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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29196889 No.29196889 [Reply] [Original]

I can’t believe there’s actually retards on here that this coin is going to do 50x. At worst, it’s a deliberate rugpull and at best, it’s chinky pajeet coin that’s making promises it has no capability of delivering on. All anyone with a brain needs to do see this is look at the name of the website: Unn.finance. Dot fucking finance KEK. Name me one legit coin that’s “.finance”. You can’t, you absolute mongoloid. The idiots behind this didn’t even realize all the ERC20 .finance hype was last summer and tried to rope you morons in with that anyway. Most of you didn’t fall for it (hence the 2x pump), and it couldn’t even hold that. I’m actually baffled at the fact that there are people on this board holding a .finance coin (that’s not BSC - the new flavour of the month) hoping for a 50x in fucking 2021. Press S to spit on the graves on these fools. Enjoy your bleed of sats to zero.

>> No.29197180

>actually retards on here that this coin is going to do 50x
That would be me. Am I the only retard here still holding this?

>> No.29197196

i sold today lol

>> No.29197359


>> No.29197446


>> No.29197498


>> No.29197644

Is this some weird reverse psychology FUD to try and get some interest in this coin?

It's a cool project... Not sure what it could pump to though. It seems like a rank 100-200 market cap project at best.

>> No.29197891

Yeah I’m thinking the same thing. There was a thread similar to this earlier

>> No.29197901
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Lmao, are you trying to out yourself as a pajeet? They’re literally using the website template as unn.finance. These jeet finance scams can’t even bother making a webpage that’s not copy paste of some other jeet finance site

>> No.29198171

They will have a product soon and they will be releasing more updates after launch throughout the years adding more features.

>> No.29198312

>Not sure what it could pump to though
It could pump to 0.057. Parties been over for a week now and you’re holding the bags

>> No.29198488
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Who makes a thread to shit on this niche /biz/ coin? This suspicious activity reminds of the just a wallet Parsiq fud.

>> No.29198596

Damn this fud is good. I'm not holding because I'm a Coinbase faggot, but this.....god. This and LTO will do an easy 20x this bull run. Most def a 12 month hold but if you have an extra 1k laying around.. def invest.

>> No.29198728
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>Name me one legit coin that’s “.finance”.
honestly now that he's mentioned it, it is a somewhat valid point. and the website looks exactly the same as >>29197901
its starting to seem like some bullshit to me as a holder. it hasn't been fun holding this since december

>> No.29198860

sometimes FUD is legit...
>Most def a 12 month hold
thats not how it works. if BTC takes the market down with it (likely to happen well before 12 months) before this moons then this will dump to hell and stay there for years even if it is legit

>> No.29198890

this shit >>29197901
doesn't have a whitepaper or partnerships with the big names.
Also UNN has big name investors.

>> No.29199078

You're an absolute faggot if you think BTC will "crash" within 12 months. Will it retrace back down to the 30k range? Most definitely. Will it immediately get bought back up by non-paper handed faggots and immediately go up to 200k? Also most definitely.

This is the bitcoin super cycle. The fed said money go brrrrrrrrrrr. Don't expect the actual crash until "Biden" is about to leave office.

>> No.29199195

>doesn't have a whitepaper
even more of a red flag that they're using the same web template as a straight up scam. if they're so good why can't they make an original website?
>Also UNN has big name investors
thats literally the only bullish thing about UNN, but has anyone actually confirmed the role of these investors? They could have literally been given extremely cheap coin in order to be slapped on the website. they have nothing to lose by accepting deals like that. its not big investors have never made poor decisions in the past

>> No.29199356

So investors put their reputation on the line for a cheap cut on a coin that, in your words, is set to do NOTHING. And this makes sense to you, the idea that Alameda Research and Bering Waters are mere billboards for shitcoins?

>> No.29199368

>This is the bitcoin super cycle
non argument. you're a delusional retard if you dont think the top is close. Btc and crypto has been straight bull for almost a year now and normies/niggers are talking about getting rich off their dogecoin stock

>> No.29199409

UNN devs locked their tokens so there is no rug pull. And we got a geyser.
And why would investors spend over 3 million dollars on a shitcoin rug pull?

>> No.29199470
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>decided to buy a 100k suicide stack yesterday
>next day is filled with people nonstop fudding the coin
fml i really can't win

>> No.29199497

>So investors put their reputation on the line for a cheap
>investment goes tits up
>"oh well, happens sometimes. look at all these other good ones we've made"
>all is forgiven
you sound like those reddit retards that thought hedgies would get BTFO for over-shorting gme stock

>> No.29199515

You really think they can go from testnet to full launch by the end of March? They just got the testnet up two weeks ago.

