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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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29577232 No.29577232 [Reply] [Original]

theres so many fud going on i cant see whats real and whats not. pls, i need some hopium.

>> No.29577644

There's some cool stuff coming out in a couple months. No need to worry fren

>> No.29577685

Green ID fren

>> No.29577711

im not on rubic because im not feeling it. but the platform will be of average importance

>> No.29577751

s c u m

>> No.29577780
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>> No.29577834
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Limit orders tomorrow, uniswap integration on March 1st, devs in contact with youtube influencers, amount of wallets continues to climb up, crypto wallet with 10m usd continues to buy Rubic. I'm not even going to bother name all the shit they announce on Twitter

>> No.29577996

Please sirs! Rubic is not a project you should be investing in long term. Reasons:

1. Market cap: $33M !!! For a swap exchange that has a really shitty UX and product, cannot be even compared with 1inch (used by Rubic primarily and has stellar product with $500m market cap and 8b monthly volume). With 99m circulating supply, reaching $10 is not possible in a gazillion years looking at this shitty product.

2. Usecase: Who the fuck wants to swap on Binance chain outside of Binance!? Also why the fuck would I use Rubic when I can easily get the best prices on 1inch, Uni or Metamask swap?!

3. Contant shilling: Pajeets scamming this board with stolen link memes just waiting for you poorfags to pump the price so that they can dump on you!

4. Inexperienced tech: Their dev team/tech is really inexperienced compared with dev teams of the defi world. Check the dev teams at Sushi, Aave, 1inch, YFI, CRV, Uni, SNX. These guys dont even stand a chance.

Worst part: The website was down for almost 2 hours which has happened 3-4 times so far (server load is a shitty excuse)! Imagine website going down during a swap.

>> No.29578084

How much are they paying you

>> No.29578383

Look at the website retard. Only two back-end devs and one of them is barely out of school. This shit is not going anywhere... All this rubic shilling is from pajeets pumping and dumping a shitcoin that they didn't even need to create lmao.
If you think about it it's pretty based, you get to scam people by doing less than half the effort. Just pick a random shitcoin and start shilling.

>> No.29578555

Haven't heard the phrase a basic json parser in a long time

>> No.29578799


>> No.29579251

Let’s face it pajeets are all scammers but sometimes the scams make money

>> No.29579785

r u b ic ?