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29047498 No.29047498 [Reply] [Original]

Government with ban crypto over global warming. Screencap this

>> No.29047608

>soientists say
yeah, i'm sure it's not bullshit fearmongering

>> No.29047695

Nocoiners are such pathetic fucking losers that they’ll make up anything to fuck over Bitcoin

>> No.29047760

They won't ban it, but they will tax the shit out of it. Governments don't really care about global warming, they just use the term to make money.

>> No.29047811

Why do emissions only matter when they're making white people money?
If they care that much about the environment then sanction China and India

>> No.29047841
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emissions seem to only matter for western countries kek

>> No.29047958

Doesn't matter, the governments just want a fig leaf for banning crypto, so people can't say it's just to take away their free enterprise or finance or whatever. If they can paint themselves as "the good guys" who just want to "save the climate", they will use that, and the salty lowlife SJW types will gobble it up.

>> No.29047959

what race exported all their manufacturing/production to china? retard

>> No.29048075
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>> No.29048205

hello qtard

>> No.29048299
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>hello qtard

>> No.29048314

Right wing terrorism more likely. Iran probably contributed to the Jan 6th stuff.

>> No.29048512

White people care about soul, chinks care about progress.
Its really a preference of ideology. You can care about preserving the environment, or you can accelerate into the logical conclusion of human ingenuity.
We can recreate the environment we lost later with full dive VR.

But pretending that it's fake is craterbrained

>> No.29048513

It wont if we're all using Algorand, or Gina Cardano or Solana etc.

>> No.29048650

Yes, of course. Western civilization is the greatest ever arisen on earth, and thus, should take the lead.

What do you propose instead? That China and India should take the helm? Would you also put your toddler behind the wheel of your car, and tell him that he had to drive while you took a nap?

>> No.29048677

Funding of right wing organizations and "global warming" will 100% be used to regulate/tax/ban crypto in the near future.
They're constantly pushing these's articles getting people mentally prepared for what's to come.
Wouldn't be surprised if we see a big government lead false flag related to this.

>> No.29048791

for this very reason I invested into Algo. feel like long term it is one of the main coins in the space.

>> No.29049471

I don't see a problem honestly. Crypto (excluding digital fiat) can only lead to economic turmoil and crisis if it ever interferes with fiat.
Crypto would only ever be viable under a more globalist world government, which is ironic because the same people who are large proponents of cryptocurrency are often anti-globalist (well that could just be because both areas largely overlap with the "RETARD" section of the venn diagram).

>> No.29050080

You realise we outsource all our production to them right? We dumped all our shit on them lol.

>> No.29050736


>> No.29051109

alternatively, you could be honest and admit you're just upset people you deem unworthy have made money

>> No.29051517

Globalists will get the rope and my crypto gains will fund a frenly movement against them,

>> No.29051603

Good thing BAT is off-chain

>> No.29051653

The best bit about crypto gains is you have the wealth (power) with zero investment in their system. So I can happily fund the destruction of the system without risking my own investment. God, I can't wait to cut some globalist's heads off. Especially the ones wiht the little hats.

>> No.29051815

>the year is 2025. the government has banned crypto. biz says this is bullish and buys monero
>monero crashes as all smart and dumb money pours into literally every coin but monero as newfrens are dumb
this is a win-win for crypto. instant mass adoption and i get my pink wojaks. prohibition is based and drink more pilled.

>> No.29051880

is there a link to that article? because that headline makes no sense

>> No.29051949

The Jewish race

>> No.29051976

nvm found it

>> No.29052035


Go back

>> No.29052114

not pretending it isnt real but have fun paying a carbon tax for china mutmerricans kek

>> No.29052192

You're peak delusional if you think the production of chinese trash for stagnating western populations compares to 500m chinese peasants moving up into industrialized society. Tell me about all of that Indian outsourcing next.

>> No.29052456

Bitcorn shit corn. ETH is green and has 7k developers with an aggregate IQ of 130 to dominate the worlds blockchain space.

>> No.29052640
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activate the darknet bounty

>> No.29052718

spbp, also those kiked media and leftist faggots are seething at the fact so many evil white nazi incels have made it through crypto much farther than they have working 12+ hours a day for years as an unpaid intern for the NYT just to be able to eventually climb up the ladder one step and be able to buy themselves a snickers some day. that's why they are trying to tear you down, pure envy.

>> No.29052774

60+% of bitcoin comes from China you retard

>> No.29052788


>> No.29052980

(((scientists say)))

>> No.29052998

the STANDARD inbound

>> No.29053276

>scientific studies bad
>/pol/ memes gud

>> No.29053321

No I made plenty of money from this garbage. I lost 16-20% just trying to turn it back into real money.
I can make the same returns with plenty of different assets. At least I don't get fucked over trying to make it real.

