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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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29129355 No.29129355 [Reply] [Original]

How are you assholes paying $40 in gas fees?
I just sent 1 ETH for 5$

>> No.29129412

nice blog, we don't care

>> No.29129443

Idiot when it comes to ETH but if i'm not mistaken it's the fee's of transferring into the DeFI exchanges.

>> No.29130292
File: 497 KB, 654x663, 91E4E9F9-F499-4197-B4AA-C3893F00EE3E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please halp. I invested $100 into a shitcoin that mooned to $700 worth. Paid something like $20 in gas fees iirc. I then transferred $100 worth of Ether to my Coinbase wallet to cover gas fees so I could swap the shitcoin I owned for a different shitcoin I thought would moon. Paid $69 in gas fees for that transaction on Uniswap. My question is, what happens if the $700 of the new shitcoin turns into $70,000 for example, how am I supposed to convert it back to Ethereum to transfer to Coinbase to cash out and pay taxes if the gas fees will be like $7,000 and I only have $1,000 in my bank account?

>> No.29130968

Smart people wouldn't pay that, so it's not a problem.

You can go ahead and go poor.

>> No.29131174

pancakeswap + metamask?

>> No.29131637

A simple transaction uses less gas

>> No.29131818

Is it not possible to do simple transactions with shitcoins? Otherwise everyone would risk buying new coins?

>> No.29132040

Gas fees don't scale with the value of the token being transferred. If it does 10x you don't pay 10x gas. Now if ETH does 10x, gas fees will jump.

>> No.29132186

Amazin', thanks fren

>> No.29132258

now i see what this guy called me a retard for paying $69 in gas fees

>> No.29132334

Not with ethereum. This is why BSC currencies and BNB are exploding right now. All the benefits of an ethereum L2 solution built into the L1. Bitcoin SV will eventually be the main competitor to BSC. Fuck Polkadot and Cardano.

>> No.29132692

I call bullshit on this.

People are exposing that binance is a much bigger problem than anything with ETH fees.

The fees didn't jump until April 2020, ETH has doubled multiple times since then yet fees flatline, how do you explain that?

>> No.29132826 [DELETED] 
File: 487 KB, 2750x1735, D58ABAD8-1D38-45EC-971D-37C46CFDE6B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoa, it's pumping indeed, pic related. I tried to see if it could connect to my Coinbase wallet but the "Connect wallet" button doesn't work on mobile apparently. When you click it it just turns from gray to orange.

>> No.29132825

lel are u an idiot?
wat a’fuck ur talking about here?
I’m not a retard who goes for shitcoins that they shill here
longing for bot ocean pre-sale and their open
wanna trade with top algorithms like an expert

>> No.29133240
File: 347 KB, 1242x1429, 8229271C-7535-46F1-A48A-ACAD0776FF50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoa, yeah BSCswap is definitely pumping. I went to their website to see if it's possible to connect to my Coonbase wallet but when you click on "Connect wallet" it doesn't seem to work, the button just changes from gray to orange. Should I be using the Metamask wallet app instead of Coinbase wallet app?

>> No.29133618

Why do you think BSC has such low fees retard? Because they own literally all the validators and they don't have to pay them shit. It's a centralized system and you depend on Binance's honor to keep your money safe.
I really hope all these faggot rushing to BSC get rugged.

>> No.29133800

>does not interact with smart contract

Op is fag also sage

>> No.29134179

No, just don't pay the high fees, wait.
It's a knee-jerk reaction, gasnow says fees are 300 gwei so every chinaman sets their spambot to 300 gwei, even if fees are going way below that.