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30398089 No.30398089 [Reply] [Original]

PRQ just saved PAIDs entire community which set the AMA back. So here it is. Most noteworthy points
- Laundry list of enterprises looking to use PRQ. Very big groups getting on board.
- They're skeptical of ETH which means we're definitely getting a BSC integration and more

Hey Bryan, PRQrew and Qties!
Thanks for your great questions and patience for this weeks AMA, as PAID has mentioned we got called on Friday and had to get some hands dirty to understand situation, and help construct a new way forward for them. We'll let you guys know in the coming week what was done to help and how we utilized PARSIQ tech to make their community whole again.

1.There was recent interest on twitter from a Dev at @IFTTT. Would Parsiq consider themselves the blockchain version of IFTTT?

Yes, we most certainly are a trigger based solution, so is most of what we are building. We see ourselves as bridge builders, building from crypto oriented solutions to off chain based ones. And within 2021, vice versa via reverse triggers, so companies or users can have things happen “in the real world” that executes things via smart contracts. This unlocks the true potential of our language ParsiQL and we can’t wait to see what creative minds will build once we release Public Projects, where everyone can build and make money doing so.

2.What is the feedback if any from @AaveAave since they started using the service?

The initial integration was for some basic use cases as we are currently gathering statistics and collecting feedback to decide on next steps. But we have deeper use cases planned for Aave.

3.Can we expect IQ to launch on multiple different platforms? ie, BSC & Eth, Solana, Serum?

We are currently looking at ETH fees with skepticism and there is no reason for us, not to opt-in on a less fee extensive platform, that otherwise provides most, if not more, of the same functionality found on the Ethereum network.

>> No.30398132

4.Can Parsiq Technology (and if so, how?) be used for something like Smartkey, or The Graph

Yes we can, with something like SmartKey we could notify a client when their lease has been approved and the client’s “key” is ready to unlock and drive the car or notify residents in a gated community that emergency services has just accessed their main gate and to please stand clear for emergency vehicles, or in case of a fire, notify all neighbours in the community to close their windows to avoid potential toxic smoke.
With the Graph, we could coexist in the same setup, because The Graph is mainly focused on indexing data and then serving it up, when called upon. PARSIQ pushes data (which is already transformed on the fly) as soon as it hits the first confirmation (and we can even do it on mempool level - more to come), but since The Graph isn’t meant for this type of use case, there could be a great opportunity in inserting us utilizing PARSIQ technology in conjunction with the Graph.
The possibilities are endless, it’s all about just figuring out the use cases.

5.Are there other projects outside of defi that parsiq could associate with or be utilised for? ( In terms of technology )

Most certainly. We currently have lots of projects using PARSIQ’s technology that are not DeFi related. For example the CoinMetro exchange, BC Vault Hardware Wallets, BRZToken and many more. PARSIQ’s technology can be inserted into so many use cases that the team feels like we’ve barely scratched the surface of utility.

6.Is there a substantial challenge/difference for Parsiq when it comes to integrating with DAG based networks such as Hedera Hashgraph and Fantom versus blockchains?

>> No.30398166

For us, no. If the distributed ledger network is public, we can implement it at PARSIQ. After all, these are still streams of events. In the long-term we might even take this further - to not only monitor, consume and deliver blockchain events, but also streams of events from off-chain sources (for example, events can be all trades of a centralized exchange or new classifieds appearing on Craigslist or new posts on Twitter - these are all streams of events that PARSIQ technology can capture, process and trigger actions based on them).

7.Has there been an increase in interest from businesses wanting to use PRQ's services since the Solana integration announcement?

It’s too early to tell from statistics, but we’ve seen an increasing amount of projects reaching out to us to implement our technology - some of them very big ones. Hopefully, we will close and announce some of them in the coming months.

8.Can you tell us more about big corporate client that are planning to use Parsiq services? When they plan to start using them? Can you give us any name of real world conpanies?

We are in final talks (and in some cases already signed and preparing the tech integration) with some enterprise level crypto companies and we will announce once ready. With traditional enterprises, the process is much slower, but the ongoing talks are going well. We cannot mention names until they are finalized. But we are very excited about announcing literally any of the names that are on the table.

>> No.30398236

9.Are other Subscription services interested in IQ? If so, Will Parsiq Rent, Sell or host the model to them?

Yes, we’ve seen unexpected levels of interest in the IQ Protocol and we have 10+ projects standing in line to utilize it once we launch and are audited.
We are still finalizing the financial side of IQ, since it’s grown quite a lot from our initial plan, stay tuned for official announcements.

10.Is Parsiq on track with everything you planned for in Q1 ?

So far so good with a few caveats that we will inform the community about soon. On the positive side, there are things going on in Q1 that were not initially planned and were not on the roadmap - very exciting stuff.

Have a great Sunday everyone!


>> No.30398415

sounds good. when moon?

>> No.30398541

never seen as many fags
who will be rich very soon
As I saw in the TG
crying when binance moon?

Rossi is a G and
Jon has a silver cock
Dale has 17 accounts
And Choi cooks with a wok

Jeff got banned again
He could be a real prick
But you know the real T
Brohan has a kids dick

So I’m telling all you fags
To stay out the TG
You can hold a make it bag
And still be a PRQtie

-father, out

>> No.30398618

2 weeks

>> No.30398730

Trust the plan

>> No.30398815

trying. its just hard rn with it crabbing like crazy.

>> No.30398953
File: 1.72 MB, 1440x1080, misato.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very cute

>> No.30399006

>i am one of the fags
>i ll keep shitposting
- MeisterHonda

>> No.30399058

Excellent anon. Will give this a read

>> No.30399187

>they deleted my question from their twittee about if they plan any fantom integration
what did they mean by this

>> No.30399247

it's over for fantom

>> No.30399479

So what can we infer from this?
I’m definitely interested to hear what the announcements are that weren’t on the roadmap

>> No.30399706

If it's not all talk, then just as a baseline they have no shortage of major companies who want that Anatoly magic.
Not much else besides that though. They do go into detail on the tech, and I noted their skepticism of ETHs fees which inevitably leads to BSC or so - but for now it's simply sounding like the short term will be all of the existing announcements. Q2 will very likely be a hefty dump of massive integrations including that payment processor. Although I know quite well how long it takes to set major projects up for large corps, so we might not even see the biggest announcements til Q3/Q4.