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File: 263 KB, 953x569, landcock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30395905 No.30395905 [Reply] [Original]

hey citycucks

why would I rent a cuckshed in a 10 story building for 2000 dollars a month

when I could just buy a piece of land on the rio grande 999 dollars, 3 dollars property tax per year

if you say to chase women you seriously aren't going to make it cuckboy

>> No.30396014

it's unbelievable how stupid you citycucks are

>> No.30396027

>when I could just buy a piece of land on the rio grande
>999 dollars
Gimme the soil rating.

>> No.30396061

Nevermind, upon closer inspection it appears to be a desert.

>> No.30396064


this property is 10 minutes from a walmart

>> No.30396110

what's the soil rating of the carpet in your apartment

holy shit are you stupid

>> No.30396135

>what's the soil rating of the carpet in your apartment
Kek, good one

>> No.30396143

>OP posts cheap land
>OP posts cheap land right on the border of Mexico...
>OP is LARPing about being a land owner chad...
>OP never stopped to wonder why all that land is cheap as fuck right on the border of Mexico...

>> No.30396164

I'm not buying your shit sand.

>> No.30396199

hey nigger

it isn't right on the border of mexico

it's a few hundred miles if I recall

but it's still an amazing deal

you think you're safer in florida or texas

no you fucking aren't, niggers and spics as far as the eye can see

but this shit only costs 999 dollars 3 dollar tax per year

>> No.30396240

it isn't my sand

but I was considering buying it because I don't like burning money like a cityserf

>> No.30396332


seriously pay over 2000 dollars a month to live in a city

why do they do this

>> No.30396613

>a few hundred miles
>of river
>stretching across the US-Mexico border...

Ohhhhhh give me a plot of land!
Where the coyote roam!
Where the iguanas play!

Where the Vato is heard,
singing all day!
About the time,
he went online,
and heard a line!

Cheaaaap Laaaaand!

>> No.30396703

I originally liked this piece because it was so convenient in every way

but if I wanted to have a long term residence I would prefer nevada

but I don't want to buy in nevada until I have at least 50k

>> No.30396818

because it's literally a desert

>> No.30396854

>r*dditspacing faggot
>unironically likes living like a fucking peasant
slavebrained nigger
kill yourself

>> No.30396870

>fails to see the big picture...
The desert isnt the problem... the coyotes are... the two legged coyotes...

>> No.30396890

i have no clue dude but i got to say i'm am exhilarated that they do it
imagine if they didn't

>> No.30396908

>pleb thinks land ownership is about size rather than location
Quality over quantity

>> No.30396934

cockroach literally paying a jew thousands per month to live in a box

holy shit the coping

>> No.30396936
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>consoooom consooooom im consooooming
>EXPOSED BRICK!!!!!! Hnngggggg

>> No.30396946

> buys a piece of land
> builds a cuckshed on it
> has to drive in a cuckcage to buy groceries

>> No.30396953

is that true? will this token make me rich mr anon?
or you just trying to scam people with shit
>I have already hold SWG and got rewards
>BSC will be cool for project development

>> No.30396955

yeah fuck me i ain't living with skinwalkers

>> No.30396967

Stop trying to fud city properties.
Everyone knows, more people = more pussy.

>> No.30396972

this location is right on the rio grande

perfect location for solar power

walmart 10 minutes a way

but you seem like a cuck that pays jews thousands of dollars a month just because there are more women there

seriously cuck you aren't going to make it

>> No.30396980

Because your desert land isn't zoned for residential use, has to be inspected by 100 different agencies before it can be rezoned, and if an endangered horny lizard is found to be living on the land it will be seized by the EPA.

