contribute to the world.

>> No.3122850

> Invest life savings in a shitcoin
> lose live savings because shitcoin crashes
> no mental stamina to endure resulting depression
> hang oneself

>> No.3122873

I recommend not doing this. Even if i lose everything i will wageslave and try shitcoin trading again. Its the contemporary equivalent of the lottery but with much better odds.

>> No.3122890

Is it better just to dream market?
1p-lsd is illegal here in aus along with every other rc

>> No.3122891

Suicide bag. Just google it.

>> No.3122898

I think injecting water into your veins would be pleasant.

>> No.3122915

Easiest way is to live a long, healthy, and happy life until you die peacefully in your sleep of natural causes.

>> No.3122919

Use dream market*

>> No.3122949

Old age.

>> No.3123146

Easiest way is overdose, honestly.
And depending on the substance, it's either the most pleasant or the worst possible hell.

If you seriously want to die, I would recommend doing dissociatives, like ketamine, before committing to it.
Experience being cut off from all of your physical senses and letting your mind run free. Or even better, meditating all of your thoughts away for extreme nothingness.
THEN, you can kill yourself.
Poppy tea is incredibly easy to obtain and make in legal markets, easy to overdose on intentionally too, especially with alcohol.

>> No.3123952

Oh boy, that's a lot of opportunities.

>Detach your gravity harness and fall into the sun
>Go into the brush for 15 minutes and get bitten by poisonous snakes and spiders
>Go swimming in a lake for 30 minutes and get eaten by a crocodile
>Go swimming in the ocean for 30 minutes and get eaten by a great white shark
>Go without eating or drinking while waiting for the latest Call of Duty to download

I"d recommend getting drunk and jumping off a building to be honest though

>> No.3123990

Would you mind providing the btc required?

>> No.3124168



>> No.3124187

Buy DGBs and hold. It will consume you inside out in no time, you won't feel a thing.

>> No.3124203
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shoulda bought low

>> No.3124218

So anon. You're basically free now. You don't need to succeed, you don't have to worry about risks of not succeeding. You've already given up. You might as well do some crazy shit, take risks with your life. Who cares if you die when if it were up to you, you'd be dead anyway.

>> No.3124231

a train station

>> No.3124241

>killing yourself over crypto

you dun goofed nibba. at least find a better reason smfh

>> No.3124371


That's not why.

Crypto was all I had left as plan to get out and it failed.

>> No.3124428
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>Build guillotine
>apply anesthesia to neck
>kill yourself in the most humane and fastest way

>> No.3124506


What if I have no motivation to? All I really want to do is sleep.

>> No.3124529

Be homeless. All they do is sleep for free.

>> No.3124550

Buy dgb

>> No.3124559

Except waves and usdt. They can be created out of thin air

>> No.3124588

How old are you?

>> No.3124604



>> No.3124617

You're depressed, anon.

Even if nobody likes you and you suck in everything you do, we won't let you kill yourself.

>> No.3124629

35 here and I've seen KHV people turning their life around at 36...

>> No.3124682


I don't believe you, but if you really are telling the truth, then they are statistical outliers.

>> No.3124695
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>Even if nobody likes you and you suck in everything you do, we won't let you kill yourself.

thanks, probably the nicest thing anyone has said to me in years

>> No.3124710

prob parking your car in your garage, taking a sleeping pill and just zonking out while you let the carbon monoxide do it's job. either that or shooting yourself in the head if you got a gun, most people don't though.

>> No.3124779

You are free man, hitch around the country and see what life is like outside of your four walls. Go camping in the bush for a week on your own or with your best friend and just enjoy nature, no technology. I guarantee you'll get some perspective.

>> No.3124816

I just got out of a mental hospital for a suicide attempt, the objectively best, most painless way to kill yourself is via Nembutal.

The easiest, on the other hand, is probably full suspension hang (partial suspension is a meme).

>> No.3124845

Is true. It was my brother. He's happily married now.

A good start to way to change your situation is to start telling people you're a KHV. They are more helpful than you think.

>> No.3124851
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>we won't let you kill yourself

Why do have the mercy to put down our pets when they're old, crippled, terminally sick, or simply unwanted?

Why don't we have the same humanity for each other? What is it that gives life such unquestioned value, regardless of its quality?

>> No.3124868

Sometimes you think your unwanted when you really aren't.

>> No.3124910

>What is it that gives life such unquestioned value, regardless of its quality?

Human nature. We feel empathy for one another. I've been in a situation similar to OP's and I know it's possible to turn it around. I also feel empathy towards his family and friends who want him to be happy.

>> No.3124946
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OP there are several good suggestions in this thread. But it should only be a last resort

Ponder it everyday for a year before you've made your decision

If everyday you beg for its sweet release then on the last day you'll know

If you still have doubts, then you still have something to live for.

>> No.3124958

OP, leave some contact info. Maybe you could create an email or IM account.

>> No.3124996
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If your life is going right then change it.
You're in control of your own life so only you can do it.
Killing yourself because you don't like your situation is really stupid.

>> No.3125078
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hah I remember that guy

>> No.3125079


It's already kind of obvious, and it seen as a stigma in the eyes of women (theres studies that back this), better off keeping it hidden if anything.


>> No.3125087

Check em

>> No.3125377

How about I chime in and tell you that I really do love you anon. I was just like you at a point in my life, no friends and my family basically disowned me,have insulin dependant diabetes to boot - but I gambled on Ethereum and got a bit of a leg up.
I want to tell you that the small victories are sometimes hard to notice, but because you came here to 4chan, you acquired just a little bit more win into your life. Keep coming here and keep posting and winning and seeing titties, traps and wojaks and everything will be alright. Perhaps its not only time to take up hobbies like gambling altcoins, but also improving yourself so you can burst out of the house every day, ready to fuck life in the pussy.
t. 29yo diabetic alone on the moon

>> No.3125472

>and it seen as a stigma in the eyes of women (theres studies that back this),
I cured my khv aged 29 when I thought there was no hope. Also to a woman who somehow appreciates my social avoidance and didn't care that I was virgin. She is definitely not normie tho

Met her on interpals and we both came from a 4chan thread

It doesn't cure all things but I no longer want to kill myself and have motivation to succeed again

>> No.3125513

There is no ez way to kill yourself.
My advice is for you to save up and travel the world to broaden your perspective.

Meet new people, reconnect with friends/family.
Make something better for yourself.

>> No.3125537

>What's the easiest way to kill yourself?
jump off a tall building and land on the sidewalk

>> No.3125562

Just wait like ~80 years or so.

>> No.3125587
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the good ol' classic noose

just need a decent length rope from some hardware store, it's a fairly quick and painless death if you tie the rope correctly. what's supposed to happen is the rope instantly tightens, cutting the blood flow to your brain and causing you to pass out in about 10-15 seconds. from there its just a matter of minutes before your brain dies from lack of oxygen, only real risk of failure is if someone else takes you down or the rope snaps leaving you with permanent brain damage, but you can easily take precautions to avoid that.

>> No.3125838
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OP im like you. 32 year old virgin with 8/10 looks and body. but i could never make it because of autism. i dont have money to get in crypto as well and im stuck in a shithole country and cant escape my situation because of mental problems. hope is the start of the broken hearts. i should have killed myself a long time ago.