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29003667 No.29003667 [Reply] [Original]

$SALE team wallets unlocked and they already selling some tokens...
Be ready for massive dump.
Thats why They are anons from india(mumbai)..

Look here:


And here


And here


BIZ you have been warned!
Anon team with unlocked wallets is big red flag

>> No.29003858

Save your money!
If you in profit just move on to legit project without anon team and unlocked wallets

>> No.29003869


>> No.29003938

Delete this, nephew

>> No.29003937

Well they partnered with matic/polygon which is also an indian project IIRC. I don't really like india in general but I like to think that the matic jeets are the best of the curries. In the end its a multi billion dollar project even after all the fud, so SALE will probably go to 100m or so

>> No.29003973

My god this is bullish

>> No.29004039

Fud? Look at the transaction first wallet..
300K tokens dumped yesterday and will be dumped more once they will reach there targets..
This 3 wallets are unlocked and will make massive dump.. It's your money so do whatever you want but dont say i didn't warned you

>> No.29004077

To the newfags out there, this guy wants to buy your bags cheaper. I don't even hold this, just use common sense. Look at their partnerships and who their team is, common sense will tell you they're not scammers and their partners wouldn't work with scammers.

>> No.29004262

You fudding retard

>> No.29004296

Lol no.. Its already x15 from yesterday.. Why should i buy this pumped shit with anon team and 3 unlocked wallets that only selling(you can go and check there is only "OUT" transactions

>> No.29004337

Yea but even I dumped a bit of my stack to take profits lol. I probably would have dumped even more if I was bagholding this shit for half a fucking year like those wallets

>> No.29004348

The partnership and launch on Matic/Polygon will be directing to DxSale and then onboarding them into the token sale and directly onto QuickSwap exchange. So they won’t have to do anything else. QuickSwap is the UniSwap of Polygon. Polygon partnership means new launching tokens will launch from DxSale as a standard for any new project. They will also likely require a minimum stake or gelded to participate in IDOs (initial DEX offerings).

Anons TrustSwap is 100m market cap. These guys are going to do what TrustSwap and unicrypt do. Except make it rugproof and give investors peace of mind. You also get 1% of every sale (ETH and tokens). The biggest difference is this is blockchain agnostic and will be used as the standard to launch on many (if not most) chains soon. You will know you won’t get rugged, the sale and lock are both done through the platform. At 1$ we will be at 25m market cap. This will be on eth, Matic/polygon and zil so far. Also BSC is in the docs so that’s coming soon just not announced, and Cardano will come very soon too. Imagine buying trust swap at 0.02 cents, this is like that except it does everything trust swap does with more features and will be used on more than just ETH.

>> No.29004420

Also on top of this they are going to have token DxSwap for swaps, DxFarm for farming and DxNFT for NTFs. It will be a one stop shop with the features of TrustSwap, uni crypt, token swaps, farming like sushi/bao, NFT minting. This will save projects 100s to 1000s of hours of not having to do this coding themselves and will have these features at launch through DxSale and can just focus on the products they are building. All the while stakers will collect fees for all of the DxApps.

The project is virtually fucking unknown and once people realize what they are doing and how rewarding staking will be it’s going to go there. Once projects are launching here on ETH, Matic/Polygon, etc. They will be the way to launch and people know you’re not a rug, no one is going to want to invest in things not made on DxLaunch anymore, why would they? Especially with support from all of the network builders like Polygon and Zil (with more to come likely BSC announcement coming soon since BSC is already in their documentation) it will become the standard to port over or launch your token. When this happens stakers will get 1% of the Eth and token itself OF EVERY FUCKING NEW TOKEN LAUNCHED.

>> No.29004432

Ok i just researched this and it's true. Devs are fucking dumping on us

>> No.29004451

You're mad you missed it and you want a good entry because you know its actually a good project lol. I missed it too its okay just move on though scummy to try and make newfags panic sell because you're butthurt.