>> No.30396989

poorfag phone posting unironically thinks if he lives like a monk he might finally reach 6 figures
stay poor nigger

>> No.30397015


don't have to but that would be possible and very cheap from this location

>> No.30397023


>> No.30397052

and less money for the morons that buy in

this property is only 30 miles from Albuquerque and costs 999 dollars cuck boy

>> No.30397084

literally making up stories to fit his narrative

holy shit the desperation

>> No.30397120

Post proof that it is zoned for residential use and I'll believe you

>> No.30397141

>finds a catcus
>machete time
>skin the barbs off
>cut the top off
>cut the top off more
>cut the top off just a bit more
>now is level to dick
>proceed to fuck cactus to obtain Coomer ascendancy...

>> No.30397145

Don't have to what? Build a house? You have to if you don't plan to sleep outside every day?
Don't have to drive for groceries? How else would you get them in this desert?
You just want to cuck yourself in a more elaborate way.

>> No.30397339

yea you don't have to build a house

from my understanding you can camp there pretty much indefinitely

so why would you build a house just to get gouged on taxes

with enough effort I'm sure that something can be grown here

but also a walmart is only 10 minutes from this location and it beats being a city cuck paying 2000 a month for the same privilege

>> No.30397495

>from my understanding you can camp there pretty much indefinitely
So you choose to live in a cucktent. Okay, you'll be a stinky hobo.
>with enough effort I'm sure that something can be grown here
So you choose to be a wagecuck who don't even get a wage. Nice, if you'll have to put all your energy into growing and harvesting crops in a fucking desert you'll have no time to shitpost here. Win-win.
>but also a walmart is only 10 minutes from this location
So, you still have to drive 10 minutes in a cuckcage to a cuckmart instead of enjoying a 5 minute walk to a nearby store. Okay, whatever.

>> No.30397511

>build non-house out of adobe clay...
>not bricks... clay...
>build three walls and a roof, "a cave"
>no door
>no windows
>takes 3 years to build, painstaking laborious process, but is possible with autism and a dash of fucking the daughter of a chief from the rez next to your property.
>after all is said and done you now have a non-house house in which to live...
>no taxes
>no Alphabet soup that comes around every 3 weeks
>find some peyote out in the flats
>get high once every 5 weeks
>produce many mutt children with the Chief's daughter...

>> No.30397604

at least I'll be rich and not paying 2000 a month

lol you fucking morons are so dumb honestly

>> No.30397641

I was thinking I'd just set up a tent

>> No.30397680

hey i agree with you dude, i'm in europe and the further away i go from cities the better it gets
i found a sort of mansion with 4 bedrooms and 6000 square meters of land for the price of a small appartment in my capital

but you seem to exaggerate with lowering your living standards and you probably underestimate how annoying it is in the long run

>> No.30397709

> has to spend every day trying to grow crops in a desert
> has no time to get any actual income
> "BUT I'LL BE RICH!!!!"
Yeah, sure.

>> No.30397896

no running water

>> No.30397899

>not amending your own soil


>> No.30397961

uh no

the lot is like .25 acres

I'd just monitor a few plants and be done

are you fucking stupid seriously

I'd just set up a few potatoes and maybe some other shit

nothing is going to grow on your apartment carpet

>> No.30397984

rio grande is like a mile away

>> No.30398084

>the lot is like .25 acres
I bet you're going to put a cuckfence around it.
And then you're going to drive in a cuckcage to the office, to serve your wagecuck duty as you always have to. Except one day you'll be fired because you didn't shower.
> Sir, please don't fire me, I don't have running water because I like in a desert cucktent!

>> No.30398155


creative writing major

it's ok to be poor and be a wageslave

and overpay for your shitty little apartment bitch

but I don't have to

and I love my life

>> No.30398177

>but I don't have to
Don't fool yourself, it is your primary source of income.

>> No.30398227

Land chad here. Inherited 1500 acre ranch in west Texas. We operate a deer lease and shooting range and are completely off grid. All my extra income goes into crypto and gold/silver. Niggers are not welcome.

>> No.30398279
File: 2.71 MB, 484x204, blazing saddles wth.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>funny cactus
>produces more $/crop than cannabis
>more $Y/Acre than cannabis
>less middlemen to worry about
>don't have to do business with Hector and his sicario friends to sell the shit to stacy the slut from california...

