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30120852 No.30120852 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>be american
>wake up
>made 10k
>take profits

>> No.30120894

all mutts must hang

China can't devour them soon enough!

>> No.30120901

I hate Americans

>> No.30121027

>europeans dump for 2 weeks straight
>pump once
>americans exit the market

Maybe you shouldn't have dumped 7000 points off BTC on feb 22nd, faggots.

>> No.30121083

Dude europeans don't even move the market, stop giving them any credit.

>> No.30121304

Hey its not our fault that burger money makes up a large portion of the crypto market

Fate made us the controllers,and we have no fuckin idea how to play it

>> No.30121384

seethe more impotent faggots

>> No.30121444

better start learning Chinese sweetie, they are coming for you as we speak

>> No.30121571

>hiding behind chankoro insects
cringe pussy

>> No.30122430
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Are you really surprised that the yuropoors are freeriding off the amerifats and the changs pumping crypto, and then they whine like little bitches whenever the two actual world powers decide to take profits?
That's the fate of yuropooristan nowadays, to be wholly reliant on actual world empires while they seethe about how "well aktshually they stole from us". And you stole from the Muslims who stole from the Greeks who stole from a civilization whose name has been lost to time.
Welcome to the trash bin of history, yuropoors, enjoy your stay.