>> No.29004475

Yo I bought a microstack at under 7 cents and I'm not sure what to do with it. Should I even bother staking at this point with so little? It's worth like 1 eth rn. Or can I make it by just holding, or stake half

>> No.29004654

Haha no, but why wallets are unlocked and team are sold yesterday 300K tokens and all transactions from this wallet are only selling?
Who cares its old transactions 100+ days old, the fact its unlocked and they are anons and can dump and run any moment is a big gamble

>> No.29004686

Fuck they actually are still dumping on us lol. Dev hasn't been in telegram all day too busy dumping. We're fucked

>> No.29004720

This is pure FUD. They have partnerships with Matic and Zilliga. You don't get partnerships with Matic and Zilliqa by being a dumper, they are legitimate companies that require hard proof of a working and legitimate product. Also their product is legit, you can literally use it and test it yourself right now.

>> No.29004792

You're fudding hard you retard, they literally are very active in telegram.

>> No.29004842

lmao I was just in there and the devs are answering just about any and all relevant questions.

>> No.29004857

Stop defending the dump. Sell and move on it's over

>> No.29004907

Just keep dumping it so I can accumulate idgaf what reason you come up with FUDSTER

>> No.29004916

Quit being a jew and buy now it's not going any lower and you fudding won't change it.

>> No.29004952
File: 1.75 MB, 2048x1711, Screenshot_20210218-111752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fudders destroyed. Onwards to $1

>> No.29004953

300k tokens is like 100k? maybe they need the money for shit you retards? who knows? it's not going to do shit.

I actually know what it's for, and you will get an announcement today. its like $100k USD, THINK REALLY HARD WHAT YOU THINK $100K USD WOULD BE USED FOR

(START LIQUIDITY DERP DERP), ON WHAT EXCHANGE??? Notice, they moved the money and sold half, which means they want to create LP's.... FUCk me how dumb are you.

>> No.29004970

If this project is so legit why team should be anonymous?
Why wallets unlocked?
Why this project didn't move 1 year and suddenly pumping and doing x15 at 24 hours? They had partnership 1 month ago with zilliqa and didn't pumped at all..
This is pump dump and maybe rug.. Have fun i just warned and will never buy x15 token in 24 hours and unlocked wallets

>> No.29005027

This weak ass FUD is so damn bullish. FUCK I LOVE IT. WGMI

>> No.29005131

Stop fudding. its probably someone who missed the boat

>> No.29005137

I take it back, devs are based

>> No.29005182
File: 58 KB, 1024x768, 1613532033310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ALL OF THIS FUD... MID PUMP. love to see it

>> No.29005187

Because its a DAO, thats all.

>> No.29005233

>If this project is so legit why team should be anonymous?
Because of how fucking retarded this space is. Anonymous team does not mean scammers. Plenty of anon projects.

>Why wallets unlocked?
Only 15% is unlocked. The other 30% of team's funds are locked until August or Sept (1 year after initial launch).

>Why this project didn't move 1 year and suddenly pumping and doing x15 at 24 hours? They had partnership 1 month ago with zilliqa and didn't pumped at all
Because we're in a bull market, they have been very active working on delivering a clean product for the last year.

>> No.29005410

The price didn't pump because nobody knew what the fuck dxsale did

>> No.29005425

Have fun being dumped to 0.02$ where it was 1 year with same product..
Nothing has changed..
It will end same as ASKO..
Enjoy buying the top and than cry

>> No.29005471

Anon team is fud, fucking Bitcoin was anonymous dev and look where we are now

>> No.29005613

You're a bitter fucking faggot, even after we completely debunked your bullshit FUD and even after devs themselves chimed in and told you how retarded you're being, you have no arguments left and you respond with "have fun being dumped on". Fucking top kek. You're clearly bitter this shit is mooning without you. Wallow in your misery you loser.

