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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28924239 No.28924239 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, I have $30k (CAD) that I'm looking to put into crypto.

I'd like some advice on good ways to divide the money. Ideally, I'd like a mix of safe coins and some gamblers. I just don't know how to spread it out.

Gimme some advice, anons. I'd appreciate non-memey advice that's supported, but beggers can't be choosers on this fucking board. I don't need 100% hand holding, I'm also more than willing to look into any recommendations myself. There's just so many out there that having a curated subset to choose through would be nice.

Thanks for the help, bros <3

>> No.28924311

fuck you faggot. i made 30k from 3k and rich fags like you just drop that kinda money mid bullmarket like its peanuts? you get no help from me.

>> No.28924454
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chain link, ap13, grt, polyient games, oraitoken, anatha, trac, parsiq, oasis network, monero, etherium, bitcoin.

your welcome.

in return pray for me because i'm a poor bitch who only invested 4.5 k cad total so far. i mean literally pray for me, pray that i make it and that i get more money to invest before everything moons, literally put your hands together in pray, because i just made you rich.

>> No.28924530

only since your also a leafnigger:
> Link 50%
> Eth 30%
> BTC 20%
If you want to gamble, throw in maybe nucypher or SDT token (Stake dao). If you want to play it safer reverse the order above.

Also, remember: Chainlink is a scam made by a russian hacker, if anyone asks.

>> No.28924557

I'm going to need to charge a fee for that advice, anon

>> No.28924615

Just buy bitcoin desu

>> No.28924651

Buy poop

>> No.28924777

Get on Binance Smart Chain be a part of /biz/ trying to dump on each other all at the same time.

>> No.28924837
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Need to specify your strategy / risk aversion.

I care about fundamentals since i don't really understand the gambling/memes yet (newfag)
still been hodling crypto since '16/17 and done decent.

cant really go wrong with btc right now, i know the market is top and fomo is only gonna get greater

i like iota if youre into scalibility
monero for privacy
litecoin for stable/gains mix

and add 1-2 others that someone shills you here and you will make it.

>> No.28925054


Thanks, anons. I appreciate the input <3.

Honestly, I feel you >>28924311 I don't know your circumstances but I do want you to make it, just as I want everyone here to make it. I'm not here to dump on others, from an ideological standpoint, or from a bagholding standpoint. I literally want all of /biz/ to make it, I want to see my community rise and rise with me and that I rise with them.

I hope that I got some actual "real" responses here because I do my best to answer truthfully and honestly and in a "do the least amount of harm" sort of way here. I want us all to make it.

Any particular spread for these coins? Chain link highest and then drop down as we go?

What can I offer?

>> No.28925197

>Need to specify your strategy / risk aversion.

That's fair. Let's go with 2/3 risk averse. 1/3 risk seeking.

We can split that 1/3 further into: 1/2 risky, but has some semblance of sanity & 1/2 into "lol wtf, may as well burn money at this point"

>> No.28925289

Obviously with my overall plan to hold for longer gains (I should have stated that >>28924837), I don't mind dips here and there, especially seeing as most of the alts are taking a dive right now and could continue. So in the long run I expect gains, but would it be worth it to wait a few months for this dip to rise? Timing the market is impossible, so there may be no real reason to wait seeing as I'm not really looking to flip coins on the daily.

>> No.28925376

>don't know your circumstances but I do want you to make it, just as I want everyone here to make it
fuck off you greaseball newfaggot

>> No.28925441

You're entering the market at the wrong time imo

With that being said, grab a $5000 bag of Hathor on Kucoin and forget about it

>> No.28925503


Probably been here longer than you. But I don't really care for the pissing contest, I just don't like seeing a small community cannibalize itself for no reason. It's not like /biz/ is millions of people, it's a few thousand at most. We can all easily make it without harming the gains of anyone else here. There more than enough room at the table.

>> No.28925569


honestly what i recommended works perfectly for that strategy, id say im pretty similar.

One more i'd recommend looking into is BAT token because they have a really cool use case and gives exposure to an industry that's poised to grow alot (digital advertising etc)

also a canada bro so no charge.

>> No.28925587


Ya, that's what I'm worried about. Things aren't looking particularly optimistic right now, at least for the short term. I don't need immediate returns on everything though. I'm okay with waiting and holding, even for multiple years.

>> No.28925842
File: 2.38 MB, 2000x1194, My pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the recommendation so far, anons. Here is a small gesture of appreciation: a photo I took on assignment before covid happened. Shot this on some downtime. Thought the perfect line of boda bodas was cool, along with the crisp colours of area.

Shot with my 16mm.

>> No.28925879

Nice photo buddy. Bit oversaturated.

>> No.28926254

Nvm you seem nice, look into Zenon

Zenon.network is the website
Read the whitepaper
Best way to buy is the ZNN/BTC pairing on STEX (requires validation)

>> No.28926412


Thanks, anon. And I probably could tone the blues down a little bit, especially at the top. It's honestly wild how vivid the colours are, even in the raw files. So the normal saturation bump that I give to my regular pictures throws these guys way overboard.

>> No.28926500


>> No.28926662
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