>> No.29199531

this fud is weak anon. ygmi with that stack

>> No.29199548


relax. we are acooomulating

>> No.29199596

>So investors put their reputation on the line for a cheap cut on a coin that, in your words, is set to do NOTHING.
fwiw the token does in fact do literally nothing

muh governance

>> No.29199602

I got in at 1.6c and bought 100k, don't really care if i lose it or not, gonna hold for a year and see. little money, low risk entry

>> No.29199607

I can see it failing to actually implement it's product; that's a risk we are obviously willing to take, but I am completely unphased by your paranoia that it's a rugpull. They have a partnership with Kleros, a team very concerned about it's associations.

I mean there was a UNN thread about 12 hours ago warning they were going to rugpull 5m UNN because they were convinced it was rugpull scam and nothing seemed to happened. (I haven't even bothered to check, I just don't care.) Lets just agree to disagree. You remain a schizo, like the many on this board warning about the implement doomsday event of X crypto, and I will hold the bag and accept the consequences if it rugpulls.

>> No.29199665

trust me fren, I feel the same way. I'm still holding this but the more I look into it the more shady it seems. Literally the only bullish points for this are
>muh partnerships
>muh investors
sounds like some 2017 tier shitcoin bullshit

>completely unphased by your paranoia that it's a rugpull
i never said that you retard

>> No.29199682

I bought a 200k stack and staking over half of it.
why is BTC not on dex? because there is no governance preventing a rug pull. WBTC needs the BTC it came from to be secured.

>> No.29199743
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Investors lose money all the time, but you can't negate a long reputation of successful trades, nor the research a firm like Alameda puts into a new buy, without any rhyme or reason. Your rationale is -- your words, not mine -- that they wanted a discount on a shitcoin, and to get it for cheapies, they chose to advertise it on their website... as if they're some geocities page for hookers.

>> No.29200083

>that they wanted a discount on a shitcoin, and to get it for cheapies
I said it was possible. private investors usually get pretty big discounts for coins so that in itself isn't sketchy. whats sketchy to me is they're promising revolutionary technology but can't even come up with a website that isn't a copy paste of another .finance clone. Alameda isn't out looking at every single website. They could have been proposed the tech, which admittedly would be huge if delivered, and accepted an offer for private placement. And like I said, if it goes tits up they really have nothing to lose.

>> No.29200191

people were talking shit about LINK for years and they keep partnering with others just like UNN.

>> No.29200370

>people were talking shit about LINK for years
seriously? that's your fucking argument? people were also talking shit about bitconnect, what's your point?

>> No.29200462

bitconnect was based on promise and no proof.
why would other companies partner with a shitcoin that will crash and be useless.

>> No.29200536

Never bought

>> No.29200602

>why would other companies partner with a shitcoin
As I already said, on paper it looks really good. What proof have they provided other than screenshots of a testnet? All I'm seeing right now is a ripoff website promising the world

>> No.29200673

well lets all wait for product launch and then you can buy in much higher than we did.

>> No.29200750

Very bullish thread

>> No.29200962

The website looks better than many, anon. You're discounting the blood and guts of the project because they use a menu template. But where's the fud on the white paper, the technicals, the use case?

>> No.29200968

well, I'm still holding but yeah I'm about to sell most of my stack. there's no excuse for them to ripoff some shitty .finance template if they're so capable. I would prefer to hold something with less risk of failure and more upside potential. If you end up making it from this congrats.

>> No.29201038

>But where's the fud on the white paper, the technicals, the use case?
there is literally no fud on any of that, which is even more of a problem because a team that's capable of pulling that off should have zero trouble whatsoever making an original website

>> No.29201062

20k stack here. Small enough that a loss doesn't hurt, big enough that I could make decent gains if this does catch. There's a few defi projects I'm bullish on but not sure if they'll really hit during this cycle. Don't care about muh bleeding sats because it's walking around money anyhow.

>> No.29201162

Why does OP care so much about how people lose money? I've been mulling back and forth on this coin and the more I see these threads the more I want to drop 5-10K USD. I don't even care if its a scam I can lose the money I just think OP is a faggot.

>> No.29201179

thats fair. I have a 350k stack and I honestly don't have faith in the project anymore. will probably leave 10-20k as well

>> No.29201209

me too desu

>> No.29201374

I just want it to go over my initial investment. I thought I bought a dip but then it dipped more

>> No.29201574

avalanche ama


>> No.29201617

Whats will 50x then that you like?

>> No.29201662
File: 632 KB, 570x665, Capture8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

geyser apy down means a large chunk of people are in the unilp expect a substantial dump at nearly any local or ath peak tho :( you have early vc/ico niggers and big time yield farmers recopping

>> No.29201918

apy.vision says there are 45 LP holders for UNN.
the apy for geyser only goes up when the value of UNN goes up.

>> No.29201925
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>> No.29202137

It goes down when more people use the geyser

>> No.29202167

5m unn here am i fucked?

>> No.29202284

Seems kinda solid but whales dump every hour and take the price with them. I sold today

>> No.29202307

but there hasn't been a change in LP holders.