>city niggers from britbong land think that the only people who live in the American sand flats are bums...

>> No.30398294

because im a shitskin IT professional taking advantage of globohomo gibs and those jobs only exist in big cities
next question ?

>> No.30398325


I make money on the internet

>> No.30398348

If I come onto that "off-grid" property and find a working cell signal... do I get to call you a nigger IRL?

>> No.30398376


>> No.30398489

Stepping on to my property uninvited would not be advisable anon. But sure you can call me a nigger fren :)

>> No.30398515


So your logic is by being around and fucking more women you’re cucked? Is this some type of cope for being too poor to live in the city?

>> No.30398665
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>> No.30398745

no you are cucked because you are making other men much more rich than yourself, just for the privilege of being around muh women

even though pretty much everyone in this society has cars

you could just pay for a property outside of a city that costs 1000 dollars total, and reap all the rewards without paying 2000 a month


>> No.30398891

> he is worried about other men instead of thinking only of his own interest
What a cuck.

>> No.30398943

I'm not worried about shit

you're the one making your competition richer

I just pay 1000 dollars to own land and 3 dollars a year to the government

you're literally drowning in bills from every direction just for a whiff of pussy


>> No.30398949


You see the thing you’re getting wrong is this is a more a money issue than anything else. That’s why you’ve made this thread so you can feel a little better about the choice you wanna do.

Imagine not giving money to live a life you really enjoy just so you don’t wanna be seen as “cucked”

If you can’t afford it I understand moving to save money, but don’t fool yourself into thinking you’re unironically doing it because of a title you placed on yourself.

>> No.30398980

how could I enjoy a life being gouged by jews and banks

seems your priorities are fucked senpai

>> No.30399039


You’ll be a whole lot happier if you stopped caring about other people who don’t even know you exist, anon.

>> No.30399050

Look, a land chad like >>30398227 is cool not because of living away from a city, but because he earns more and likely gets more pussy.

You, on the other hand
> I don't get any benefit from the land but other men get less of muh money!!
are pathetic.

>> No.30399067

>doesn't live in a city
>doesn't like being around niggers and wiggers
>prefers to fuck the cactus rather than deal with the incessant bitching and whining that comes along with a walking breathing fleshlight...

>> No.30399085

Gee I wonder why

>> No.30399097

keep being poor

>> No.30399135

no the benefit is I get more money

the side benefit is my competition also gets less money

I win and I win and I win

and I just keep winning

keep cuckin it

>> No.30399147

Lol, your only rebuttal is "I don't care about my own well-being, but at least YOU (another person) are poor!".

>> No.30399186


You are gonna still pay your taxes to the Jews, right anon? Including income tax, property tax, and everything else. Right?

>> No.30399210

no my well being is secured

because I'll be saving over 2000 dollars more per month than a city cuck

>> No.30399241

of course bud

why wouldn't I I'm an upstanding high IQ citizen of this fine land

>> No.30399392
File: 474 KB, 220x217, RayLiotta Laugh - Copy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tax evasion is only tax evasion if you are breaking the law...

>> No.30399689


>> No.30399753

You bought land in a desert you fucking retard. Should have bought some woods. Ngmi.

>> No.30399809

Op is absolutely based. Fellow rural fag here. So many seething city fags in this thread.

You don't need good soil to have freedom, retards. You can also improve soil quality. The problem with these areas is there's no water. So have fun setting up a system by which you have water. But the idea is noble.

>> No.30399864

it costs more to buy in the woods, and you get less land

the more you know

>> No.30399911

the rio grande is like a few miles away

>> No.30399941

>calls people city cucks
>needs to live 10 minutes from a walmart
Get a load of the faggot.

>> No.30399995

don't need to

but the truth is lol you defending citycucks getting gouged because they get to see a few more women on the subway

>> No.30400476

I don't see anything defending city cucks. Just saying you're going to get killed by a rattlesnake.

