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File: 195 KB, 884x675, pyramids.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29753459 No.29753459 [Reply] [Original]


>What is a pyramid

Google POWH

It's time to get degenerate again and I've got the perfect moonshot for you, and I'm gonna bless you little bastards with it because I'm sick of watching you lose money.

Countdown here: ronapuppers.io/pupper-pyramid

Put simply, Rona Puppers is a breed-able NFT marketplace in the spirit of CryptoKitties that will be launched on the BSC platform and Ethereum network. All participants in the Puppers Pyramid (PP) will receive the Rona Puppers Airdrop Package (RPAP). Beyond that, PP will function as a normal Pyramid. It is gambling and should not be considered an investment. Soft target is 100 ether in the contract. Hard target is 250 ether in the contract. Longevity will be extreme (for a pyramid) and will be based on the balls to the wall marketing methods created by POWH.

Jump in the discord, links @ ronapuppers.io to get your address whitelisted and get in on the ground floor.

>> No.29753575

>naming your pyramid scheme pyramid
is this from the creators of Tulip?

>> No.29753662
File: 243 KB, 320x315, 1614342100622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally so excited for this

>> No.29753704

No it has nothing to do with tulip, we just love memes.

>> No.29753792

me too

>> No.29754101

Yo these were based
I made like 4 eth on proof of weak math

>> No.29754396
File: 141 KB, 990x1073, 1614298540907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29754434

I made 10 its literally free money. THE DIVS

>> No.29755221


>> No.29755866
File: 11 KB, 225x224, dm13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So excited for this

>> No.29755929
File: 33 KB, 360x360, 1612630291527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really the pupper memes that do it for me, I'm gonna ape in

>> No.29756045

Put simply, Rona Puppers is a balls to the wall breed-able NFT marketplace (for a pyramid) in the spirit of CryptoKitties that will be launched on the BSC platform and Ethereum network. All participants in the Puppers Pyramid (PP) will receive the Rona Puppers Airdrop Package (RPAP), and CryptoKitties. Beyond that, Puppers Pyramid (PP) will function as a balls to the wall normal CryptoKitty. It is gambling and should not be considered CryptoKitties. Soft target is 100 ether (for a pyramid) in the contract. Hard target is 250 ether in the contract. Ethereum longevity will be extreme (for a pyramid) and will be based on the balls to the wall marketing methods created by POWH.

>> No.29756109
File: 6 KB, 210x240, soyboy-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smart pyramids

>> No.29756443

enjoy staying solvent

>> No.29756565

Aww why would you put a mask on such a cute dog? It's making him sad. :-(

>> No.29757211

It literally is a smart pyramid though
The only masks we put on doggos are cartoon doggos, I don't know who put a mask on that poor doggo

>> No.29757309

Ok who do I talk to so I can throw my eth at this?

>> No.29757379

Easy, just go to ronapuppers.io and join the discord or tg. More people in the discord now but the TG will be growing soon.

>> No.29757429

Yep got a lot of moonboys in there ready to ape in

>> No.29757469


>> No.29757487

Put simply, Rona Puppers is a balls to the wall breed-able NFT marketplace (for a pyramid) in the spirit of CryptoKitties that will be launched on the BSC platform and Ethereum network. All participants in the Puppers Pyramid (PP) will receive the Rona Puppers Airdrop Package (RPAP), and CryptoKitties. Beyond that, Puppers Pyramid (PP) will function as a balls to the wall normal CryptoKitty. It is gambling and should not be considered CryptoKitties. Soft target is 100000 Puppers (for a pyramid) in the contract. Hard target is 250000 Puppers in the contract. Ethereum longevity will be balls to the wall extreme (for a pyramid) and will be based on the balls to the wall marketing, Rona Puppers Airdrop Package (RPAP) methods - all created by Puppers.

>> No.29757606

streets smelling like shit around here

>> No.29757698

Somebody is bitter

>> No.29757948

I'm butter I'm not losing myoney to your literal pyramid scam, hahahahahaha nigger fucking a you made my day thanks streetshitter

>> No.29757995

Ronapuppers going to make me a rich man, I'm buyed.

>> No.29758069
File: 67 KB, 914x401, ronapullers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>discord admin admits in general chat that they're gonna rug pull

>> No.29758261
File: 123 KB, 680x497, pepeoh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he literally said he's not gonna rug pull, do you know english?

>> No.29758311

Bro I hate to break it to you but your reading comprehension is lacking. Try reading it again.

>> No.29758374

Wow you really can’t read

>> No.29758462

He not rugpull moron, read more.

>> No.29758529
File: 55 KB, 437x480, crookpup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you read between the lines?
he confirms it with next message anyway

>> No.29758572
File: 600 KB, 1007x1024, plottingpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude literally is recreating cryptokitties and bringing pyramids back and you cant even read, sad!

>> No.29758627

Yes he's referring to the LITERAL PYRAMID SCHEME. It's a pyramid. That's what it is. Google POWH you mouth breathing retard.

>> No.29758673

LOL wasted

>> No.29758751

Lol bitches don’t know bout powh

>> No.29758830

You need multiple ips if you want to shill your shitcoin as an "other" users

>> No.29759403

What is this guy going on about? Thanks for the bump

>> No.29759554

this is why you stay poor

>> No.29760048


>> No.29760164


>> No.29761686

Lets go boys
Ain't nothing like another pyramid scheme in crypto
Don't be the last one out
Also hope the hackerbro(creator) doesn't rugpull and steal the entire stash