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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29221098 No.29221098 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.29221232

just buy the dip, it will be $18 tomorrow

>> No.29221283

This but $25

>> No.29221333

Every fucking time I buy it crashes. Am I a reincarnated war criminal, how did I deserve this

>> No.29221349

these but $30

>> No.29221439

unlimited supply question mark

>> No.29221485

buy the dip

>> No.29221576

Why is everything on this shit exchange a scam? Including itself

>> No.29221722

It literally just went up 100% in less than a week. Either wait or buy high sell low...

>> No.29221795


$18 is realistic for tomorrow. $25 will take at least 3-4 more days.

>> No.29221908

Berry is fixed at 7.5m

>> No.29222030

Im just buying all the shitcoins lol

>> No.29222531

Great time to pick up some more. Uniswap will remain a congested mess for months, possibly years, and CAKE will take a large slice of the DeFi pie.

>> No.29222664

hold up well

do not lose you bnb unless you can guarantee 3x

>> No.29222709
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when in at 19.5. Should I double down?

>> No.29222799

This. This dip is a fucking blessing. I wish I was at my PC and could buy more.

Unironically yes. It will be $30+ in a week or two

>> No.29222871


>goes down 15%
>Financially ruined


>> No.29223215

I wish I had bnb or btc left to buy god dammit. I dont get all the panic? Don't you guys see all the fucking shit coins around like egg, meowth, wynaut, and much more. They are almost all only traded on pancake swap. When there is a gold rush sell shovels, that means buy pancake. Furthermore, I trust CZ to pump the fucking shit out of bnb, and since pancake it intimately linked to bnb, it's gonna be a good couple weeks.

>> No.29223649
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i am financially not ruined

>> No.29223736

The question is, why is it dipping in the first place?

>> No.29223754
File: 241 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20210220-103210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm balls deep anon

>> No.29223757

I talked to my parents and told them about my investments.
The glowies must have recorded the conversation and decided to crash those coins. Sorry guys.

>> No.29223820

This. But $100

>> No.29223837

based fellow cake maxi

>> No.29223885

Isn't BAKE better than CAKE? Why?

>> No.29223909


based. what buy-in price?

>> No.29223916

More room to grow if your looking for quick gains

>> No.29223919

Lmao caked as a descriptor is very funny to me

>> No.29223939

I just bought the 30% dip so it's going down another 30% im afraid.

>> No.29223995

price predictions EOM?

>> No.29223996

Because CAKE BAKE and BNB are all overheated. They just went up exponentially. 1-3 days and it should resume, pretty much like Cardano just did.

>> No.29224018

BAKE has lower mcap and higher volatility. Why do you consider CAKE room is spacier?

>> No.29224063

Funniest comment I've seen today

>> No.29224179

kekd nice trips

>> No.29224208

Because it follows bnb

>> No.29224261

>there have been no rugs on other plattforms

>> No.29224277

9.50$, I'm in till 40$

>> No.29224279

Should I buy now or wait a couple days?

>> No.29224633


>> No.29224646

I have 3K BUSD ready to buy back in, at around 12$ would be nice

>> No.29224857

just buy in slowly over the next 2 days, average out your cost

>> No.29225055

CAKE or BAKE anons? I want to get the most gains.

>> No.29225541

I weighted 25% cake and 75% bake

>> No.29225579

Better caked than cucked

>> No.29225675

alright, I'm going balls in with that percentage on this mini dip. I don't know if I'm gonna be able to sleep tonight.

>> No.29226056

Cake and egg holders

G-guys? Buy my egg? Cake anyone?

Very promising ecosystem buy more, $1000 EOY!

>> No.29226704

Buy more to average down.

>> No.29226755

get your shit together retard

>> No.29227491
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>> No.29228061

Wait for it....

>> No.29228333

kek everyone who didn't think those BSC meme tokens were pnd ponzis is retarded. that said i made a good amount of cash on these shitcoins. just don't be too greedy and know when the fuck you should get out and your fine. i consider everytime i walk away in the green a win. if i miss out on another 3x who fucking cares

>> No.29229109

I've unironically 6x'd on cake with a good part of my folio and its not exactly a shitcoin
it has another 3x in it at least
Not going to spoonfeed you though since you seem to think this is like the other PnD bsc tokens

>> No.29229429

CAKE is the only non-shit coin. It’s used to facilitate PND’s.

>> No.29229666

>reincarnated war criminal


>> No.29229763

I lost all my fucking shit in CAKE and o ther BSC shitcoins. To anyone reading this: don't fall for the organized PnD groups

>> No.29229840

lmao at what price did you buy cake? I bought at 87c and I'm not selling until $50, which is still lower than uni's mcap

>> No.29229908
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Don't like to trade crypto, as it's hard to get a profit with it, but I am a fan of binary systemsDoes anyone use BAEX( #baex)?

A lot of people are talking about it, and I want to know your mind. As for pros, people talk about a large number of popular shares and market instruments, as well as a referral program and transparent open-source code. Is it a good solution?

>> No.29229940
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I'm not selling any of my food coins until they reach the top 100

>> No.29229972

im gay

>> No.29230063

>mr bean
fuck off jeet

>> No.29230156


>> No.29230252

>coin is called CAKE
>icon is literally a pancake
>hurr durr, it's definitely not a shitcoin

>> No.29230406

>what is BSC
>what is Unisumer
>what is 2017 ERC 20 goldrush
stay poor

>> No.29230528

these retards don't even think about the mcap / tvl of cake compared to uni, as well as the volume
>muh wash trading
we'll see them bitch at $50 in a month, which will still be under uni's mcap

>> No.29230619

CAKE literally has everything for it
TA looks amazing
Great fundamentals
A pairing with the hottest coin, BNB
A booming network its the main exchange of
Honestly if someone can't see how valuable cake is, they deserve to not make it
Riding this baby since $9

>> No.29230952

yeah man I'm comfy too, cake is very undervalued, it just went up a lot so a correction was expected
see you at $50 fren, cheers

>> No.29230996

This isn't a pnd, it's cz himself pumping his chinkcoins. How hard is it to hold?

>> No.29231083

>newfag actually thinks a 10% dip means shit
haha oh no no no. wouldnt be surprised to see this at $20 by the end of the day again

>> No.29231330
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You ARE in on Berry, right?

>> No.29231371

ye since $16 only got $200 riding on it doe