>> No.30400580
File: 2.30 MB, 483x351, scrubs lick lips - Copy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmm rattlers... tasty...

>> No.30400604

cope harder

I'm extremely robust

no animal will kill me

>> No.30401418

>Moves into cuckdorm
>Bed takes up nearly all floor space, Is also couch for the living room
>Has to pay for laundry every time he needs clean clothes
>Grocery store 4 blocks away “I guess I’ll only buy what I can carry”
>Buys only snacks and alcohol, orders delivery for every meal
>Hear chad plow that qt3.14 above you every night
>Can’t even see one star in the night sky
>”A-a-at least I get a view of the city lights!”
>Only a Juliet balcony to look out from, can’t even stretch out properly

>> No.30401934

citycucks lose another battle

typical of the citycuck


not prepared

will starve


>> No.30402039
File: 238 KB, 511x638, 1612829782272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literal larping faggots itt acting liek they are not city cucks. You are trash and if you come to country you will go insane the second the sounds of the generator goes quiet and you are left with your thoughts and you realize outside of a screen you have no mental capacity and will kill yourself. Stay in the city bitch.

>> No.30402084
File: 75 KB, 512x452, 793F5843-AC91-485C-9F34-A2612CEAC7FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30402113

Anon, I live here. You don't want that land.

>> No.30402179

Florida is safer for stand your ground laws

>> No.30402411

coping city cuck

the sun will keep coming out in the desert retard

no need for a generator just need panels and working battery and charge controller

>> No.30402457

I actually do but I want to get to 50k first

>> No.30402518

It gets cold in the desert at night, anon, and not much firewood around.

>> No.30402522

Point. Citycucking sucks. I unironically rented a "luxury" 1 bedroom in North Hollywood for 2000+ up until last year when I bought a house in the burbs.

Life in a little box is miserable, the bigger the complex the more miserable you will be.

>> No.30402561

Yeah but the issue is water rights.

That old boomer rancher a few miles up river? Well his family settled in these parts during the gold rush and can drain the river dry if he wants before you see a drop.

I support your endeavor but definitely look into it when it comes to water usage

>> No.30402579

I'll deal with it

I'm from Illinois gets pretty cold here and I lived in an unheated garage for like 2 years during the winter

>> No.30402674

>(((giving))) money

>> No.30402780

It's not like I need a lot

I dunno I sent a few messages to the guy selling it and he said just get water from the river

so I don't know

>> No.30402783

Did you check that the land parcel has legal access? Many parcels in the west are useless on account of having no legal access.

>> No.30402792
File: 43 KB, 192x192, 13972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this THE MOLE?

i think it is desu

>> No.30402842

maybe brah

I dunno

>> No.30402908

but legit tho, is it? if im right then im certified 150 iq

>> No.30402977

it's tough brah, you're really good at pattern recognition

>> No.30403048

Here's an idea, anon.
Since the late 1940s, real estate has been sold cheaply in Montello, Nevada. Someone bought ranch land and subdivided it into "home lots." You can buy a 40-acre lot for less than $10k. These lots have been flipped for years and nobody actually builds anything new. Some sucker will buy a lot, camp on it for a few weeks, and determine that the lot is worth less than they paid. The cheap western lot scam has been going on since the frontier days. Don't be a sucker. Buy some real land with resources.

>> No.30403138


and I've been looking at this land for quite some time now

but this was a question to citycucks

why would you pay thousands per month

and not just buy land in the desert

either way it beats living in the city in a number of categories

and this land also happens to be close to a city

>> No.30403299
File: 297 KB, 1266x1315, 1613063713578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do it and take and make weekly updates here.

you won't because you're a big talking bitch pussy that can't live without modern amenities.

>> No.30403507

For sure but if there’s no water hook up it’ll either be extremely hard to get it or extremely expensive. Definitely dig into it some more and see what you can find out.

