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29614626 No.29614626 [Reply] [Original]

Which hardware wallet is best for someone new? Made my first $1,000 and figured I should invest in keeping my investments secure. I'm torn between the Ledger Nano S and the Trezor One. Both seem like good options.
Also, is it really that dangerous to buy them on Amazon? Even if it comes from the official store?
Anybody use both by chance and have some insight? Thanks frens.

>> No.29614745

Trezor 1 only because ive had mine for like 6 years and its been through a washing machine and still works and I like the trezor suite for keeping a secure hidden wallets.

>> No.29614825

oh and yeah, buy it from trezor or an authorized reseller locally, not amazon

>> No.29614839

I've got a few ledger nano s'
Never used trezor but I will probably pick one up and further split funds across.

>> No.29614840

Not really concerned about duarbility like that since when I'm not using it, it'll sit in a firesafe in my closet, but that's still super impressive.
And what's that about hidden wallets?

>> No.29614853

Trezor, the newer one if you want to use monero, ledger is good tough but buy in third party.

>> No.29614884

i used both an i use ledger now, but solely because the trezor model one doesnt support monero
i like the ledger live application. trezor is all done with an online web app
they're both very solid. ledger had a data breach but it was related to their storefront. the device itself is as secure as the trezor
hidden wallets are easier to use on the trezor, and the trezor is open source (but that's not super important). i'd say if you don't care about monero, go with the trezor

>> No.29614909

dont waste your money on a hardware wallet if you dont have like >50k
just use electrum and metamask and dont lose the seed phrase

>> No.29614943

what material is the trezor made out of? it looks like plastic from this picture

>> No.29615025

Just use Trust/Coinbase Wallet you dumb faggit

>> No.29615041

Anyone have a ledger blue. I know they're more expensive but they look really nice and when my stack is over 200k I don't really care about the extra $150. Plus I want a touch screen and the Trezor Model T looks dumb

>> No.29615090

Ledger data breach shouldn't impact me if I buy one now right?
And if I'm getting this right, the ledger uses an actual aplication and the trezor uses an online website?
Well I plan to hopefully have that one day fren.
Coinbase wallet is shit. Have used and won't again.

>> No.29615105
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What's the difference between hardware wallet and just keeping everything in an encrypted container?

>> No.29615156

nah the data breach won't, i'm sure they have drastically stepped up the security for their storefront after that fiasco
>the ledger uses an actual aplication and the trezor uses an online website?
yeah, unless something has changed since 3 months ago

>> No.29615197

Its made out of cum. No, what did you expect? Of course its plastic.

Buy what the fuck you want, both are pretty good, but I like the ledger a bit more. But they had a leak of customer data a few months ago.

A lot of people that bought ledger got death threats by email and people telling them they will come and kill them for their bitcoin etc.

>> No.29615213

Trezor Model T. Trezor Model T. Trezor Model T!!!! For fuck's sake!

>> No.29615242

I have both and they are nearly identical in functionality and user interface. I guess I prefer ledger by a small margin but it's the same shit.

>> No.29615244

how do you access your private keys to sign a transaction without decrypting the container?

>> No.29615287

Is the Model T better than the Ledger Blue?

>> No.29615325

dude anon said he has 1000 dollars, model t would be like 20% of his stack in usd terms lel

>> No.29615357

Hardware wallet is a lot safer than coming up with your own solution. With a hardware wallet the private key never leaves the device

To diversify risk even more it also makes sense to have 2 or more hardware walelts in case one gets hacked, which is extremly unlikely.

>> No.29615378

Well that's just it. Decrypt, trade, re-encrypt. I guess the hardware wallet just does all of that automatically?

>> No.29615380

Im a newfag too and I bought a Trezor T, still waiting for the tracking email. Anyone know how long it takes to ship to Canada? I bought from the official site.

>> No.29615403


He can grow into it

>> No.29615465

you need to open your container to access and read your keys. If some malware is roaming in your system it has access to your keys too during that time when the container is open.
With an hardware wallet your keys are on a separate device and never leaves it, so that you can use your hardware wallet with a pc full of cyber stds.

>> No.29615470

Use electrum or run your own ETH node, save the wallet.dat in a 3$ USB drive. Buy 2-3, so i case one gets ruined you still have it.

>> No.29615477

>Anyone know how long it takes to ship to Canada?
About 1 week.

>> No.29615525

I bought the Nano S recently and was surprised by how flimsy it feels. Like you hear rattling from inside it when you move it around. Probably doesn't matter at all, but keep it in mind.

>> No.29615540
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Ah. OK well I'm getting one then.

>> No.29615677

but now you've created potential attack vectors. i.e. if you decrypt on a compromised system which has a trojan etc.