>> No.29005620

You all knows how green massive dildos are ending..
Big projects than this are dumped and rug pulled.. So enjoy burn your money in indian scam and unlocked wallets..
Will see you in 1 week..
Im sure it will end same as ASKO - from 0.02 to 0.50 to 0.05-0.07 and will be dead again

>> No.29005646
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>> No.29005678

and this.

>> No.29005680

You type like a pajeet and you're going to be eternally poor like one too

>> No.29005744

I like how it goes from "RUGPULL SCAM SCAM SCAM" to "Well this is the top so even though it has a solid roadmap and good partnerships it's gonna crash". Weak hands that sell from this FUD don't deserve the insane pump we're in the middle of.

>> No.29005791

No you're not, we're going to $1 retard so you'll still 3x minimum

>> No.29005859

You saved your money, better sell in profit than wait for +20000%.. You know it will end same as asko and RBC and SHIBA.. This green massive dildos not staying long..

>> No.29005916


>> No.29006127

>It will end same as ASKO..
Literally impossible. For one, the dxsale site doesn't look like dog shit. Secondly, it's partnered with Matic and Zilliqua.

>> No.29006143

Holy Based

>> No.29006321


>> No.29006334

Agreed. I'm sorry for doubting

>> No.29006555

Learn to take profit and not be greedy.. Greedy moonboys always ending up with lose..
People who shilling here massively are waiting to dump on you there massive bags and move on... They already did 15x in 24 hours. It was 0.02$ yesterday..

>> No.29006629

i don't give a fuck about 700$ im only investing what i can afford to lose, will hurt more if this shit gets to 1$+ and i sell now

>> No.29006641

Lol acting like being in RBC is bad rn. Weak ass FUD. Keep it together man, we know you just want more bags.

>> No.29006800

This is going over $1, these fudders are just trynna dump the price to get in. This isn't a pump and dump, it's a legitimate project with actual functionality unlike many of these other shitcoins. I find it really funny how fudders won't even do their research to come up with believer FUDs, they just assume everything is a P&D. This project isn't going anywhere and it's here for a long time.

>> No.29006895

1$ is 3x from here..its nothing..it will be 50x for 0.02$ shillers and they will dump before it..
Better to find unpumped project without massive green dildo that can do this safely

>> No.29006999

NOBODY bought at 2c you colossal fucking retard. 4c was the cheapest anyone got a significant amount at and MOST people got in at 10c or higher. Apart from dev wallets there are no whales. Fuck off with this low test beta male cuck fud

>> No.29007086

Checked and fucking based anon

>> No.29007102

Go and see the graph at dextool and you will see the pump started at 0.02$

>> No.29007128

This is actually our team fund wallet which vests 5% per month so you can do the math. The wallet in question was sending tokens to Hotbit in order to provide liquidity there that is all. If people bought off hotbit that happened because we had sell orders up in the 15-20 cents when price was originally at 2 cents. This was only designed to provide liquidity on exchanges other than uniswap as users were complaining about Uniswap fees.

>> No.29007185

i bought at 0,03$ but im holding this shit to 0 or moon

>> No.29007357

>First you said team is dumping on us and it's a scam.
>Then you said project won't last and coin will lose value.
>Now you're changing again and saying hodlers will dump on you.
You are a pajeet of the worst kind with no morals and no shame, spreading FUD not only by having made this bullshit thread that has debunked all your pathetic claims including from the devs themselves, but you are actively searching for all DxSale threads in the catalog and shitting them up with your bullshit too.
You're also a newfag to biz and 4chan as is evident by the fact that you have no idea of the culture and jargon used here.
Let me ask you, which of the following applies to you:

a) I am a bitter competitor
b) I am a bitter faggot who sold early and want to get back in at the lower price
c) I am a bitter loser who just wants to see this project fail cause I'm jealous
d) I am a bitter pajeet who wants to drive the price down so I can buy a bag cheaper before we moon to $1+

>> No.29007412

Fuck this pajeet asshole, sale going to $1 eod

>> No.29007442


>> No.29007579

Undoubtedly and unequivocally based