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29973778 No.29973778 [Reply] [Original]

i’m thinking bout telling my sister about crypto and getting her to invest throguh me as a broker.

she has up to 30k

after that i’ll get my dad whose got boomer bux.

my portfolio is in six figs he’ll, but all my savings are in it

i’m starting a new job and will get a return soon but i’d rather keep that fiat for DCA and emergency / fun money

what rates should i do? i’m thinking 50/50 for loss gain or

i keep 75-80% of profit and cover any losses

>> No.29973862

Wow, you deserve everything coming t you for being this greedy and moronic.

>> No.29973954

fuck off nigger i’m here to make money

>> No.29974208

Well this is creepy. Just yesterday I was thinking about how weird it is that Akagi pics arent posted more often here considering that it is better than Kaij, also /biz/ related and Kaiji anime screenshots are used for thread pics all the time here. So I went and saved some Akagi pics to my computer with the plan to use them for my posts. And now, the next day, I see someone using Akagi pic for the first time on /biz/ that Ive been browsing for 5 years, lol.

>> No.29974388

This is not creepy this is called focused perception.
rates are fair but make more packages offering also partial loss mitigation.

>> No.29974758

Akagi is my fav manga so I would have noticed it anyways.

>> No.29975072

am i greedy for considering this? i thought my rates were fair

>> No.29975147

You should just try to fuck her instead. If she isnt hot then your idea is fine.

>> No.29975332

>market corrects 80% op isn't allowed to attend Christmas anymore
If you're going to do gay shit like this, crypto Bernie Madoff, at least start the ponzi further away from peak.

>> No.29975474

Considering you can get ~10% per year by just dumping your shit in VOO or SPY and banks give you like 2% at best in a shitty "savings" account I would say your rates are around the same as a bank which some people might say is shitty since you're doing it for family, if you don't like them fuck em, take profits.