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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29585340 No.29585340 [Reply] [Original]

You probably don't even know what's coming, do you?

>> No.29585443

It better be my money, Alec

>> No.29585509

How much lower can it go, Anon?

>> No.29585579
File: 30 KB, 640x640, 1613692330879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ASKO to the bottom of the Mariana trench!

>> No.29585876
File: 88 KB, 640x854, idcx897coty51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are gonna make it boys

>> No.29586246

Biz doesn’t dig for information like they used to. They look at a chart. Might skim the website. Most of biz just fomo’s into the flavor of the week or already made it and just sit comfortably on blue chips. They don’t know about the 40 listings by may. They don’t know about the DAO. They don’t know about the reserve. They don’t know about QUAI. They don’t understand token supply. They don’t understand that there is a threshold for initial liquidity that must and will be passed before people will borrow. They don’t even know what a multi-tiered lend platform is. Biz thinks front end development can kill a project as ambitious as asko. Biz will fomo. Biz will not buy this token anymore. Not yet.

>> No.29586322

did you accidentally buy the peak, anon?
gosh those bags must be heavy
what are you down, 80%?

>> No.29586502

that man has some serious gyno

>> No.29586565

>do all this gay shit
Then btc gently dips 2.5% and cuts your alt gains in half. Don't be a try hard.

White team.
Product you'd actually use.
Hasn't already 5x in retail.
That simple.

>> No.29588156

They don’t know about xdai. They don’t know about filmo’s return. They don’t know about the marketing campaign. They couldn’t understand the smart contracts governing lend if they spend 4 years getting an undergrad in blockchain technologies. They don’t know.

>> No.29588275

What is the make it stack for this?

>> No.29588592

I'm up 5x

>> No.29588637

Doubt it. Only if you sold in between

>> No.29588752


Look at the chart, this is a rare example of something totally organic, no discord pnd or anything. Just hyped on biz and then manner day came around and the product was complete trash and the devs were retards that literally did not even know the functions of their own token. This shit is crashed for a reason and that reason is shit fundamentals

>> No.29588832


>> No.29588865

I'm holding to my gains because I believe in the potential of this project. I've done all the research I needed to.

>> No.29589100

Honestly it might only be 5k if this reaches AAVE marketcap. It's going for a good deal now, because people didn't like the website. The website is going to be updated in like a week and other dapps are in the works. DYOR but I really like what I see with ASKO.

>> No.29589126

He doesn’t know there was a telegram shill channel. He wasn’t here when there were 20 biz threads up at once with 50+ replies each. He didn’t see the Reddit posts that made the front pages of r/satoshistreetbets, r/cryptomarkets, and r/cryptomoonshots

>> No.29589295
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Nice. Have 80k staked, but divvies will drag me towards the make it goal.

>> No.29589298

Just because a discord server decided to pnd it doesn't mean it's not a good project.

>> No.29589642

I kept 3k because I'm a poor fag.

I don't have much hope for it, but I'm not selling.

>> No.29589940
File: 220 KB, 960x1280, ea52dt5c4oh61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

biz is too retarded for this gem, they're after mcdonaldsshitcoin and 7463637% apy eggs.

>> No.29590025
File: 2.23 MB, 416x460, ASuKa(0).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29590885


Well said.

>> No.29590942

Based grave digger

>> No.29591268

Wait a month and then decide if the project is worth it or not, it's in its infancy stage right now.

>> No.29591498

Yup. Still, it reeks of unprofessionalism all things considered.

Either way, I'm not selling.

>> No.29591789

Are there any other projects that will offer tiered lending?

>> No.29592927

Other way around

There was no discord PhD, and its a shit project and that's why it tanked

>> No.29593604

listen to the bagholders pretending they were pumped and dumped

no, your project was shit and smart money left you holding the bag.

>> No.29594056

>any other

no project offers tiered lending, because ASKO doesn't have a working product.