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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 40 KB, 938x825, cosmoslogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29954839 No.29954839 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck happened?

>> No.29954935

The largest oracle service is based on it so I think it’s fine OP

>> No.29955767

i banked my retirement on this piece of shit hitting $50 and its been on a falling wedge all week making me want to kill myself

>> No.29956033

It only pumped because of free airdrop.
The project itself is great but as of now, the token is literally not needed and the tokenomics are only built on speculation. Its like investing in a riskier less speculative version of Polkadot. Just be patient, if the bullmarket isnt over, it will go to at least $30

>> No.29956059

How is it dying? What the fuck happened to your ability to spell your argument on why it is dying?

>> No.29956093

want to see the true gem?
lmao, go for Binance Smart Chain and try Julswap
forget about this fucking dumped gas on ETH
any coins can bring you profit
>you shouldn’t be smart in trading, use staking

>> No.29956182

Cosmos is not an ETH token you retard.

>> No.29956385

Cosmos is a long term hold. It took years for LINK to go through the roof. Its probably better to keep funds in other coins for alt season then consolidate into ATOM later

>> No.29957198
File: 96 KB, 720x1280, photo_2021-02-25_13-45-59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People takin' profit and moving it into actual enterprise-grade interoperability projects that can scale.

>> No.29957230
File: 157 KB, 1280x749, i just quant stop buying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which means "Quant (QNT)," of course

>> No.29957292

>It's dying
Is this the best they can do for fud?
Not even trying anymore are you....

>> No.29957295

I think you guys meant Algorand.

>> No.29958405

it's a bot that spams this shi ti n every thread

>> No.29959013

What are you looking at? This coin is fine, but Solana is going to outperform it.

>> No.29960091

Bumping for thread not dying at least

>> No.29960158

afaik the mainnet launched and that's pretty much it, so the coin went up because of that but as long as there are no immediate follow-up projects, it's gonna drop. It's basically early polkadot, innit? Just give it a year and it'll show up I reckon

>> No.29960193

its a shit coin for wankers

>> No.29960235

Maybe it will be 1000$ in like 2035 that would be nice