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2911135 No.2911135 [Reply] [Original]

why do retards whine that school doesn't teach them about credit cards, bank loans, taxes, etc?

what kind of shithole public school doesn't have a required economics class?

>> No.2911262

They dont teach that stuff because its best to keep the majority of the population waveslaving as hard as possible. The entire US school system is designed around making people accustomed to being malleable, punctual, and good at following orders. By high school, most people have adjusted properly, can sit through 7 hour school days comfortably, and are ready to work a monotonous job. Then after they graduate, they follow the herd to college, then to a job, etc.
This is why you see so many people online who ask questions like "SHOULD I invest in bitcoin", "SHOULD I sell my ether", "SHOULD I do etc". People are seeking guidance everywhere because they've been conditioned to have other people making decisions for them.
It's sad but it's a necessary evil, because we all need construction workers, farmers, etc.

Of course, people expect the schools to teach them about those things you mentioned, because they aren't conditioned to seek information themselves.

>> No.2911361

Based anon is exactly right. It's kind of depressing when you really think about it though

>> No.2911365

This isn't just the US. There are many things the schools don't teach. Practical economics being just one. The scammers and the parasites don't want people getting wind of their schemes.

Politics is mostly just a game of money and power. At the pretense of governance.

Schools are factories to make obedient and hard working slaves for our lords and masters.

Of course the whole system if a lot more complex and nuanced than that but I felt the need to make this statement as it is a huge part of all of it.

>> No.2911397

Well I think the question we have to ask ourselves if we want to fix this is if the whole thing really is some sort of big scheme being put on by all the politicians and elites, or if it's just a natural system that arises and perpetuates itself in developing societies that has since became dated.

In essence we are either living under a tyranny, or a kafkaesque "tyranny without a tyrant" type bureaucracy.

>> No.2911413

I think it used to work giving hope for the plebians. Most people aren't just that bright and the need guidance and a path made out for them beforehand. The problem now is that jobs are running out and the system starts failing as that happens. The system is going to change radically no matter what. I just don't know what form it will take. Microenterprise is definitely a part of it. People being their own employers and managers.

>> No.2911426

Because my University only cares about putting more shekels into their pockets.

>> No.2911432


True. There was one economics class in my high school and it ONLY taught us how to write checks. That's when I knew school was going to be useless. I knew a lot early on. Now, this year alone I made triple what my teachers were making in high school in crypto/real estate. Jokes on them.

>> No.2911747

I remember taking an economics style elective, we had to keep a fake checkbook and keep it balanced. I can't believe how useless that information is today.

>> No.2911814

My economics teacher was the football coach, who had to be a teacher to be a coach. Literally all we did was watch that Chris Farley movie Tommy Boy or Walmart documentaries