>> No.29053365

Funny thing is. if they ban bitcoin, crypto is not going to go away. Every major central bank is producing their own crypto, each which will produce emissions just like bitcoin. So which is better, one bitcoin, or dozens of copycats?

>> No.29053447

stop using AI to write titles
>gun solve abortion issues
>a burger a day keeps the doctor away

>> No.29053513

burn it all

>> No.29053554

Bank crypto is just fiat. I'm not really a crypto guy but I'm pretty pretty sure that bank crypto wouldn't be something you could mine, it would be something only they can create, which I assume would not be very electrically rigorous if it doesn't need to be..

>> No.29053589

I'm sure China cares lmao

>> No.29053627

I am not American and I am nearly 40 with 0 tax paid to my occupying globalist state :)
Whatever. I don't give a shit about the climate or the globalists running our system. I want it all to burn and for my people to reclaim what was stolen from the ashes.

>> No.29053690

>Every major central bank is producing their own crypto
You mean (((crypto))) which is actually a permissioned blockchain running on 3 AWS servers?

>> No.29053725

Ok, so why not sanctions China and India?
since it would primarily hurt the US, according to you, we'd be saving their environment and they wouldn't lose any money

>> No.29053819

They are really ramping up this "electricity usage" meme lately in the news and on social media, lots of NPCs repeating these lines. i don't think it's just jealousy anymore, they are ramping up for actual legislation. Imagine if you put a carbon tax on graphics cards or playstations, these NPC cuck faggots would lose their minds, but if they add it as a tax to crypto gains, well there will be an endless number of smug soiboys out there ready to tell you you're on the wrong side of history and that trans rights are human rights

>> No.29053923

Actually that seems reasonable. Amerifat consoooms like 5x times a regular human.

>> No.29053999

Bullish as fuck for Chainlink

>> No.29054134

Why do white people care so much about the environment?

>> No.29054182

one in my team at work was parroting this talking point today lol

>> No.29054394

I keep saying, all that processing power is wasted. Instead of bitcoin being based on processing meaningless calculations, it should be based on archiving encrypted data.

Imagine a video-hosting service with distributed hosting based on a blockchain. This is a way to take advantage of all the data storage that exists out there, and get paid for it.

>> No.29054474

We like animals.

>> No.29054488
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god i hate this trannybitch so much.

>> No.29054596
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>> No.29054611
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Unironically a good reason to invest longterm in coins that don't use so much energy.

Technologies that pollute will be phased out or stop being adopted in favor of cleaner alternatives. Even if BTC were perfect in every other way, its emissions would be its downfall.

Can't stop progress, anons. A better way will be found.

>> No.29054884

Good. Keep the ƧoỾ fags out of bitcoin. "I'm helping... by not buying bitcoin"
Nice, have an up-like.

>> No.29054894

>me hoarding eth knowing it's going to PoS, with no threat of getting shut down for environmental reasons


>> No.29055058
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>A better way
would be to take care of climate change bitches.

>> No.29055370

With the same argument you may as well ban video game consoles and high end graphics cards

>> No.29055532

Chinese POOLS doesn't mean Chinese miners. Do you understand?

>> No.29055534

>advances in solar still coming every year
>solid state batteries are here
whole argument falls apart by 2022, they are saying 1 dollar a megawatt is not out of the question in terms of storage.

>> No.29055630

Bitcoin is mined in China so it really should not be an issue.

>> No.29055669

Traditional Finance is bull shit. Decentralised finance is the best case for energy and financial efficiency.

>> No.29055904

while crypto does indeed cause needless carbon emissions, banning crypto before you ban the fucking COAL INDUSTRY is fucking dumb and it's painfully obvious they dont give a rats ass about "Muh Enbironment".
We could be living the nuclear dream, we could even be making "green" crypto, but none of that, the money must remain in the established power structures. That's the reason we're fucking up our climate and also why crypto will not be allowed to make people rich anymore in the near future.

>> No.29056188

You may have a point, but you need to realize that scientists are people that can make errors. More importantly, they’re not immune to corruption as human beings and can be bribed. The federal government could easily have some narrative ‘researched’ and have scientists do some incredibly biased studies, then just call all who dare oppose ‘conspiracy nuts.’ Rinse and repeat until you get shape the society you want.

>> No.29056206

bullish for ETH2 and LINK

>> No.29056346
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It is obvious that (((they))) are worried about bitcoin, it is a massive threat to their usury scheme so they are using their tools, the media, and pushing the buttons that trigger your conditioning:
>Bitcoin is racist!
>Bitcoin is sexist!
>Bitcoin is for terrorists and child sex traffickers!
>Bitcoin perpetuates White Supremacy!
>Bitcoin is bad for the environment!
>Bitcoin harms trans lives and LGFU2+!

>> No.29056431

This is bearish for USD.

>> No.29056509

The one world government is going to ban proof of stake. You heard it hear from this faggot.

>> No.29056598

Hot tubs are worse, let’s ban them

>> No.29056708

