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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 248 KB, 1080x830, Screenshot_20210221-081848__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29280336 No.29280336 [Reply] [Original]

>there are people on this board still holding GME
>they believe the squeeze will still happen
>wsb is full of loss "porn" with people being happy with the worthless awards they get
>the GME graph looks like pic related, exactly like something where a short squeeze happened
>it's become a cult where people still believe they will get rich from a brick and mortar shop which can't adapt to online

Pic related. I kinda feel sad for them at this point. It's basically reaching qanon proportions. Trust in the squeeze! Insiders are manipulating! We are sticking it to wall street!
When will they come to their senses if ever?

>> No.29280416

>Insiders are manipulating!
this part is obviously true, where they're wrong is not realizing the insiders beat them a month ago

>> No.29280452
File: 97 KB, 1080x291, Screenshot_20210221-082205__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy lost a ticket out of the rat race and is 250k down the drain. He had FIRE money. At least he got 75 silver awards whatever that's good for.

>> No.29280490

Retard in the pic never heard of risk management. He got what he deserved.

>> No.29280543
File: 119 KB, 1080x806, Screenshot_20210221-082455__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A close to 100k loss with expiring options and people are cheering him on

>> No.29280661

So you say I should buy more? Gotcha senpai

>> No.29280680
File: 138 KB, 1080x943, Screenshot_20210221-082731__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

60k down the drain and 10k left. These ones are really good because they don't use robinhood but a "real" broker to actually invest/save. So he probably had like 70k in savings/stocks and thought he could make a quick buck.

>> No.29280823

Who the fuck cares, it's reddit.
This is comedy gold, especially if you made profits from it

>> No.29280833
File: 57 KB, 1080x233, Screenshot_20210221-083050__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy unironically lost 10M and this was when the stock was 196$. Still 13M in. Hope he sold otherwise he has around 2.5M left. 26M to 2.5M. Can you imagine?

>> No.29280900
File: 49 KB, 1080x160, Screenshot_20210221-083419__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, he took some profit but it still slinked to 5M. He could have been set for LIFE and decided re**** awards were better than 26M clean, cold cash.

>> No.29280922

DFV doubled down

>> No.29280926

That has to be larp unless he's just loaded and gambling with $26m is nothing to him

>> No.29280993

It's noy just reddit, we have a DAILY thread of the cult here on /biz/. Unless they are all re**** diaspora, a lot of people are still brainwashed by this "short squeeze".

>> No.29281146

That was me but I edited the page with inspect element then screenshoted.. It was fake... Me and my fellow discorders keep doing that to egg them on for the laughs

>> No.29281147
File: 64 KB, 1080x255, Screenshot_20210221-083927__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

35k to 5m to 300k
2 weeks ago
WITH a mortgage
That's around 50k left with today's prices. And IN DEBT. Maybe he can use those 38 silver and 2 gold to pay some of it back.

>> No.29281291

idealism comes at a price,
imagine confusing politics and idealism with the brutal nature of the market

>> No.29281387
File: 403 KB, 750x1334, 451F213D-24B3-431A-BC9E-2F59B3800A46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you shills feeling as comfy as me?

>> No.29281467

I still hold GME, probably not selling ever, however it's less than $2k now, make 5x that in crypto daily right now so don't really give a fuck.

>> No.29282379

How much do shillvin capital pay you?
Still holding

>> No.29282478

Your shillarmy is the only reason i am holding.

>> No.29282762

Rallied up like dogs seeing a treat lol. Seethe.

>> No.29282836

It makes me mad these people threw away more money than I have

>> No.29282914

>make 5x that in crypto

>> No.29283164

It blows my mind they don't just move on to a stock that is moving. Their Robinhood at least shows them 5 other stocks that were doing well every day since they bought into GME. Hard to feel that bad for the retards

>> No.29283446

I have 45 shares and am holding too.

>> No.29283829
File: 238 KB, 1500x1024, 1598576906572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this thread all just shills FUDing GME? do they pay you NPCs in adderall?

>> No.29284084

these fags are still on biz too
imagine bagholding reddit shares when everything is mooning in crypto, those morons lost twice

>> No.29284261

Yes there is worldwide conspiracy where people get paid by Wallstreet hedge funds to post Anonymously on a image board for autistic people to FUD a 2,38B market cap company. In fact, they are still hiring people. You need a job? You people are SO out of your senses, I don't even know who's serious or LARPing anymore. I'm surprised there's not some people raiding offices of Melvin or Robinhood or something.

>> No.29284312

No, it isn't. It was a PnD. Of course it was going to crash eventually, all RH did was (ironically) prevent even more retards from FOMOing at the top.

>> No.29284648

there is actually a conspiracy going around that there is a conspiracy going around

>> No.29284853
File: 91 KB, 1187x307, demoralization us v them.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

29284261 I won't give a (you)
have you not been on the internet in the last 10 years? why do you people always act like someone questioning your authenticity is a conspiracy-theorist? but even if you're just a useful idiot, you're obviously biased against the stock and should probably dilate.

