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File: 890 KB, 743x557, Psychedelics-743x557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29706667 No.29706667 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here investing in psychedelics? I'm contemplating starting a vertical farm. Psilocybin is going to be huge just wait.

>> No.29706735

They aren't

1) Trumo legalized them
2) bidden will de-legalize them

That's how it is

>> No.29706841

Know any good startup stocks yet or is it too early?

>> No.29706926
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>> No.29706931

Not everyone on this board is American dude.
yes this company in Canada called Optimi Health Corp just completed their IPO (raised a little over 20 million) and from what I've heard sounds promising

>> No.29707044

For me, it's $HRMF.

>> No.29707056

The stocks are only pumping because of american movements on shrooms, faggot canadian.

>> No.29707168

Nice, thanks. Drugs were just decriminalized in my state and they also voted to set up Psilocybin clinics. Others may soon follow.

>> No.29707224

Nah Canada has a large market (especially when tourism bounces back) not to mention plenty of other countries. When dozens of people die, and millions more are left in the dark because your power grid fails during a snow storm, you can't claim to be a first world country. You guys don't run the world anymore, China is winning. Now kindfly fuck off and let civilized countries discuss psychedelics k thx

>> No.29707270

I bought and sold LSD in the deep web back in the old days

On the other hand, growgeneration is a good cannabis stock

>> No.29707300

That's my hope too, Colorado is pretty liberal towards psychedelics now right?

>> No.29707377

I would think so considering their attitude toward cannabis.

>> No.29707432

yeah i stockpiled some years ago and still holding
to the moon!!!!!!!

>> No.29707507
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How long until research chemicals take over?

>> No.29707528

It's end times when a canadian drops the politeness and btfo an mutt.

>> No.29707640

hows the state facility quarantines treating you?
How much gold in your treasury?

>> No.29707749

Research chems are more likely on their way out as there's no way to safely regulate them. Bans on popular chems like MXE have also set a precedent for more control. Mushrooms LSD and possibly peyote will be the next to be in the spotlight.

>> No.29707817

I mostly disagree with this.
Mushrooms are extremely easy to grow on your own. This is a natural barrier to the industry growing too big. When anyone can take spores and drop them in an empty packet of microwaveable rice, you may struggle to get the same amount of customers as you would with weed, which takes a bit more care to grow.
LSD on the other hand would be an incredible investment, because it's very hard to make correctly, and getting ergot is itself often difficult.

>> No.29707867

The public companies are all focused on guided therapy (lol gay).
Growing them is incredibly simple (brainlets will deny this).
Biden's not gonna do anything that actually makes sense, like legalizing drugs.
It's not something you use all day everyday like stoners use weed and microdosing uses micro amounts.
Mushroom allergies are common.

Though, bitcoin doesn't make any sense either and that hasn't stopped morons from giving it value.

>> No.29707951

MindMed and Minerco have done me well so far. Still waiting for MindMed to get on the Nasdaq this year.

>> No.29707998
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I'm not in a "quarantine facility" you schizo. And those "facilities" are literally 4-5 star hotels such as the Fairmont and Westin. The hotel industry was hit hard so a few hotels near airports now have government money. It's for travelers in order to slow the spread of a virus created in a Chinese lab. You're pretty clearly mentally ill. Maybe you should go back to doing what you do best (worshiping Africans).

>> No.29708021

I feel like there's so much potential there with the more "recreational" and "easier" stuff like 2C-B, 2C-D, 4-HO-MET, mescaline analogues, etc.

>> No.29708044
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>> No.29708176

Currently running clinical trials with shrooms. There’s only a few sites worldwide doing this but we have been “fast-tracked” or whatever.

Now if we can somehow get depressed people to show up regularly and on time, we should have some gold results.

If weed gets out of the way and loses fire as an issue, watch out cuz shrooms are gona sore.

>> No.29708219

>The public companies are all focused on guided therapy (lol gay).
It's to help potentially replace some of the current mental disorder meds. Not too sure why this would be considered "gay." You do realize that the majority of states that legalized weed have done it mostly for medicinal use only.
>Growing them is incredibly simple (brainlets will deny this).
Incredibly simple indeed, but not many people actually care to put in the effort

>> No.29708287

How are the clinical trials with MDMA going? Last I heard they have showed a lot of promise as a treatment for ptsd and anxiety.

>> No.29708368

You are insane. They lock people in rooms with no way out and armed guards patrolling with authorization to use lethal force. They abduct people with no due process. They force them to foot the bill for this. They give them small meals in cardboard boxes, they don't have internet access or any means to contact people outside. They are allowed out of their room for 15 minutes a day.

>> No.29708369

Personally I agree, but most people have never even heard of those, and the unknown is scary. There's also not been nearly enough studies done on them when compared to things like LSD and shrooms which for a while there in the 50s and 60s was a popular subject of research.

>> No.29708482

some guy were shilling shrm hard last year so i buyed, but then the canadians authorites halted trading it because shrm fucked up some paperwork. it's been halted since fucking JUNE lel

>> No.29708690

4-ho-met is my fucking favorite drug of all time, it doesn't trip you out mentally but visually oh my god

>> No.29708724

I know they exist but I haven’t heard any psychiatrists or neurologists talking about it in the last few years. Seems like everyone is still riding high on the success we’ve had with ketamine.

