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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 35 KB, 1134x340, GRO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29301401 No.29301401 [Reply] [Original]

It's called GRO -- an optimized layer 2 yield aggregator making use of products such as AAVE, YFI and COMPOUND to GROW your wealth safely and steadily. Now they're ready to released gROOT as one of their newest products, together with a migration to BSC! (If you're a brainlet that hasn't been paying attention recently, BSC means MOON!)

But what is gROOT?
gROOT is a token on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) which is directly linked to the performance of DeFi in BSC by building up a treasury that holds yield farming positions in different protocols such as Pancake Swap, Auto Farm and Venus.
It focuses on incentivizing liquidity providers of gROOT pairs such as the BNB/gROOT Pancake Swap LP, doing this allows users to:
* Have exposure to the yield farming opportunities on BSC
* Have exposure to multiple liquidity positions instead of a single one (the treasuries can hold tens or hundreds of different liquidity positions which reduces the risk of a single token crashing down.
* Getting more incentives by providing liquidity to gROOT pairs on top of the tokens the treasury is farming (such as CAKE, AUTO and XVS).

How does liquidity mining with gROOT work?
There are a total of 8,000 gROOT reserved ecosystem incentives, which include incentivizing gROOT pools, the first liquidity mining pool available is BNB/gROOT, with 150 gROOT allocated to it per month.
As a liquidity provider you benefit from:
* The liquidity mining in gROOT
* The swap fees of the liquidity pair you are in
* The incentives that the treasury is collecting from farming other liquidity pairs
* The swap fees that the treasury is collecting from other liquidity pairs

Note: The incentivized pools will start the week of the 22nd of February.

But I really have to stop myself here, because I can only get so hard.

>> No.29301472

how about you fuck off with this scam. the team rugged 2x already and yet you still have the balls to shill it here.

>> No.29301521

Already hacked and dumped, read the exploit

>> No.29301623

Rugged? It got exploited because ETH is SHIT and the audit didn't catch it. Now they're rightfully migrating to BSC. Once this catches on, it will absorb hundreds of millions $$$ of TVL, which will also boost the price of the token because of the GENIUS tokenomics. Of course you shouldn't just believe me blindly. Always DYOR.

>> No.29301903
File: 159 KB, 1840x906, mmxlc2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eth is shit
imagine blaming ethereum for a shitcoin that got rugged by its own team and blatantly lying about it in the tg group.
>Uh guys the price dumped because people panic sold
kek meanwhile one of the teammembers market dumped 26,000 GRO. pic related faggot now gtfo

>> No.29302391

the fud in here smells like moms homemade cooking. I’ll buy a little bag

>> No.29302825

Always vuy at peak FUD with solid teams. Just a tip...

>> No.29302954

if you want to be exit liquidity, buy gro lol

>> No.29303198

This is precisely the correct point to buy this coin:

>Already established as an excellent project with a 50million+ cap
>Exploit that stole 1.4 million dollars worth of tokens tanks price and cap
>However 88% of tokens lost in exploit were team tokens
>Tokens on both ETH and BSC

The project is established and has legs. This as Warren Buffet would say is the time of fear and the time to buy.

If you have been around crypto for more than 5 minutes you will know that established quality projects that are tanked by an exploit and hold it together ALWAYS make a huge recovery. This is why I've picked up a bag.