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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 78 KB, 1088x777, uk black guy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29114831 No.29114831 [Reply] [Original]

Please tell how fuck I'am ! (minimum wage cuk from the UK btw)

>> No.29114846
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kraken account

>> No.29114897
File: 26 KB, 1074x307, black guy uk 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CFD on crypto and this is it

>> No.29115253

nothing will happen if you dont consolidate with those amounts

>> No.29115516
File: 4 KB, 300x292, 1493305407855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consolidate everything into btc, atom and grt. Play with 3 you trust, earn your gains, then speculate on shit coins for the meme when you can afford it. IMO cosmos will rocket over the next month, bancor will be a nice steady climber for a whole too. Just my 2 bobs worth lad

>> No.29115682

How fucking new are you nigger? Don't diversify like that into random coins you have most likely no idea what they are doing. Do some research, lurk on biz and choose 1-3 promising projects you will keep buying each month.
But honestly, you portfolio is shouting "100 iq normalfag" to everyone here, which is a sell signal, so we might aswell be very close to the top and chances are hight that you are about to get rekt

>> No.29116271

why did you buy bitcoin cash

>> No.29116375

I have 3k and i want to split it between ada, bancor and cosmos, currently have 1k in ada, is 2.5k in bancor and 500 in cosmos a good idea?

>> No.29116533

cosmos is going to dip hard

>> No.29116578

Cheers anon, i was just looking into its alternatives. I'm saving 500 for a moonshot and I just can't decide on one.

>> No.29116686

Are you fucking retarded? For starters get rid of Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum classic and xrp

>> No.29116834

well because of this atom is dumping but dot and things related to it are going up instead, i already sold my atom and am planning on moving to dot/tezos
although you better wait for good old big sunday dip

>> No.29116854

Will do mate, love me a cheeky weekend dip. I'll look into dot

>> No.29116949

buy more ETH

>> No.29116954

Literal retard nufag
>bitcoin cash
>ethereum classic
>13 different coins with less than £2k
Consolidate into non meme coins. Dont even bother with btc. It'll do a max 3x? 4x? The others will always pump more than btc in a bullrun

>> No.29116955

sell everything and buy GME

>> No.29117017

> poor
> holding 50 gorillion different shitcoins
Like pottery.