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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29107381 No.29107381 [Reply] [Original]

>API3 is a collaborative effort to build, manage and monetize dAPIs at scale. To achieve this in a fully decentralized way, the incentives of the participants will be reconciled through the governance, security, and value capture utilities of the API3 token A dAPI is a secure and cost-efficient solution to provide a traditional API service to smart contracts in a decentralized way

When you realize that decentralized APIs for Web 3.0 actually is a thing, then you are allowed to profit from it as well. Just like PancakeSwap is catching up on Uniswap, API3 is literally eating Link rn. Killing Link is only the first step though.

My price predition is irrelevant, but let's go with earlier investments like PancakeSwap, YFI etc. I tend to see things before they become big.

Always do your own research anon

>> No.29107744

shut up, too early to shill this

>> No.29107956

Samefag with your pajeet scam

>> No.29107959

no it's not. I'm done buying. just want only moon now. API3 GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.29108039

sir where can me buy this sir

>> No.29108234

Pretty sure it's on central exchanges, I was surprised the other week when mine had it listed so started buying in

>> No.29108296

>fully diluted marketcap: 600 million dollars


>> No.29108319

is it on coinbase/binance?

>> No.29108423

Is this a bullish sign? FUDing and then admitting you own some?

>> No.29108569

fuck off with your worthless erc-20 scam tokens
eth is dead, seethe faggots

>> No.29108697

Api3 isn’t trust less or decentralized. Their whole thesis is true decentralization is too hard and too expensive, so let’s just trust the API providers by making them first party oracles, and let’s trust APi3 to aggregate the data as the centralized contract operator. They claim it’s decentralized because of the governance token, but 80% of the token is owned by 4 individuals. The team behind this literally failed at operating a Link node, rage quit as a result of their incompetence, and then came out with this crap.

>> No.29108714

5minutes of reading is all you have to fucking do. Literally coingecko, API3, look at tags, eth scan for amount of holders (16k?), volume, mktcap 60pg or so whitepaper. Pretty elaborate pajeet scam if you ask me

>> No.29109285

API3 will make you a millionaire if you let it

>> No.29109326

Nice FUD. Where are these 4 wallets on Etherscan? Can't seem to find them.

>> No.29109464
File: 2.27 MB, 1838x3244, 1589640079332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*decimates CLCG shills and bagholders in one image*
Too bad Rakesh and Sandeep.

>> No.29110173


>> No.29110829

I bought at $1. doesn't even need to be shilled. DAO goes live this quarter and I will buy 1000 Whoppers and mail them to that fat fuck Sergey in McDonalds wrappers.

>> No.29110916

What’s the make it/suicide stack

>> No.29110960
File: 1.24 MB, 1000x1000, 04030D89-132E-4508-8589-1B7B880895E9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s outperformed link since it’s release. Cope and seethe harder.