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30344561 No.30344561 [Reply] [Original]

Should I wait for a dip?

>> No.30344599

Bump. Same question

>> No.30344633

its not too late, i think anywhere under $10 and you could still be in for a 10x depending on how the bullrun goes.
whether you should wait for a dip or not, i dont know. maybe buy some now, then buy some if it dips. i guess.

>> No.30344645

If it gets to uniswap market cap I think it'll be a 6x from here. So keep that in mind.

>> No.30344659

now might be a good time
if it dumps it wont be as bad as anything else
I can picture it going to like $10 next week then back to $8 and medium term $20 for sure

>> No.30344673

the token is designed to only go up. it's quite the ponzi scheme. the difference here is it's based on consensus. as long as people want their tokens in the BNT rewards pool, they'll have to keep stacking BNT to vote their tokens in. the fomo hasn't even started yet

>> No.30344680


>> No.30344679
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I really doubt it's going any lower than $7-$6, unless btc completely shits itself

>> No.30344684

just buy. dips are tiny on this coin anyways

>> No.30344726

There is literally no reason to BUY this.

>> No.30344736

Also UNIs diluted MC is like 28 billion while Bancors is a bit over a billion. At least no one can dump on us

>> No.30344754

here is my question, should i swap my aave and snx for bnt?

>> No.30344759

Buy it when btc is about to shit the bed. Besides there's no coin that just keeps going up

>> No.30344775

Lol look at the 6 HR BTC chart. Wait a day, it'll probably dip back to 6.50-7 at least haha

>> No.30344781
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>> No.30344923

BNT is one of those 0$ by 2022. Don't say nobody told you.

>> No.30344995

Bnt will go to 63 but ultimately will drop back down to 2 dollars once layer 2 and rewards end

>> No.30345045
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>once layer 2 ends

>> No.30345050

told u to buy KSM larper

>> No.30345062
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quality fud
you couldn't come up with even a single reason? Here's some ideas for you next time:
>ponzi scheme
>jewish scam
>everybody withdraws their link at the same time
>whale manipulation
>hacked before so will be hacked again
>devs dump

>> No.30345179

Same question

>> No.30345319

Depends on your time table. BNT is almost def going to outperform those two in the next few months slash rest of bull run.

Over the long term (years) SNX in particular is going to fucking mars with synthetics (esp stock).

But if you're asking this question on biz you want short term, so yea, BNT is better for you.

>> No.30345411

search before posting

>> No.30345491

If you think you are too late and only had a few thousand $$ to put in I suggest you look into BNT's bonded yield curve.


>> No.30345545

Why didnt you buy when I spammed the board at 90 cents telling everyone that Bancor would become a liquidity black hole?
Did u make fun of me?

>> No.30345594

>during dips bnt earns sats
>0.89 fully diluted valuation/tvl ratio
these metrics with staking rewards make bnt a no brainer

>> No.30345657

funny thing is that since BNT makes up 50% of the tvl, the ratio is not going to change much.

>> No.30346560

My 150 dollar purchase of Bancor is now 536.29 and I have never been happier. Thank you Bancor.

>> No.30346639

I really need to do more research on this NFT redeem/claim/buy shit and what the price is about (the lowest bid?). Seems like every NFT project uses this same model.

>> No.30346780
File: 60 KB, 1617x878, Screenshot 2021-03-06 092024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When BTC shits then BNT keeps gaining sats every time. It's a freight train.

>> No.30346936
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Now that it's pumping hard it's getting attention and all the retards are coming to BNT threads

>> No.30347163

everywhere I see people keep suggesting 20-30 is going to be the top for this. I swear once people really figure this out on the normie level its going to 100 minimal

>> No.30347336

if BTC actually shits, then 100% of crypto will shit harder

>> No.30347337
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If you only had 500 BNT, would you stake it right now? In which pool?

>> No.30347455

It went from to 2 to 8$ in like a month while still under the radar, almost no crypto Youtube shill mentioned it yet and Normies are still staking their shit on 5% apy shitcoins like Celsius

20-30$ eo this cycle is not even realistic if it somehow manages to stay extremely under the radar

>> No.30347672

yeah that's not shitting itself, just crabbing. If it goes to something like 30k, we are going down with it but to a lesser extent.
yeah, pick something with high BNT rewards + apr (you get both)

>> No.30347721

I agree. I genuinely reckon we’ll see 100

>> No.30347906

So I see highest rewards are in stable coin pools, but I've also read a few anons say to stay away from those. What's the reason for this?

>> No.30348002

Not true. Read on how the single sided liquidity provision works. Since most pools are full all the time on the TKN the protocol provides the missing BNT for this which is not circulating BNT.

>> No.30348042

the argument is that rewards might not get extended for those, although I disagree. Either way you can unstake in 100 days with full IL protection and stake somewhere else if that does happen. The counter of days shows how long until the current rewars cycle ends.

>> No.30348154

I would make a chart of market cap and TVL to prove you wrong but I'm too lazy

>> No.30348414

Half of TVL isn’t amount of BNT staked though it’s less. The protocol coinvests millions of BNT in some of the larger pools right now you can look up any of the proposals about this