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File: 292 KB, 800x600, cardano-and-ethereum-may-co-exist-in-futures-weiss-ratings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29900486 No.29900486 [Reply] [Original]

Cardano question:
In a few days devs will be able to launch products on Cardano where people can pay transaction fees with products native tokens.

On Ethereum i need always ETH if i want to transfer an ERC20 based token.

Is there any other blockchain out there which has the same Cardano feature?

>> No.29900858

Literally any other blockchain with smart contracts? Avalanche or stake to name some popular ones.

>> No.29900973

yes, it's not new and it disincentives owning ADA and may force stakers to take shitcoins as transaction fees but might be a better user experience. we'll see. Terra, HBAR and Nimiq already do it

>> No.29901027

dont compare avax to cardano
avax is shit

>> No.29901055

avax is way better than cardashit

>> No.29901100

So i can use Pangolin token for paying transaction fees on Avalanche ?
Let's say i want to transfer UNN token on Avalanche - instead of paying the fee with AVAX i can use Pangolin token?

>> No.29901229

I tried Terra a few days ago. Downloaded Terra station.
Every time i made a transaction i had to pay fees with Luna.
There was no other possibility .
So perhaps you are wrong.

>> No.29901298

>Is there any other blockchain out there which has the same Cardano feature?
there is something like this being built on eth, it will be everywhere soon anyway

>> No.29901461

Well, some dev told me that's not possible on other POS chains that don't have the account model and are not extendend UTXO designed.

The reason i ask here.

But for now it seems Cardano really is the only blockchain out there who can do it.

Pretty revolutionary if no other can do it, right?
Or am i wrong as a dumb newfaq?

>> No.29901629

Can you pls post the source?
Would be very interesting to see how this feature is possible on an account based system that isn't extendend UTXO.

>> No.29901699
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How many nodes does ADA have ?

>> No.29901744

around 75% of circulating supply is staked

>> No.29901821

you're right
zero bonus blocks in cardano, no fun

>> No.29901840


You can do this already in ethereum by using gas relayers with oracles.

>> No.29901961

So i can use let's say BNT token for fees to send some Link? I don't need ETH anymore?

>> No.29902690


This is easily possible but must be implemented by contracts themselves.

>> No.29902840

Give me please source, because i think there is no chance for Ethereum to do it.
Zero chance.
It's an account based project that on top is even not POS now.

>> No.29902985
File: 62 KB, 564x564, 7cd7f5567051efffef9e70861ca5d365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

source ?

>> No.29903070


>> No.29903090

Account abstractions and meta transactions as search keywords should give you the info you need. It's not really feasible right now afaik but something that will definitely appear down the line with the ETH2 execution model.

>> No.29903198


You can go look at tornado.cash - it has a relayer implemented which pays gas on your behalf when withdrawing. The same principal can be done for whatever service - but for sure the underlying gas is paid in ETH in the end but for the end user it can be whatever token/service- the relayer supports.

>> No.29903274

matic uses this for example if you've used quickswap

>> No.29903616

Oh come on....
this is all an idea, proof of concept shit like the entire ETH chain is.
They can't even figure out how to build a proper POS system.

Is there not any other serious project which will have the Cardano feature and has a working POS?

>> No.29903663

Um not quite, you need an ada stake pool to effectively sponsor your native tokens.

>> No.29903757

huh? Matic literally uses this right now. Cardano is the proof of concept

>> No.29903804

ETH was a $0.50 ICO. Do not buy ardano. ARPA is a juicy one with a future bubble (MPC) - on binance.

>> No.29903842
File: 233 KB, 1208x802, 1614402772629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is both a lot of shilling and a lot of FUD on Cardono/ADA right now. You really have to read between the lines.

FUDs say Cardono has never and will never deliver. Actually, they have taken a long time getting things right to be the BEST ETH killer AND it is rolling out this week. I can't imagine FUDing as it actually rolls out. Absolutely retarded. ADA is simply superior, although idiots will attack it's (very needed) governance feature as "centralization". Never mind that it's decentralized through voting.

Other than that they attack people's character or just try to throw around doubt that it's actually rolling out, which is regarded. Cardono is not a quick profit generator, but it is a VERY safe bet. You should expect $5-10 EOY and you should delegate your ADA to earn more in the meantime.

>> No.29904110

>newfag plez help
Your soft shill is getting a bit too obvious anon.

>> No.29904173

As a Cardano hodler you know:
Slowly wins the race.
With shilling too.

>> No.29904282
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Things that shill themselves win the race.

>> No.29904294

>OP here with a innocent question about Cardano versus ETH
>OP here again blatantly shilling Cardano
kill yourself

>> No.29904384

That runs on the cosmos network I thought. So unless you're paying in cosmos its native asset pay

>> No.29904577

many copy-paste shitcoins and uniswap forks.
daily reminder every ERC20 can operate on Goguen mainnnet, which is coming Q2

>> No.29904730

soft shill or not - if you are investing in a blockchain technology why not do it on Polkadot instead of dying 2nd generation blockchains like ada/eth?

>> No.29904737

don't marry your investments
AVAX was outsed as vaporware. 1 app killed the entire bandwidth.
please anon, anything ETH is a sinking ship.
Even BNB is doomed.
ethereum is dotshit. bitcoin is bullshit.
PoS is true decentralization while 50% of BTC hashes come from 4 firms in China.
you're an idiot if you're still into PoW coins excluding Monero and maybe LTC after MimbleWimble

>> No.29904790

Anyone else think this is gonna be a great opportunity to be able to accept staking rewards in any coin you invested heavy in early on your own stake pool or am I missing something?

>> No.29904841

fren, if it were fixed, it would have had been centrazlied.
I yield 1600 ADA/year on a no rugpull turbo doxxed genius stogy smoking Charles.
based alpha nerd

>> No.29904880
File: 257 KB, 1908x1146, 1588602369300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello fellow biznismen

>> No.29904987

Whoa whoa whoa. You can transfer shit on ADA without ADA? What the fuck is the value of ADA then? Thinking of dumping my ADA, fuck.

>> No.29905045

>people can pay transaction fees with products native tokens.
can someone translate this into english

>> No.29905196

>AVAX was outsed as vaporware
nope. it fucking works

>> No.29905360

>Whoa whoa whoa. You can transfer shit on ADA without ADA? What the fuck is the value of ADA then? Thinking of dumping my ADA, fuck.

>Um not quite, you need an ada stake pool to effectively sponsor your native tokens.

>> No.29905920

everything will have to be converted into ADA in the end i think, it's just a question of who makes that swap. at least that's the only way i can think of this being possible.

>> No.29906554

This fud is like a man yelling at a spaceship as it takes off, about how it's never taking off.

>> No.29907358

>Or am i wrong as a dumb newfaq?
avax or algo are way better than ada. ada needs a layer 2 to scale while avax is doing it on layer 1. You can also build entire blockchains on avax, not possible on ada.

I dont remember the name of the project on eth though.