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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2931416 No.2931416 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2931425

>didn't buy during the dips
it was like 35 cents 2 weeks ago my dude

>> No.2931429
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shits dead

>> No.2931430

ah, I remember ARK

I made money (too little and too conservatively, but still) on the first ever moon

>> No.2931432

>Buy high
Very nice anon
Still comfy sitting on 4k Ark I picked up at 17k sats

>> No.2931451
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Verge is sucking my nuts tho
Practically cut me in half

>> No.2931462
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Kill me

>> No.2931512
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I fell for the comfy gains meme and ignored numerous sell opportunities.
I'm not selling until at least 2k. I'm prepared to hold until 0 sats.

>> No.2931544


I bought: XEL @ 24000 and Bay @ 1900.

I'm fucking retarded.

>> No.2931560

This might not be so bad considering LTC is fairly steady, you should just sit on it for a while.

>> No.2931584

well all of my money has been in usdt for the last 3 weeks so after today it has become an extremely heavy bag

cfi has been my biggest JUST trade so far though. what an awful coin. even the shills on /biz/ have given up on it rofl

>> No.2931600

How much did you buy? I bought this fucking coin for 12k sat and I have no prospect of recovering that money in less than six months.

>> No.2931708

im down $43 on esp2, 99% of my initial investment

was thinking about going all in before i got dumped on, thank fuck i pussied out

>> No.2931726

it wasnt much (like 250, bought around 14k sats) but seeing the P/L every time i loaded up blockfolio was heartbreaking haha

i made so many shit decisions around that time, like buying zencash. live and learn i guess

>> No.2931733
File: 71 KB, 750x1334, IMG_4642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea that was the idea for holding, retain value just expected BTC frozen in exchanges to push ETH and LTC much higher

If I sold my ETH at the last ATH would've made 18k but FOMO'd and only made 12k

>> No.2931745

Bought 3 btc of XVC at 15000 sats. Bought 2 btc of HEAT at 20000 sats.

>> No.2931746

You guys need to sell your losing coins and pick winners instead so you make your money back. I know it's hard to accept the losses by trading out but you will make more gains in the long run

I fell for fucking redd coin and redd-id had to take a loss, but not too much money thank god


>> No.2931748

LTC (and probably ETH) will likely climb once BTC becomes completely unfrozen for people

>> No.2931751

Hello Hitler!

>> No.2931757
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>the state of the teatoken shilling team

face it, you'll never compete with the likes of bitbeaners and digibros

>> No.2931770
File: 208 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170802-091250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TRST, all ex googlers, indians, have good connections and still fail. fucking shame

>> No.2931780
File: 186 KB, 1296x720, lcTneWx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


more like JUSTcoin amirite?

sorry for your loss anon :(

>> No.2931783

Rip in peace

>> No.2931797

I think more ETH than LTC
Regardless my alts are all mooning so im not too beaten up about it

>> No.2931820

>trusting pajeet
can't say i feel bad for ya anon

>> No.2931821

Not even a shilling team member. Just shilling because the coins are cheap AF and I'm sure that I can get a pump out of it if I shill enough. The team promised they were going to put the coin on an exchange and that is enough for me.


>> No.2931834

>Dad forced me to buy him a bunch of Siacoin and Digibyte.

He doesnt even use /biz/ I dont fucking know how he got memed into it.

>> No.2931844

Dude Siacoin is literal trash. A shit idea that will never scale... and digibyte, just lol. You morons need to research and buy actual good coins that have a decent product


>> No.2932354
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Please tell me it will go up

>> No.2932360

Also I didn't buy it today like Blockfolio says. I bought BTS about mid-July

>> No.2932362

>T. Pajeet
Fucking LOL get that scam garbage out of here

>> No.2932467

I feel the pain anon dw I think it will have its moment soon

>> No.2932506

You're down like $30, my man. Who cares?

>> No.2932518
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you are supposed to buy low

>> No.2932536
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Smallest profit I've made off of anything, only regret is not buying more at the time.

>> No.2932545
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Get on my level

>> No.2932547

that's so /biz/ of you, buying at or near ATH
keep it up, our profits have to come from somewhere

>> No.2932559
File: 30 KB, 391x318, 8292b694ae3b00e0ef78f73394258833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right now I only have 395 LSK which I got for $2.21

>> No.2932561
File: 122 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-08-02-11-27-30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still haven't lost all hope for this coin.
It will recover... It has to...

