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29591609 No.29591609 [Reply] [Original]

Umm, hello,Chang Department ? Yesu, what ze fuck is this ? BNB started to gain traction when they changed the burning method. Thing is that BSC and other things skyrocketed this coin to oblivion. Will this burn more ? less ? Will the price increase or decrease ? Why were they so sneaky with the change ? Pls biz bros, anyone who understands however burning works, can you explain what impact will this have ?

>> No.29591898

Get fucked Ethkike

>> No.29593460
File: 430 KB, 2071x1893, Liarry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek CZ living rent free in the head of the insecure cry baby that is so desperate to come across as cool on twitter

>> No.29593809

aw cool, he's an ass, still, what does burning bnb do ? Will it increase the price ?

>> No.29594042

The goal is to burn down to 100m capped.

>> No.29594239


>> No.29594460

it will burn based on trading volume rather than profit. because the profit is getting ridiculous.

BNB will still be a great play/hold as long as we are in shitcoin season

>> No.29594725

>i think i bought bitcoin in 2011 or 2012, pretty sure, not sure on what platform or how much or what wallet but pretty sure i bought a lot
I see that a lot and I dont understand it, its like people fabricate their history probably unaware of it themselves.

>> No.29594966

is this 2017, are you new or is this bait? anyone knows that as supply decreases, demand will increase but how many people in crypto have anticipated a supply shock with BNB? think about how many are locked in trading pairs of hundreds of different alts on the exchange. and the increasing amount that are used in Binance Smart Chain
>170.5 million total BNB
>154 are circulating
>almost 54 million belong to the team who never sell the tokens

>> No.29595718
File: 1.38 MB, 540x405, CONGRATS_FAGGOT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't keep track of their lies, sounds like my ex

>> No.29596039

thx bizbro, im new, still learning how to buy dips and set optimal stop limits. Glad you explained it.

>> No.29596147

Does anyone know when we might get a new token burn?

>> No.29597013
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>fully grown man using 'TIL' acronym

>> No.29598708

What kind of psyop is that..
Thats even worse then hello fellow whites meme
>hello fellow aryan white Hitler brothers. Let's kill some niggs
Ayo what did ya say whiteboi?
>im not white im jewish. I'm also a minority just like you! Fuck whites lulz.