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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 106 KB, 404x404, 161464716850696091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30014730 No.30014730 [Reply] [Original]

Is 10k enough to make it?

>> No.30014942
File: 462 KB, 640x640, bat_beach_pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice BAT art

>> No.30015375

I have a BAT question, and don't wanna make another thread for it.
I have ads set to max, for max gains. And when I first started I got paid 5 times an hour to view ads on the homepage, but I also got paid to view ads they sent me as a notifcations.
But now, I only get paid to view the notifcations ads. What gives? It's been days as well

>> No.30015509

How does 15k sound?

>> No.30015599

Are you checking your BAT every time you view an ad or something???
I've never gone that into detail, but I'm pretty sure you get paid for every ad you see, be it a new tab ad or a notification ad. If you really think this is a bug, you could hit up
for a bugfix or perhaps for clarification in general. I myself have not heard of this bug, but who knows, Brave has had bugs before.

>> No.30015601


>> No.30015603

I've learned that the more /biz/ shills something the shittier it is. Why would you want to blast something you want to accumulate?

>> No.30015663
File: 19 KB, 478x674, bat2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30015911
File: 648 KB, 1280x720, 161464716850696091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not as good as 20k

>> No.30015919

I have been checking them every time recently, yes, to specifically test this issue.
I'll probably hit up that link, and maybe someone can either explain, or maybe the bug will be addressed. Thanks.

>> No.30016084

Because we have accumulated for years. Now is the time to rise.

>> No.30016117
File: 86 KB, 284x468, Eich.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gains aside, pissing off the JIDF, Wikipedia editors, and Mozilla are reason enough to support Brave

>> No.30016134

10k is a suicide stack 50k is a comfy stack and 100k is definitely enough to make it. now i want this to stop being shilled before it gets in the wrong hands and its growth is derailed by pajeets

>> No.30016285

The main shakeout is supposed to happen at $4, there's one whale wants to dominate the others before it can get to $10.

>> No.30016533

We are all gonna make it bat bros

>> No.30016612

I'd be shocked if we don't touch a dollar in the next 5 weeks

>> No.30016846
File: 1.59 MB, 1080x1349, brendan created JS in 10 days.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek. Fucking based.

>tfw you remember Eich pissed off all the Reddit hodlers by continuously posting about what a fraud all the COVID-19 bullshit was throughout 2020

he's fucking based. Redditors were furious.

>> No.30016857

this image keeps making me laugh
The fact that one of those 3 things is quite different from the other.
But I suppose I can't say it's essentially true, now at least.

>> No.30017131

I support pissing off those things but pissing those things off does not sound like a good way to make money

>> No.30017182

How does that's a man sound?

>> No.30017268

Eich is fucking awesome. The project is fucking dope. The uniparty is pissed that they’re losing their marketing monopoly. Google can’t compete without opening Pandora’s box. In 3 years, this coin will be trading in the 20-50$ range and the schizoids will be living in 6 figure hell.

>> No.30017469
File: 303 KB, 1176x888, gold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah. he was right all along too. im surprised twitter didnt fucking ban him actually.

>> No.30018048

The project is intact. People will be forced into the vortex regardless of their political agenda. All the anti gentile fuding noise on Twitter won’t effect the price of this token. Eich knows this and that’s why he’s fine with voicing his opinions.

>> No.30018270
File: 45 KB, 1280x720, brave bat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually pretty amazing because Eich & Co. just keep their heads down, continue building the browser and the BAT ecosystem, and do not give a fuck about what anyone else says. They do all this with basically about as little hype or vaporware bullshit promises as possible.

That's one reason why I think BAT is so undervalued. People refuse to learn about things on their own. They wait for the "smart people" they trust to tell them what to do. Soon enough the smart/famous people and other charlatans will be shilling Brave/BAT, and then we'll all be proven correct.

>> No.30018332

shit token , just buy asko stop fucking around.

>> No.30018596

Weak fud, and asko? I don't need more defi crap.

>> No.30018668
File: 36 KB, 293x147, 1589111877823_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brendan, I am sorry I spammed new tabs to get the crypto.com feature repeatedly.
Please show me ads again. I need those BATs.

>> No.30019064

$100 eoy.

>> No.30020272

Is it really working?

>> No.30021301

Is 200k making it?

>> No.30021388

if 200k doesnt make it then nothing will

>> No.30021478

1 million isn't enough to make it. this is the only coin you could have bought at the beginning of the first bull run and still not made it mid-way through the second one. lmao. fuck bat. bat-tards are the worst.

>> No.30021556
File: 710 KB, 6720x4232, batty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm feelin' a little batty, boys. Let the fudders come

>> No.30022093

So many fudders. We're going to $4k once the dex is out.

>> No.30022232

Ok I just bought some more. I got 5.5k invested. See you nigs in 7 digit hell in 3 years.

>> No.30022663

>covid was bullshit

Have you tried not being a retarded zoomer without a fully developed frontal lobe?

>> No.30022755
File: 287 KB, 1459x1042, NANOMACHINES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Covid wasn't bullshit
How's the weather in Tel Aviv, Hershel?

>> No.30022829

Imagien going from working on a respected browser to crypto currency. An absolutely nobody