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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29948292 No.29948292 [Reply] [Original]

t.newfag, enlighten this retard pls

We all know that a smart holder will always spread a bit of FUD about their coin, to lengthen accumulation opportunity, to encourage discussion, or to knock off weak holders.

But has there ever been a case where the FUD was too effective or turned out to be true, causing the coin to dump? What is it like?

>> No.29948472

people keep dumping on my tether from all this gay ass fud it goes nowhere everytime the whales start buying fuck

>> No.29948504

If the tech is good no amount of biz fudding will kill it

>> No.29949394

That also brings up another question, how effective is shilling/fudding on /biz/ in the whole scheme of things?

>> No.29949473


It unironically worked better than 95% of top100 coins

>> No.29949526


>> No.29949911
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This is a good question, but i doubt it. Even nation states trying to FUD bitcon over the past few years can only affect btc's price in the short term. I can't think of a case where /biz/ fudding has cause the price of a coin to drop and stay down over the long term... unless it's already a scam.

>> No.29949998

Disagree. Fundamentals have no effect on the market. Case in point: dogecoin

>> No.29950037


>> No.29950050

No effect on the market until you zoom out

>> No.29950060

retard he never said a shitcoin cant pump. jesus christ this place is low iq

>> No.29950123
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>> No.29950180

PNK failed because they cucked to OMEN and SJW ideologues.
Despite all the game theory it turns out the whales were cucks who would happily and knowingly vote for the wrong outcome to 1. try and stay on the good graces of their largest platform (who threatened to drop them if they picked the answer that would have cost them $$) and 2. virtue signal for trannies on twitter.
It killed the product by showing it simply does not work.

>> No.29950807


>> No.29951353


>> No.29951451

Hbar has been shilled so hard last few weeks I think most of us sold all the hbar we had

>> No.29951566

>completely anonymous, decentralized voting
>they still cuck and virtue signal
it's an interesting social experiment, that's for sure. worth studying in retrospect but a useless platform.

>> No.29951699
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>> No.29951714

when did this happen?

>> No.29952404

It is not effective at all. It is so fucking cringeworthy to see fags try to take credit for market dips or corrections.

America has been trying to fud bitcoin and they have achieved nothing.

>> No.29952651

Came here to post this. I used to FUD this shit hardcore and then i ended up having to dump

>> No.29952687

PNK obviously

>> No.29952924

this^. kleros court proved, unironically, that it would produce the profitable outcome, not the correct outcome, rendering it useless for actual adoption.

>> No.29952991

PNK fudded itself by being dogshit.

>> No.29953019

It hurts so badly bros. But we will moon some day.

t. 40k PNK holder

>> No.29953080

Wasn't the MILK/SHAKE thing fudded to death? I think someone wanted to scoop up cheap SHAKE, but then the coin died.

>> No.29953252

No matter how obvious a scam and how fudded a shitcoin is, /biz/ will have idiots buying in hoping it will be the next big thing. It's happened with bao, hoge, rubic and mcdc in just the last two months. Fudding only lessens the scam, never destroys it

>> No.29953459

Oh. What are the dogecoin fundamentals that make it so good 6B mcap means it's dead?

>> No.29953652

There’s no way people actually bought stuff like bao and McDonald’s coin. I always thought those threads were larps

>> No.29953751

At least some Baotards seem to have a brain. The average Rubic thread has an IQ of 70 at best.

>> No.29953834

Wait. People actually bought this garbage? I thought the meme were to make fun of pajeets for buying stupid shit?

>> No.29953856

What will you do? I checked your ID, you stupid shiller
>Go home poor girl

>> No.29953928


>> No.29953951

Kleros sir

>> No.29954016
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You lost your ETH and its never coming back.

>> No.29954236
File: 26 KB, 640x480, images - 2021-03-01T212847.571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one example makes the rule
>the state of bizlets

OK, that's it I'm out.

>> No.29954339

yea chainlink