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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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30006564 No.30006564 [Reply] [Original]

God I hate working with fat women, bros. They are useless

>> No.30006601


>> No.30006609

I love fat women, but only if they have good facial aesthetic.

>> No.30006645


>> No.30006699

I hate working with women period (Including trannies who are unfortunately very common in my field).

>> No.30006706

I work with extremely pretty women. They're even worse because social media and how everyone treats them have completely fucked up their behavior/perception of the world.

>> No.30006737

I hate working with most women

>> No.30006804

Inpatient psychiatry?

>> No.30006808

I can tolerate fat women, but only if they have good financial aesthetic.

>> No.30006890

>financial aesthetic

>> No.30006933

i hate women, period

>> No.30006939


Hot women are actually easier to work with. The ones I deal with are chill & easy going & professional. The fatties are disgusting

>> No.30006955
File: 289 KB, 1600x1234, Luciano-Pavarotti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw fat woman give off that lamb scent

>> No.30006970
File: 5 KB, 251x251, e75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw average US woman is 5'4 and 170lb

>> No.30006982

Honestly I don't mind it. The two girls I work with are literal work horses that pump out so much shit it's honestly outstanding. I get frustrated with their lack of technological wizz, but that's mainly due to their age than the fact they're women. It baffles me how sexist the board is, I get part of the sentiment (it's true that business and finance is more male orientated), but the fact that most users don't think of women that break the norm gives me cringy incel vibes.

>> No.30007003

morgue worker?

>> No.30007122

I worked this one fatass who couldn't even get down the stairs. She needs the elevator that's how much of a lardass she is. It's seriously pathetic and I have no idea how people live like that. People who feed their kids garbage should be charged with abuse.

>> No.30007230

i love this board except the racism and sexism, it is just dumb and anyone knows those people are literal neckbeards who get no respect outside of their anonymous persona, from the likes of himself

>> No.30007361

On the other hand fatties have chips on their shoulder

>> No.30007428
File: 914 KB, 592x588, sniff.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the smell

>> No.30007495


>> No.30007566

Yeah, I get being edgy for funnies, but when it's not funny/original it's just boring

>> No.30007576

this 100%
it's always the confident idiots who are loudest

>> No.30007654

Same. They're all cunts. But so are the hot ones. However, the hot ones are for beating off to on company time in the bathroom.

>> No.30007697 [DELETED] 
File: 1005 KB, 640x640, 82135257_559282001593451_7161967949721473037_n.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Work in Social Media Consulting
>Roasties, Trannies, Fat Roasties, and beta simps make up the majority of my co workers
>Have to sit in 1-3 hour+ meetings about why some thot's TikTok growth is down 11% this month
>Stare at compiled hashtag, trending, and other social media garbage 12+ hours a day

The fat chicks are the worst though. They're jealous of literally everyone and everything and this one bitch constantly blows up the executive bathroom and even eats while doing so.

>> No.30007764

for me they have to have fat titties as well. if they have fat milkers proportionate to their bodies, I find that hot, no matter how whale they get. Fat bitch with no titties or ass gtfo.

>> No.30007763

What kind of redditor shit is this? Shut up faggot. Ive been here for probably as long as you've been on the planet. Little triggered Nancy boy. Go back to your safe space.

>> No.30007870

see i cant tell if youre ironic or not but its still cringe either way
get a grip anon, wake up.

>> No.30007904

I know a great website that's just for you! Hilarious me me's, epic trolls and you can even VOTE on comments! Show those evil racists and sexists who is boss! Join us now and choose your favorite out of thousands of sub-read-its (that is sub-forum in our geek lingo ^^)

Make sure to be HYPED for the Elon Musk AMA (Ask Me Anything)! TO THE MOOD xD

>> No.30007975


>> No.30008041

wanna know how I can tell your dad didn't give a shit about you?

>> No.30008149 [DELETED] 
File: 387 KB, 640x800, 120996219_1082419648881147_1249122492753974605_n.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for me they have to have fat titties as well.

>> No.30008157

this reeks more of reddit than my initial comment retard

>> No.30008177
File: 223 KB, 1358x1248, Screenshot_20210301-012148~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30008241

Dude, you forgot to post the link I wanna go there sounds fun :)

>> No.30008285
File: 25 KB, 384x384, fedora22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this reeks more of reddit than my initial comment retard

>> No.30008327

>hates the people on the website
>is still here
Talk about desperate lol

>> No.30008391

I hope all you nigger shit colored creatures die in the most painful way

>> No.30008499


Is this an American thing? I've literally never worked with any trannie, ever. Not sure I've even met one, outside of some drag night at the bar, and maybe some confusing drunk night which I won't discuss.

Weird. I swear there is something in the water over there. Judging by the average weight, possibly it's sugar. Boom! Bantz.

>> No.30008763


retard, where is your wrangler? pls get them to take you back to your tard hq and also,

fuck off, an hero, you'll do us all a favor

>> No.30008789


>> No.30009069

>am i part of the club now guys?
god incels are pathetic

>> No.30009304

>replying to every comment
you really need to go back

>> No.30009345


you did get my goat so your bait was pretty good but sheesh bub, I would definitely take a good hard look at your an hero options, may help you out a bit

>> No.30009348 [DELETED] 

lmao, they claim how to get income with this gas, fees, dumps, etc

haha what a dumbs! they will always be poor niggers

I am not so stubid to believe in this scam shit on /biz/

>my way is fucking top yield farming and vaults on YVS! They burn 0.75 % tax on all transactions. Profit is enormous!

>> No.30009510

>God I hate working

>> No.30009782