I would think people wouldn’t be so keen on dosing MDMA as opposed to shrooms, not to mention the fact that it’s not as easy on the body as shrooms are.

>> No.29708852

MAPS focuses a lot of their attention towards MDMA


>> No.29708952

No they don't I've been in one myself because I travel regularly. The vast majority of normal people voluntarily quarantine because they realize taking precautionary measures to slow the spread of a virus (measures which last only a few days by the way) is conducive to living in a civilized society. I'm sure retards who think quarantine is a violation of civil liberties (it isn't) made a big song and dance about it and went crying to whatever right wing propaganda machine you fill your mind with everyday. Do the world a favour and double up on your meds. You're disconnected from reality.

>> No.29709021

I'm a big 2C-B fan. Tell me about synthetic mescaline... Is it a somewhat easy trip (more like 2C-B) or a no-mercy mind fucking one (like LSD)?

>> No.29709123

lol what the fuck? Do American Trumptards actually believe this?

>> No.29709275

trumps son recovered from addiction by using a DMT derivat, you're retarded

>> No.29709277

>Tell me about synthetic mescaline
Not synthetic, but you can get mescaline from the San Pedro Cactus too. Bought one from a local nursery. Reminded me of a mix between LSD and MDMA. Super energetic and enjoying life. Lasted the whole day though.

>> No.29709308

yesssss 100%.

>> No.29709455

You mean, Hunter Biden used ibogaine.

>> No.29709480

what kind of sheet it this?

>> No.29709509

>a mix between LSD and MDMA
I feel 2C-B is a bit like that too. Thanks.

>> No.29709557

>affiliated with mai husbando

brb, buying enough shares to constitute majority ownership

>> No.29709641

Right I doubt MDMA would be as widely available as shrooms too. It'll probably only be used in a medical context

>> No.29709752

Me too man. It's funny because my schizo ass just tripped out on it and clicked on biz to see this thread

>> No.29709753

You would think the "medical" industry would learn its lesson after the Oxycontin disaster. But I guess dumping a bunch of psychedelics into people's heads so it can "cure" them will go just perfect.

>> No.29709788

Yep. BUZZ Pharmadrug / SPOR New Wave / PWR Captiva Verde Land

>> No.29709850

>Currently running clinical trials with shrooms. There’s only a few sites worldwide doing this but we have been “fast-tracked” or whatever.

you are really stupid, Numinus is currently doing combined trials with MDMA and LSD, see:


Carl Hart, who is openly talking about doing Heroine on JR talks about regulary visiting Switzerland for drug research

>> No.29709875

Yeah BUZZ Pharmadrug is doing research into this

>> No.29709881

Oxycotin is an opioid. And it was largely pushed by the Sackler family (basically a criminal enterprise). You're an idiot.

>> No.29709935

Pulled the recipe off of EROWID. I have a pretty strong stomach, but this did make me puke shortly after consuming.

>> No.29709945


>> No.29709974

I think you responded to the wrong person.

>> No.29709980
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conservatives all-over the world will resist because it's

>> No.29710000

fucking LOL this shit is gonna be lit

>> No.29710052

I clearly did and apologize for that. It just hurts my brain how biz can obviously be so wrong on this topic.

>> No.29710148

>It's to help potentially replace some of the current mental disorder meds. Not too sure why this would be considered "gay." You do realize that the majority of states that legalized weed have done it mostly for medicinal use only.
The fact that it works as a replacement for meds is probably the biggest reason I think it won't be legalized, even medicinally. And if it was, I'm not convinced people would pay therapy rates or go as often as people go to therapy.
>Incredibly simple indeed, but not many people actually care to put in the effort
True, just like weed. But I don't buy my weed from publicly traded companies, I buy it from the local dispensaries or people that I know. I suppose that would change if it was federally legal, which I don't see happening anytime soon.

>> No.29710155

it's ok man have a drink

>> No.29710190

Sorry I mean DMT




>> No.29710297

Are you invested?

>> No.29710392

No fun at all? Crap... I'll still try it but that sucks.

>> No.29710468

psychedelics don't make money

>> No.29710527
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im extreme right and i want blanket drug legalization
psychs should be a right of passage going into adulthood

>> No.29710604

compared to light psychs like cannabis they don't, but this market doesn't exist in the kosher market yet so it's an opportunity nonetheless

>> No.29710634

as an office wagie, looks like google sheets with outlines on the cells

>> No.29711088

>The fact that it works as a replacement
Pardon, let me rephrase. I mean "Supplemental." Example: How ketamine is being used to fill in the gap of the initial month when a person first starts an anti-depressant. You're right, if they came at it as "we're going to take over the pharma industry," then it would instantly get squashed.
>Comparing psychedelics to weed
Although this is the "best" comparison, I still feel it's not all that accurate. Again since psychedelics are focused more for therapeutic purposes whereas weed has been mostly focused for recreational, even when it was initially legalized just for medicinal purposes. But yeah, all speculative at this point whether or not this field will become successful.

>> No.29711302

Early morning slamming two water bottles full (on an empty stomach) of a green colored fluid that tasted like grass clippings. Kept it down for an hour. Second I puked, it kicked in.

>> No.29711452

in shrooms? No not yet anyway. I am thinking of starting a vertical farm though.

>> No.29711860
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The K-Hole is real.

>> No.29712474

Damn, it feel bad about buying drugs now because I want to hold my Monero as much as possible. Oh well... I'll order some tonight anyway.