>> No.2932609
File: 65 KB, 750x1334, IMG_5180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>backed by US govt
>trillion dollar dev team
What the fuck /biz/, you told me this was gonna moon.

>> No.2932654

how do I actually use this blockfolio shit, manually add all my transactions? no way to sync it with my exchange accounts?

>> No.2932691


i think they plan something like that, but would you enter all your exchange logins into some pajeet app?

>> No.2932693

RDD at 80
XEL at 18000
ARK at 30000

It hurts, /biz/. But Antshares keep me green. 148000

>> No.2932750

Topkek. My sides

>> No.2932764


>> No.2932775

dear god...

>> No.2932836

Why do you think this?

>> No.2933128
File: 154 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170802-122656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an idiot who started to invest into crypto during a buble.

>> No.2933168

my heaviest bag is.... chain.....gookcoin.
fuuuuuuuck meeeee

>> No.2933258
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>brb destabilizing a democratically elected government to prop up this shitcoin once again

All love to the USD, all hail the USD, please do not cut my head off.

>> No.2933272
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Tfw will never make it

>> No.2933415

I bought a few shares of SNAP when they released the snap map, bout 30% in the hole right now. Not even mad, I wanna see how low mismanagement can take this baby, then double down

>> No.2933872
File: 31 KB, 1080x329, Screenshot_20170802-222137_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time investing and I fell for a meme. Didn't lose too much though.

>> No.2933882

Bought 20 ETH at 290.

>> No.2933929
File: 263 KB, 1036x1842, Screenshot_20170802-092431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still waiting on the coin thats gonna go a couple hundred %

>> No.2933940

>no bancor

Come on goy's show your jew bags.

>> No.2933958
File: 267 KB, 1036x1842, Screenshot_20170802-092400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these both hurt so much

i'm a dumbass desu

>> No.2933978

also down $400 from BNT but i sold and bought PLU. which i've lost another $75 on

like i do think itll go up longer-term, it just sucks now

>> No.2933996
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Goyim I...

>> No.2934112
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It is the 2nd so maybe this will get better

>> No.2934152

ETC. Did I buy at the top? No. But its stagnation is fucking unbelievable. It's not going up or down.

>> No.2934168

I own like 4k SIGT so I hope so too.

>> No.2934186

I bought MNE at $12.

It's like $1.50 now.


>> No.2934224
File: 343 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_5952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here for my (you)'s.....

>> No.2934243

hahahahahahaha what the fuck man

>> No.2934256

More like JUSTcoin

>> No.2934274

Bags will get lighter in a couple months and you can get out. Are you at least getting the passive interest from biz_classic?

>> No.2934278

so why do you gamble on shit coins?
the buzz of a 500% pump/dump?
junk loans/bonds would net more consistent returns at lower risk.

>> No.2934280

This guy is a fucking legend on this board now.

He made that thread and wasn't even lying and he's made like 3 threads mentioning this since then.

I keep telling you to cut your losses and move on man, for fuck's sake.

>> No.2934285 [DELETED] 
File: 95 KB, 1080x1274, xby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no heavy bags when it comes to xby what a perfect time to buy




>> No.2934299

>junk loans/bonds would net more consistent returns at lower risk.
You answered your own question.

>> No.2934301

Seriously even if it ever rises the profit will be less than minimum wage

>> No.2934308

Yes sirs....buy Xby it will make you very rich...no longer work job....signed Rajesh

>> No.2934309

Can you fuck off already with your shitcoin? I've seen you shit up at least 3 different threads with this in the past 10 mins.

>> No.2934462
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Hold me

>> No.2934474
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>> No.2934701


>> No.2935116

he cant, no buyers

>> No.2935131

does fiat count as a bag

>> No.2935482
File: 104 KB, 750x1334, IMG_3723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every day I open this fucking app.

>> No.2935503

No one with SwarmCity bags ?

bough 15 for 50€, worth 13€ now. worst % drop in my portfolio

>> No.2935514

at least you have 10% left?

>> No.2935554

actually no he doesn't, it's a shitcoin with 0 liquidity, so he essentially lost all of it

>> No.2935594

Yeah, it does. See >>2932609

>> No.2935650

mine looks almost identical. so much for the safe play right.