I support the endeavor but water is a major factor when buying land out west and something that you need to be thinking about. If you’re coming from an area that’s wet or doesn’t deal with water rights, it’s an easy thing to overlook

>> No.30403629

You can read about these morans' failures after buying a cheap desert lot.
Their life revolved around hauling water, collecting old tires, and buying used pallets for construction.
Fucking hippies.

>> No.30403649
File: 28 KB, 680x453, ef6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I can do whatever I want in a city.

There's an infinite amount of bars and restaurants, places to hangout with friends. Large events, parks, meet new people etc.

I did rural life until I was 20 and moved out. Its mediocre comparatively.

I'd rather not tie myself and my assets to one place and have the freedom to move wherever I want.

>> No.30403940

once I get to 100k I probably will

when I am posting about how awesome it is you'll probably be begging me to stop cuck

almost all the problems with lack of water are tied to not building rainwater collection

so you cherrypicked the biggest idiots who didn't collect rainwater and didn't dig a well

fucking moron

>> No.30404004

no you can't you fucking cuck

you can't do anything

don't play music too loud

don't drive into the wrong side of town

don't leave your house without hundreds of dollars

don't park there

you're a basedboy cuck idiot

>> No.30404066

yea for sure

I've been looking into it

>> No.30404078

99% of the dipshit zoomers who fantasize about this kind of shit have literally 0 experience in farming and maintaining homes. Most of these kids would rather kill themselves than put any physical labour into a job, but for some reason they imagine instantly growing up and acquiring all skill sets without trouble.
Protip: You will never achieve your goal of self-sustainability in isolation.

>> No.30404195

coping faggot

ad hominem attacks with no substance

I can and I will

and I'm going to save so much fucking money doing it

>> No.30404267

Confirmed for never having to work a day in his life.
I bet you're one of those faggots that trapped himself inside playing video games while his dad was trying to call him out to do yard work or learn how to change a tire. Then suddenly your virgin rage has convinced you that you can do anything yourself lmfao
Kys incel. Learn to change a fucking tire before building an entire life from scratch.

>> No.30404354

I bet you're just slinging ad hominem attacks that I'm not going to read

and I'm going to save so much fucking money doing this and I'm going to brag here every day when I do it

>> No.30404449

Yeah and everyone knows once you own the cheap land you have to stay there absolutely forever and never go anywhere or speak to anyone, and are forbidden from day trips to the city or week-long trips with the money saved on rent

>> No.30404495


citycucks are so pathetic

>> No.30404579

>and I'm going to save so much fucking money
"save money" lmao holy shit you're poor
Meanwhile half the kids your age here are making 6 figure incomes with crypto trades in a couple months.

>> No.30404678

buy it and build The Wall there

>> No.30404736


that's fine at least I'm not a citycuck throwing it all away

I'll save and save, and build and build, and I'll have them beat in 5 years

>> No.30405091

A well will cost you 30x what you will pay for the lot, moran.

>> No.30405215

and still less than what a citycuck pays in a year

for basically unlimited free water unless you're trying to run a huge farm

citycucks never learn

>> No.30405318

Based. You shouldn't have to either

>> No.30405382

stay poor slave

>> No.30405978

Ok, buddy, you go ahead and find out the hard way. The lot is $999 for a reason. When you realize this, you'll have wished that you spent more and bought land with resources.
Good luck.

>> No.30406180

the lot is 999 because there are so many cucks on this earth

best solar area in the country

it's literally 10 minutes from a walmart

and like 2 miles from a river

the only reason something like this exists is because people are morons and would rather be a slave

>> No.30406241

you can't even type properly, your shit's all fucked with plebbit spacing
within a few years you'll be broke or dead

>> No.30406316

I was here back in 2010

you would suck me dry cuck

>> No.30406696

>2 miles from a river
Have fun hauling those 5-gallon buckets of Mexican infused piss water two miles back to the tent.

>> No.30406810

he can't carry 5 gallon buckets

you should have just said you were a weak thin framed cuck and gotten it over with

>> No.30407378
