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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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30223648 No.30223648 [Reply] [Original]

>random ugly girls making more per year on OF than doctors, lawyers, and of course you
this shit just gets me down, knowing average girls can literally take a few pics of themselves 5 mins a day and practically retire within a year if they wanted to. how the FUCK can we compete? Wageslave for 40 years?

>> No.30223738
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>demoralization thread

>> No.30223800

>how the FUCK can we compete? Wageslave for 40 years?
buy crypto and wait.

>> No.30223849

The Male equivalent of OF is Crypto.

>> No.30223896

Get a girl and split half and half

>> No.30223956


>> No.30224039


So true

>> No.30224167

OF is easier and lower risk in monetary terms.

>> No.30224193

I wish there was a male version but this is just cope, cryto is basically stocks on steroids where you can just lose all your money and most of us need to wait years to see any big money. Theres no downsides to OF besides wasting a few mins a day taking dumb pics.

>> No.30224230

Most girls make Jack and shit on OF dipshit

>> No.30224326
File: 93 KB, 680x532, 2353BB3B-40B7-40A4-AF96-698CAC984E67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These girls will never be able to retire because they can never stop consuming just like 99% of celebrities and professional athletes. All of their money ends up back in productive working men's pockets after having gone through the great filter of their retarded compulsions.

>> No.30224435

entertainment industry do be like dat

>> No.30224480
File: 417 KB, 750x537, E969E158-896B-4FE1-A9AD-83FB41A73A3C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live with my girlfriend and she literally pays all of our rent and bills while I just invest and occasionally buy takeout.

>> No.30224561

and the permanent life embarrassment of any male offspring

>> No.30224644

how much does she make per month?

>> No.30224657

You could argue this diminishes her earning potential later in life in regards to professions, finding a good partner, etc. women are vulnerable and have a narrow window of earning potential

>> No.30224785


Only the top earners make that kind of money ; majority of them barely makes a cent. Whores make a lot of money too ; the good ones at least, but they rarely end up rich due to their spending habits.


Exactly this.

>> No.30224923

exactly, nearly every escort, model, drug dealer, musician, athlete, etc. that "makes it" really only gets this kind of income once. it's essentially like they got their life income in a lump sum payment. and they will immediately waste all of it.

>> No.30224976
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I don’t even know, mate. That’s her business

>> No.30225388

>Theres no downsides to OF besides wasting a few mins a day taking dumb pics.
That, and being a filthy whore

>> No.30225422

The local Dope Dealer i knew started investing his profits in Bitcoin in 2013 after I told him about it. The dude just vanished in 2017. Knowing how many customers he sold to a day and how low rent his lifestyle was he probably ran off with 30-40m after everything was said and done

>> No.30225455 [DELETED] 

lmao, check this piss on /biz/
these think we will visit this trash
>I am not a racist but these niggers are so stupid
>cool that my wallet is in safe on justliquidity with their great staking and yield farming

>> No.30225483


>> No.30225499

what a god

>> No.30225720

You think this girl is investing this money? No, she's running a high roller lifestyle. Probably already moved into a $5000+/mo apartment. She's going to burn all her money, invest none of it and have crippling depression knowing she'll never have that much money and attention again but will always be chasing it even as her face and ovaries dry up.

>> No.30225843

goddamn truth

>> No.30225954
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I know a former stripper who was making $30k a month in 2016, but like 95% of all Stacy's, the bitch spent it on dumbass consoomer shit like designer clothes, cars with high interest rates, drugs, stupid pets like ferrets, and eating out every meal. She spent every dollar she made and racked up tens of thousands in credit card debt. She ended up hitting the wall and going overseas to teach English in Asia and isn't even making 10% of what she made 5 years ago. Thots only have a small window where they are profitable and will always be in that poor person mindset

>> No.30226098

stop coping, they all at least buy a million dollar home and that never goes away.

>> No.30226132

Fake, this is OnlyFans marketing, no one actually earns any substantial income from it

>> No.30226186

This thread is filled with so much poorfag cope lmao

>> No.30226197

What r u gonna do? I checked your ID, you fucking scammer
>Go home homeless pussy

>> No.30226266

>they all at least buy a million dollar home and that never goes away
*puts unpaid property tax in your path*

>> No.30226444

i think you mean, they rent a mansion in LA

>> No.30226767

You make it seem like it’s easy to buy a million dollar house. Are you like 15 or something? Do you know how credit and money works?

>> No.30228388

Oh you think they're buying the home with cash? No, they're getting a mortgage because they're stupid. They're greedy and lack long term planning (hence them showing their pussy on OF) it pains them thinking of spending a lump sum on a house so they choose to do a mortgage. And of course everyone surrounding them will encourage this too. So now they have a $6000+/mo mortgage.

Do you know how fast you can burn up one million dollars with $10k+/mo lifestyle? Pretty fucking quick. And what do you think happens 10 years later when the money dries up and they're accustomed to the high roller lifestyle? Again, because they lack long term planning they'll look at their million dollars in their bank account and think they're rich and live like they're rich until one day their credit card gets declined.

The fact you think this OF whore can even afford a million dollar home just shows how poor you are.

>> No.30228545

imagine paying to see a whore covered in tattoos

>> No.30228701

The downside to OF is that you might not get any fans and you cuck yourself out of real jobs forever. Same downside

>> No.30229287

This is how it felt in last years of Roman epire and soviet union

>> No.30229366

The men paying for this should be removed from the gene pool

>> No.30229392

you guys realize there are male onlyfans models right?

>> No.30229419

like these women even think about that or care. look at the jessica khater whore. not a brain cell between all of them

>> No.30229420

Is three years too long to wait for lifechanging money? In that span of time I turned roughly $8,000 into over $1M simply by buying LINK and not selling it. It's not hard to do. Just stop being an impulsive faggot, take your meds, and fucking wait.

>> No.30229436

Never thought about it that way, Based.

>> No.30229575

its not. it takes for fucking ever and its high risk and you have to work to get deep in it. these whores just show their ass off on twitter and get paid 6 figures

>> No.30229640

They are doomed to be married to an old hag that will not care about they being sluts. No decent man will ever date an OF slut.

>> No.30229919

>Is three years too long to wait for lifechanging money?
Not if it took 0 effort at all like what you did, congrats and fuck you.
Yeah, nah. If people are literally paying to fap to her, then all those cucks would be paying to marry her even if she was fucking Tyrone on the side.

>> No.30229927

If bitch is smart she would turn her lewd pics into nfts and retire within a week

>> No.30230186

Honestly thats not a bad idea given how dumb the NFT boom is rn. But Im curious, is there even an NFT marketplace where you can put NSFW porn on it?

>> No.30230212

Simps are addicted to simping, they don't want to marry no matter how much they say they want to. They'll just move onto the next whore they can throw money at.

>> No.30230264

https:// discord.gg sSZf8aMAfk

>> No.30230451

>Is three years too long to wait for lifechanging money? In that span of time I turned roughly $8,000 into over $1M simply by buying LINK

Hoping to do this with ersdl

>> No.30230573

thank you for giving me my next business idea anon. ill be sure to post it here when it's ready.

>> No.30230722

Valid point, but really any girl can find someone to sweep them off their feet these days. Men are desperate and theres just way too much competition from men these days.
Good luck bro, best do it quick while NFTs are HOT.

>> No.30230763

>he thinks she isnt an elite escort in asia and is winning buttloads of money.

>> No.30231815
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Lmao. Barely anybody makes bank on Onlyfans. Do you think becoming a sportsball player or a musician is a viable career path for everybody too?