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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29892042 No.29892042 [Reply] [Original]

Post what you think will 10x-100x. LotusFinance and Toad were nice. https://bigshortbets.com/# is good, but too slow to release. There's tons of updates correlating with March; Cardano, Statera, Matic, etc.
I have a secret weapon NFT, but the NFTs are limited and I plan on buying more than the limit by making multiple addresses. It's crypto kitties on steroids.

By the way I heard if you buy expensive art with your gains then you don't pay taxes on that, but I guess that's only for first world countries like America.
What's the law for eastern europe like Hungary, Romania, Poland, Russia? Genuinely don't know how to show them that I work as a freelancer and a faggot paid me 300k euros for a project or that I made a Kickstarter and it got funded at 300k. I have some crowdfunded projects like that going on but never had this much money in them.

>> No.29892189


>> No.29892748


>> No.29892810

just stop bro you're embarrassing yourself

>> No.29892940


Chinks Token

>> No.29893026

Lasagna it has a super low market cap and high af apy. Devs already suffered one pump and dump and didn't rugpull, in fact they helped ppl that bought at the top. They're constantly burning tokens and when BNB goes on another bull it will 10x. By then you'll have enough lasagna to feed the world. Lasagna . Finance is where it is at.

>> No.29893113

next toad

>> No.29893973

I'll give it to ya.
Matter, yesterdays ido. Opened at 5c for whitelisted presalers.

Triple crosschain bridge, huobi on board.
This is the dip. This is the one.

>> No.29894670

Looking into it.

>> No.29895805

unironically toad is the next toad. audit coming soon and more advertising would bump this shit to the moon. It's currently $2 so you would be an absolute retard if you don't at least grab a small bag

>> No.29895913
File: 311 KB, 1240x1286, EvRAvIvXMAIaK3m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

toad to the mooooooooooooon baybeee
green id confirms

>> No.29896015

i bought toad at $20

>> No.29896109

Nigger I bought at 30
buy now at 2, and sell when it easily reaches 6 to coup your loses AND see some gains

>> No.29896244

I don't have any money left to play with, I'm actually down because I put some bnb into LP and got fucked by IL

>> No.29896283

checked and fug, I am praying for you anon

>> No.29896320

PBOM is set to explode. It's sorta like wynaut but The Rocket drop lets you get yield in other tokens and its dirt cheap now right now in addition to BSC prices btfoing gas so I am sitting comfy waiting for airdrops and for real shilling to begin.

>> No.29896386

What about wynaut and Meowth? New devs are alright and lottery is cumming soon

>> No.29897607

SODA is bound to explode