>> No.29285022
File: 15 KB, 300x250, Yaara-Bank-Plotkin-5-Facts-About-Melvin-Capital-Gabe-Plotkin-Wife-1-300x250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29285052

wait what?! You do this for free? You care so much about others that you invest your free time to write such stuff, instad of reading a book, or do sport or spend time with yoir lovedones? You 2-Digit-IQ-People are hilarious.

>> No.29285184

If you look at the graphs, the FTDs (nearly 2M during the squeeze) and the retail services fucking over investors, you can understand how they managed to escape 1k USD per share. All that combined allowed them to spread the squeeze out enough to weasel out

>> No.29285231

>Yes there is worldwide conspiracy where people get paid by Wallstreet hedge funds to post Anonymously on a image board for autistic people to FUD a 2,38B market cap company
This is really not as implausible as you think it is, but choosing to call it a “worldwide conspiracy” is negative spin and you know it.

>> No.29285488
File: 241 KB, 1440x1080, white cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're trannies and shitskins, arguing with this place is the only purpose they have in their slavery.

>> No.29285582
File: 73 KB, 700x700, 1610915316516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 shills in an echo chamber: the thread

Still not selling melvin

>> No.29285690

what a weird comment. Its obvious you didn't do that but why lie about it nigger?

>> No.29285755

I have one share of GME and don't care because I also own Fantom

>> No.29285843

God I can't wait for this shit to hit $1000 holy fuck. I have 205 shares at around $300 so I stand to make a nice profit even if it only reaches $500

>> No.29285879

Melvin has been bailed out and isn't affiliated with GME anymore

>> No.29285932

The fuck makes people do this? If I had even 1 million I'd start being a lot more conservative and focus more on risk management and hedging my investments. These people are throwing around millions of dollars like they're sub 6 figure investors.

>> No.29285934

>believing anything told to you about hedgie positions

You truly are the biggest retard in this thread

>> No.29285982

I bought in 200 at 45, I'm holding for the event of it possibly blowing up or for it stabilizing at a value not far from there.
>Dying brick and mortar
Yeah no shit, it's why I don't plan to keep any.

>> No.29286090

Chances are he had more than 1.75m, but is saying he had less in case he attracts he attracts any negative attention from the taxman etc.

>> No.29286153

Melvin has bought more puts you giganigger

>> No.29286225

Going to be amazing when GME hits $1000 and people have closed on their losses kek. That's when the day of the rope happens.

>> No.29286308
File: 1.28 MB, 534x534, 1613849142457.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your lies will not save your anus melvin. The moon is soon

>> No.29286388

I buy off tweets or youtube videos, have to do it in seconds.

>> No.29286478

Lol he still 10x’d
Not like he’s worse off

>> No.29286502

i dont understand why thousands of people just didn't immediately short GME when it was at 300+

we all knew it had to go back down some day. i would have shorted that with all my networth if i had time to or i had funds on my trader. i literally thought about it the night it happened.

in the end it seems like a bunch of people just pumped gme to stick it to the man. maybe some won money but the people who were talked into holding were never going to make it.

>> No.29286531

I gambled 1k on this and I'll sell and rebuy EOY for whatever it's worth to use the loss for tax purposes.

>> No.29286576

Ah yes, on my free Sunday. I like to monologue with autistic people whilst watching Netflix. It's actually entertaining. Them proving that they are autistic cultists whilst thinking they are "winning" even makes it better.

How big is your gme bag anon? Tell me about your expected price in the future.

>> No.29286602

Reddit is starting to seem more based than 4chan.

4chan; I lost 3k on a rug pull should I kill myself

Reddit: lost my 500k which was my life’s savings in GameStop but ayyyyy gotta play to win am I right Tony

>> No.29286624

A lot of people here are choosing coins and stocks as a hill to die on. I don’t get it. Are these bots? Like just literal chat bots for shilling a single stock or coin?

>> No.29286681

Because you are too dumb to understand what a squeeze on shorts means and that the stock was shorter 142% or something similar at the start. An over 100% short took a lot of manipulation to get squoozed.

>> No.29286728

the premiums were so insane it wasnt even worth it

>> No.29286739

>Reddit spacing turbo faggot detected.
Go back

>> No.29286763

I thought it was possible but after all the shenanigans with Robin hood I realized I was being had. bought most at 140 sold on average at 80 iirc. only 6 shares so whatever. lesson learned for listening to reddit. keep trying to just ignore the whole situation now but they seem to be picking up the crazy pace again that it's hard to look away. it's turning into a weird cult

>> No.29286941

Interactive Broker CEO himself said that if buying wasn't restricted GME would have gone up to $1000+. The whole thing was shut down and most of us didn't really think they could just shut only the buying down like that since if buying is shut down, but selling is open then of course the price can only go down which is clear market manipulation. Wasn't expecting it, but can't do anything about it when the stock markets are more rigged than crypto markets lol. Glad I only put in some play money since it did seem too good to be true.

>> No.29287186

Shorts hadn't closed their position until 1-2 days after retail brokers restricted buying.

The MOASS was effectively cancelled on the day it was supposed to squeeze.