>I guess the hardware wallet just does all of that automatically
not quite. the private keys are retained on the hardware wallet (and encrypted so you can't just open the thing up). when you want to sign a transaction, you send the transaction to the wallet, and then physically verify it using 2FA and by pressing buttons on your wallet. the wallet then sends back the signed transaction to your computer so it can be broadcast. the private keys are never exposed to any software or hardware outside of the device

>> No.29615684

Why the fuck would you waste money on a hardware wallet

Here just download this and use it offline,


>> No.29615682

Hi dude. You might want to use this link to set up an account with Newton, Canada's crypto exchange https://web.newton.co/r/9O7UI5

You'll get $25 when you trade over $100 CAD in volume.

Newton has extremely low fees.

>> No.29615741

I have one aswell and I dont know what the fuck your talking about. Stop the fudding

>> No.29615880

I thought it might have been painted aluminum

>> No.29615903

yeah that's good for cold wallets, but not wallets you want to actively trade from

>> No.29615937

Just make sure if you buy the trezor one that your coin is supported on it. Id go for the model T anyway

>> No.29616013

they're both plastic, the ledger has a little metal flip thing

also if you guys get a ledger, make sure you get the wojak pink one

>> No.29616050

nigger, there is literally something rattling inside the usb stick when you shake it

>> No.29616062

dont count your chickens before they hatch
$100 hardware wallet is 10% of your $1000
when youre thinking about growth you have to think is percentages, $100 doesnt seem like much but youre poor, 10% is a lot

>> No.29616217

a hardware wallet is pretty much the only equipment investment you need to make for crypto, though

im shaking mine right now anon, theres no rattling

>> No.29616295

I'm spending my wagecuck check on it, not my crypto, so that's a non-issue for me.

>> No.29616355

that's probably the NSA bug that was soldered onto the board on route to you that's just come loose

>> No.29616453

>the private keys are retained on the hardware wallet
What if I decide to use the same seed phrase I've created on my hardware wallet to create another hot wallet? Would that potentially compromise the private key?

>> No.29616508

also if you guys are super poor but still want one and are really patient, these companies do black friday deals every year. i know its miles away but you could write it on your calendar.

>> No.29616864

it depends but tl:dr yes

these wallets use hierarchical deterministic structures to generate wallet addresses from a single seed phrase. you should treat the seed phrase as if it WAS your crypto. you don't want that shit out in the open. when you buy a hardware wallet they tell you exactly what you SHOULD do with the seed phrase: write it down on PAPER (or store it using a method like cryptosteel if you are super paranoid) and put it somewhere nobody will ever find it, and don't type that shit into any computer system ever.
if you were using a hidden wallet (25th seed word) then if someone got your seed phrase they still wouldn't be able to access your crypto without the 25th word, but it's still extremely bad as youve drastically reduced the security and would want a new seed phrase anyway

>> No.29616921

Just use tails offline to make your keys and if you need to send, generate a signed transaction there to give to the blockchain on a hot computer. Jfc it's not that hard. These companies have y'all by the balls with their overpriced unreliable gadgets and gizmos

>> No.29616964

Ledger nano S sucks it can only have like 3 cryptos on it. The nano X has much more memory

>> No.29616998

Ledger Nano S owner here, would recommend Trezor

>> No.29617023

also the seed phrase, for all intents and purposes, IS your private key, just in a more legible form

>> No.29617137

Get the Trezor One.
It supports BTC and ETH and all the erc shitcoins, so basically all of crypto.

>> No.29617179

Thank you, anon. So I assume if I use the same seedphrase on another Trezor I'd be safe? I know it might sound dumb but I'm a schizo looking for confirmation kek.

>> No.29617251

>generate a signed transaction there to give to the blockchain on a hot computer
can you sign transactions you don't have funds for? how?

>> No.29617297

Download Airgap vault on an old android phone. Make your own hardware wallet.

>> No.29617393

yeah, nothing wrong with that. you will have to use the 'restore' feature on the second wallet so that it doesn't generate a new seed phrase

>> No.29617656

if you wanna stake your coins via bluetooth get a Trezor Model T. If you just wanna keep your coins comfy get a Trezor Model One. Avoid Ledger like the plague. They had a hard security breach last year. If they can't keep a security breach from happening, they can't keep your coins safe.


>> No.29617744

except xmr...

>> No.29617915

Take the safepal pill

>> No.29618961

Also, anons what wallet do you use for ERC20 shitcoins? I run my own node, but boomers i know what me to invest their money and i'd like to find a way to make it easier for them.

>> No.29619880

What do you think about Bitbox?

>> No.29620024
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Generate a hash and broadcast it with etherscan


>> No.29620149

You can use the Trezor Model T suite for erc20s. If you want a free wallet for erc20s, use Atomic Wallet.