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File: 97 KB, 1000x1000, quickswap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29667625 No.29667625 [Reply] [Original]

mama mia

>> No.29667824
File: 36 KB, 681x536, image_2021-02-25_165037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck, that $900 wick!

>> No.29668004
File: 599 KB, 2532x1170, 92E2CFA1-6183-4C72-B4CC-A2BFBD69A2D6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.29668971

$1000 eod.

I bet you fuckers are happy I told you about this at $200

>> No.29669193

>just MOOONS

I'm so scared bros

>> No.29669204

damn!!!!! i should have bought more :(((((((((((

>> No.29669220

what's the circulating supply?

>> No.29669258
File: 142 KB, 1080x797, B296C6F6-C497-4A65-9CED-43C40F559BC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29669287

i am. im even happier that i rushed out of BSC and bought it at around 240~260 before it shot to $320 in a few hours

>> No.29669312

So, they created a coin that only goes up....

>> No.29669394

150k. the rest is locked

>> No.29669442

where to buy this shit? dont say uniswap or any other eth related high fee shit

>> No.29669483

Until when?

>> No.29669491
File: 107 KB, 1451x692, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck happened here

explain like I am 10 years old

>> No.29669693

someone market bought 60ETH worth and a bunch of front running bots scalped profit by buying in before his transaction went though, then selling immediately after.

>> No.29669755
File: 69 KB, 790x837, 1555010035669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retard here, why doesn't it show marketcap on coingecko.. also, why is the coin so expensive, what does it actually do. I still threw a few thousand at it

>> No.29669909

i will try to find out. i saw it on the telegram last night but i fell asleep. i think slow release for like 5 years or something? but i gotta find it.

i believe there's some staking/farming rewards involved with it

>> No.29669959

how do you stop this shit? is this inherent to shitswap?

>> No.29669977

Quickswap, you moron.
You need to transfer (with gas fees) funds from L1 Ethereum to L2 Matic once and then you can trade practically feeless for as much as you like.

>> No.29670081

howdo I stack them to generate more quick!?? do I have to hold in my wallet?!!!

>> No.29670091
File: 42 KB, 399x322, 1493937023426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smells like Curry in here

>> No.29670146

Was gonna buy at $250 a few days ago but went to sleep instead. Woke up to see $350 and eventually bought it at $370.

Not gonna miss another BSC/CAKE.

>> No.29670221

Slippage very low, but then your transactions often fail with you paying a fee anyway.
Gas absurdly high.
But basically it's very difficult to stop. Better to not buy 60 ETH at once.
10 6 ETH buys would seem like a lot in transaction costs but would have saved this guy a lot of money.

>> No.29670308
File: 210 KB, 800x400, DNl5UfTV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's literally right in front of you, anon.
This isn't rocket science.
.t Msc Space Engineering

>> No.29670550

how early am I? if there is 150k circulating supply, wont the price just dump since the supply is 1m total>?

>> No.29670706

I bought at $450 yesterday and a big fuck you to the anon that convinced me to buy on quickswap when I could have got it on Ubi at the time for 15% cheaper. Now the price is consistently 10% higher on Uni too.

>> No.29670799

at least you didnt have to pay gas fees lol

>> No.29670971

do these bots do these shenaningans also when you do a big sell?

>> No.29671567

Ya just like uniswap


As in like actually literally

But also better

>> No.29671721


Dude tokens aren’t valued in price per token cause all tokens have different supply

It’s market cap you ape

And we’re hitting $1B+

>> No.29671807

It’s cause al the quickswap volume is on quickswap and not uniswap because quick has 25X better rewards per liquidity atm

>> No.29671830
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>> No.29671835
File: 115 KB, 535x1010, 59FB8F47-93CB-4702-97F1-9643D5C961F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And my portfolio has never been greener.

>> No.29671925

They do it all the time and fuck that trannyfaggot for not introducing a captcha before trades. Only way to avoid it is crank the gas up all the way or make the slippage limit slightly higher than your price impact.

I don't know wtf the dude market buying 60 ETH worth was thinking though even without the bots that was going to be like a 40% price increase anyways he could have got double easily buying on quickswap where there's a ton more liquidity and volume. I guess he just didn't give a fuck. Typically in my experience when there is a scam wick like that on an alt it goes above the top of it in a few days so bullish imo.

>> No.29671943

>a big fuck you to the anon that convinced me to buy on quickswap
anon you saved on gas fees and you get to farm more quickies on the protocol now, what's not to like?

>> No.29672085

I'm not in the pool. Should I be? I feel like of the price is going to keep climbing like this wouldn't I make more money just holding due to impairment loss?

>> No.29672410

eh it depends on where you see the market going. I'm not pooling right now, but the MATIC-QUICK pool is not too bad since they're mooning together atm.